
In a previuos article, we discussed cache coherence protocol implementation and simulation in zSim. We assumed a no-race condition context in which the current thread has full permission to access the entire cache hierarchy, and no intervening operations from other theads will alter the cache state. While this assumption simplifies discussion, it is unrealistic in practice, since zSim is designed to simulate multiple threads concurrently. To deal with concurrency, we must synchronize threads properly to achieve the following two goals. First, the state of a MemObject, such as the tag array and coherence state array, must be consistent while a thread accesses them. Partial states must not be observed. Second, operations on the cache object must serialize property, forming a global partial ordering. If one thread observes or overwrites the state written by another thread, serializing after it, then the latter must not serialize before the former by observing or overwriting states written by the former. This way, cache operations can form a global partial ordering, which allows a total ordering to be determined. Logically speaking, in a total ordering, the concurrent execution of cache operations is equivalent to a serialized execution in terms of input, output of each operation as well as the final state. The order of serialized execution is given by the total ordering.

In the following discussion, we present thread synchronization within zSim’s cache hierarchy implementation in detail. Note that concurrency control here does not refer to concurrency enabled coherence protocol with transient states. zSim only models the basic MESI protocol in which all states are stable. Transient state simulation requires a complicated state machine, which cannot be easily implemented and verified. zSim applies concurrency control protocol only to protect its internal data structure and to ensure correct semantics of coherence actions.

Source Files and Documentation

We list source files and modules related to our discussion in the following table.

File Name Important Modules/Declarations
cache.h/cpp class Cache’s access() and invalidate() shows how synchronization routines are called during a cache operation.
coherence_ctrl.h/cpp class MESITopCC and class MESIBottomCC implement request lock and invalidation lock respectively.
filter_cache.h/cpp class FilterCache implements a low overhead traffic filter above L1 cache to avoid the locking protocol.
init.cpp Initialization of filter caches
locks.h Futex lock object type declaration.

Besides, our discussion is based on a tutorial on zSim memory simulation published by zSim developers at MIT. The tutorial is focused on teaching the audience on how to extend zSim with user customized modules, while this article is more focused on explaining how things work in zSim’s existing code base. The tutorial can be found here.

Concurrency Control in Cache Objects

Two-Phase Locking (2PL)

Generally speaking, two-phase locking is the most commonly used lock-based concurrency control protocol. It is based on the lock and unlock primitive, which acquires and releases exclusive access of a thread to a single object. zSim’s cache concurrency control protocol is also a variant of 2PL. We briefly describe 2PL in this section.

2PL requires objects to be locked before they are accessed. The read and write set may not be known in advance, which can be derived dynamically as the critical section is executed. The most important aspect of 2PL is the two-phased property: Objects are locked as they are accessed within a critical section. No object should be released before the last object is locked. This property essentially divides the execution of the critial section into two phases: a growing phase in which locks can only be acquired, and a shrinking phase in which locks can only be released. 2PL property guarantees serializability. One easy way to visualize this is to consider what if one thread A blocks another thread B by holding a lock B intends to acquire. In this case, B must serialize after A, and not vice versa, since B can only read or overwrite state written by A, but A must not access state written by B. We prove this by contradiction. The first half is easy, since B blocks on an object A will read or write. After A releases the lock, B could read or write the object as well, serializing itself after A. The second half can be proven by contradiction. Assume that A also accesses B’s state. This implies that thread A must have acquired a lock B releases. According to the 2PL property, B must not release any lock before it acquires all locks for objects in its working set. We can infer that B must have already been in the shrinking phase. This, however, is inconsistent with the fact that B blocks on A, since this implies that B is still in growing phase, and has at least one or more locks to acquire. A contradiction! Note that this is not the complete correctness proof of 2PL, since pair-wise cycle-freedom is not sufficient to guarantee cycle-free of the final dependency cycle, if cycles with more than two nodes exist. The full correctness proof of 2PL uses induction on the number of nodes in the cycle, and is rather straightforward, which we do not present.

2PL in Cache Invalidate

Let’s consider cache line invalidation first. When an invalidation is triggered either by an eviction or by an external event, the invalidate() method of the class Cache object is invoked. At the beginning of this method, we call cc->startInv(). This function does nothing else besides calling bcc->lock(). If we further look into class MESIBottomCC, we will find that this function is nothing more than just calling futex_lock() on its member veriable ccLock. This variable is declared as lock_t, which in file locks.h is declared as volatile uint32_t type. In one word, the bcc object implements a simple lock as a 32 bit volatile integer. The lock is acquired using library call futex_lock() and released using futex_unlock().

In this article, we do not cover the details of these two functions. To be short: The custom futex lock in zSim combines spin lock with kernel futex lock. When the wait period is small, this function will not trap into the kernel, and instead only spins on the volatile variable. When the waiting time exceeds a certain threshold (1000 spin loops), it is expected that the wait would be long, and the thread traps into the kernel by calling futex() system call via GNU portal syscall() in order to block the thread in the kernel, which allows better usage of CPU cycles at the cost of an expensive system call.

For some unknown reason, the author of zSim does not add endInv() into class MESICC and class MESITerminalCC to release the lock in bcc object. Instead, the lock is released at the end of processInv() in both classes, which is the last action taken before processInv() and cache object’s invalidate() returns. Recall that validate() is called recursively in function sendInvalidates(), which is used by processInval() in class MESITopCC. This is essentially a slightly modified 2PL protocol, in which locks in each cache object’s bcc are acquired while the invalidation message propagates down the hierarchy to child caches, and released when the invalidate() on the current level returns. In this model, there seems to be multiple growing and shrinking phases if a cache block is shared by multiple children caches, since we invoke invalidate() once for a child cache that holds the block, which releases the lock before we invoke the same function for the next child cache. This protocol, however, still guarantees the atomicity of invalidation operatons in the presence of concurrent invalidations at any level, due to the special structure of the cache hierarchy and the way invalidation request propagates. We next present the correctness proof.

As shown in the 2PL correctness proof, the risk of releasing locks early resides in the fact that another thread B may serialize after the current thread A by accessing the object whose lock is released, and in the meantime serialize before thread A by having A accessing its state after A releases the lock, hence introducing a dependency cycle. We argue that these two will never happen together in the cache hierarchy based on two reasons. First, invalidations can only propagate from top to bottom, but not vice versa. Second, the cache hierarchy is organized as a tree, with the root being the LLC and leaves being L1 private caches. If the root of a subtree is locked, no request can be propagated to the subtree before the subtree root is released.

We prove the correctness of the protocol by a case-by-case discussion. Without loss of generality, we assume that thread A begins invalidation on node X of the hierarchy. In the first case, thread B starts an invalidation on a node Y within the subtree. Assuming thread B’s working set (cache objects it touches) overlaps with thread A’s working set (otherwise the proof is trivially done). Then thread B may access cache object Y before thread A accesses them or after. In the first subcase, thread B will lock node Y until its invalidation completes. In this subcase, thread A cannot access any node in B’s working set before it completes, since thread A will otherwise block on cache Y, and that B’s working set will only contain nodes under Y. Thread A therefore serializes before thread B. In the second subcase, B accesses Y after A does. Since A releases the lock on Y only after it has done with all children caches of Y, B can only lock Y and start its invalidation process after A completes invalidation on substree starting from Y. Given that a cache object is never accessed twice, this implies that B can only access cache objects after A does, and A will never access states written by B, serializing A before B.

In the second case, B starts invalidation on a node Y outside of the subtree. We similarly assume that their working sets overlap. The proof is identical to the previous one, except that we switch A, B and X, Y.

Combining the two cases, we conclude that no matter how invalidations are interleaved, we can always establish a partial ordering between any pair of them. Furthermore, the partial ordering only exists when two invalidation threads A and B share at least one cache object in their working sets. This suggests that w.l.o.g. one of A, B must start invalidation in the subtree of another. Recall from the 2PL proof that we still need to prove the “no cycle” property for arbitrary number of threads. We next present the proof.

The proof uses structural induction on the tree hierarchy, with notation (X, Y) meaning “the root of subtree Y is locked by an invalidation starting at node X”. Using this notation, the above conclusion can be expressed as: If A is serialized before B, then either A is above B, and (A, B) -> (B, B), or A is below B, and (A, A) -> (B, A). Here “->” means “happens before”. Furthermore, according to transitivity of the “happens-before” relation, if we know (A, B) -> (C, D) and (C, D) -> (E, F) then we have (A, B) -> (E, F).

The induction hypothesis says if the invalidation protocol running on a subtree of height D will not incur cycles, then for trees with depth (D + 1), there will be no cycle either. In the base case, D equals 1, and we only have one single cache. in which case the hypothesis trivially holds. Assuming that the property holds for all all trees with height less than or equal to D. We next prove by contradiction that the property still holds for tree of height (D + 1).

Without loss of generality, we assume that a cycle is formed after the invalidation protocol is executed on the current root node X (the node that has height D + 1). The cycle is in this form: X -> ... -> Y -> ... -> Z -> ... -> X, in which Y and Z are nodes in the original subtree of depth D, and notation like X -> Y indicates that the invalidation protocol starting at X is serialized before the protocol starting at Y. Since both Y and Z are below X in the tree, according to what we have proved above, we know (1) (X, Y) -> (Y, Y) and (2) (Z, Z) -> (X, Z). Since Y -> Z, but it is unclear if Y is above Z or below Z, we need a case-by-case discussion. Assuming Y is below Z, then we have (3) (X, Z) -> (X, Y) since the protocol starting X always lock cache objects on the path down the hierarchy. We also know (4) (Y, Y) -> (Z, Y) since Y -> Z. Put them all together in the order (2)(3)(1)(4), we have the following relation: (Z, Z) -> (X, Z) -> (X, Y) -> (Y, Y) -> (Z, Y). (Z, Z) -> (X, Z) -> (X, Y) implies that Z has released the lock on its root, otherwise X will not be able to lock Y. This contradicts with (Z, Y), indicating that invalidation starting at Z has not terminated yet, since it locks node Y after X locks node Z. A contradiction!

In the second case, we have Y above Z. Relation (1) and (2) do not change. Relation (3) becomes (Y, Y) -> (Y, Z) since the protocol starting at Y always locks the node itself first. (4) becomes (Y, Z) -> (Z, Z). If we put them together in the order (1)(3)(4)(2), we have (X, Y) -> (Y, Y) -> (Y, Z) -> (Z, Z) -> (X, Z). Similarly, (X, Y) -> (Y, Y) suggests that X has released lock on Y, but (Z, Z) -> (X, Z) indicates that X acquires lock on Z after it released lock on Y. This is contradictory to the protocol, hence concluding the proof.

2PL in Cache Access

In the cache object’s access() method, we call cc->startAccess() at the beginning, and conclude the access by calling cc->endAccess(req) at the end of the function. If we look into what these two functions do, we will find that they are essentially the same as invalidation if we ignore the operations on bcc’s lock and req.childLock for now. startAccess() simply acquires the same lock on tcc object, and endAccess() releases the tcc lock.

The 2PL pattern is again found in the cache access protocol, this time using the lock word in tcc object. Different from cache invalidation, the cache access locking protocol is standard 2PL, based on two observations. First, cache object’s access() is called recursively if the current level does not contain the block or does not have sufficient permission. This clearly divides the execution of the topmost access() into two phases. In the first recursion phase, we keep calling into parent cache’s access() method, and acquiring locks. No lock will be released in this phase, which corresponds to the growing phase in 2PL. In the second phase, we decurse from the parent level function, and before function returns, the lock is released. This corresponds to the shrinking phase in 2PL. Based on the above reasoning, we can claim that the cache access protocol is serializable.

Synchronizing Cache Access and Invalidation

What Does Not Work

Let’s forget about lock words in bcc and tcc temporarily, and consider how a locking protocol can be implemented to synchronize between cache access and invalidation. One big challenge of synchronizing cache invalidation and cache access is to design a protocol that both scale to large cache hierarchies and do not introduce deadlock. On one extreme of the spectrum, we just use a big global lock for all accesses to the cache hierarchy. This obviously guarantees correctness, at the cost of performance and scalability. On the other end of the spectrum, we use fine-grained lock-coupling, releasing the lock on the previous node after acquiring lock on the current node. This scheme, unfortunately, needs to take care of various transient states, since a pending request may be later overridden by another request on the same slot, forcing us to use transient states to track these cascaded request on the same block. One example is a pending block that is supposed to be fetched in M state being requested by a GETS before the fetch completes. The request will not be blocked since the cache object is not locked. In this case, we must remember the transition from M to S using a transient state while the block is being fetched. This is similar to what actually happens in a high performance coherence protocol implemented on hardware, but is definitely over-complicated for a simulator like zSim.

One compromise is to let invalidation and access use the same lock, and each procedure continues to use 2PL for ensuring serializability. Unfortunately, this protocol suffers from deadlock, since there is no globally agreed order on the acquisition of locks. One example is given in the slides (see above sections for the link) where two threads, A and B, start concurrent requests on cache objects X and Y respectively. Assuming these two have a common parent cache Z. A requests a block in S state, shared by both X and Y, to be upgraded to M state, while B requests a block that is currently not in cache Y. At the beginning, A locks X and B locks Y. Then A proceeds to cache Z, locks it, and starts an invalidation transaction to invalidate the copy in cache Y. The invalidation transaction attempts to lock Z, but is blocked on the lock currently held by thread B, since we assume that both types of transaction will use the same lock. Thread B then attempts to lock cache Z. This, unfortunately, introduces a deadlock, since now B is waiting for A to unlock cache Z, while A is waiting for B to unlock cache Y.

Sorting the lock set on addresses before the critical section is also infeasible, since both protocols derive their lock set (lock words in the working set cache objects) dynamically, which means that the lock set cannot be known in advance.

Invalidation-Freedom of Subtrees

One simple lemma is that no matter what the resulting protocol will be like, both tcc and bcc locks must be acquired when the thread access the tag, coherence, and sharers array of a cache object, since the thread must have exclusive access to the object to avoid corrupting the state. A second lemma is that on the tree hierarchy, if we acquire the invalidation lock on a subtree rooted at X, then no invalidation may propagate from any level above X down to any node within the subtree X, since invalidation requests need to acquire the invalidation lock on X first before they can propagate. At anytime, as long as we have acquired the invalidation lock on node X, we can conclude that no invalidation can be propagated from any level above X. This lemma, however, is still not strong enough to guarantee no invalidation can ever happen in the subtree X, since invalidations can be triggered within tree X by requests initiated at leaf level. We therefore need the third lemma, which says that if nodes on the path from node X to a particular leaf node Y are all access locked, and that the invalidation lock on node X is also acquired, then no invalidation may happen within the path from X to Y. This is because in zSim, invalidations can only be triggered by three events: eviction, GETS downgrade, and GETX invalidation. In order for the invalidation to propagate to anynode in the path from X to Y, these three events must be able to reach a node in the path. This is, however, impossible, since the access locks are all acquired, and any attempt to access nodes on the path will be blocked until the access locks are released. In addition, no invalidation may propagate from higher levels than X into the subtree, as we have shown in the second lemma.

Note that in the above reasoning, we assumed that invalidations can only be triggered by cache accesses. One implication is that zSim does not expect programmers to call invalidate() manually on any intermediate cache object except the last level cache, since this will break the invalidation-free property we just proved above. For last level caches this will be fine, since the invalidation lock on node X is always sufficient to ensure the no-invalidation property.

Based on the above three lemmas, we can now take a look at startAccess() and endAccess() in class MESICC to understand the locking protocol. Recall that startAccess() is called at the beginning of each access() method of a cache object, and endAccess() is called after everything has completed on the current level. The cache access locking protocol maintains the invariant that at any moment in time when the thread is working on cache X to serve a request initiated from leaf cache Y, as long as we are between startAccess() and endAccess() of X, it is guaranteed that the access locks on the path from X to Y, as well as the invalidation lock of X, are acquired. Under this invariant, we can safely assume that no concurrent invalidation and access will alter the state of any node on the path from X to Y, and all member functions of the coherence controller class can be written in a race-free manner. In order to implement this invariant, in addition to the 2PL-style acquisition and release of tcc’s lock, when the thread moves from the current cache Z to its parent W, we first release the invalidation lock on cache Z, allowing pending invalidations to proceed to Z and its children caches, and then attempt to acquire the invalidation lock of W. This will create a short window in which invalidations can be propagated from W to Z, and the acquisition of W’s invalidation lock will only be granted after the current active invalidation (if any) completes on cache W, hence breaking the invariant. After the invalidation lock of W are acquired, the invariant is re-established, and we can access cache W’s internal state safely. In endAccess(), we maintain the invariant by first acquiring the invalidation lock on the child node Z on the path, and then releasing the invalidation lock on parent W. Note that here we do not create any short window of vulnerability which allows invalidations to be propagated to the subtree rooted at W, because we lock the child before unlocking the parent.

The locking protocol described above will not introduce any deadlock, since when cache accesses propagate up in the hierarchy from Z to W, they will not be blocked by invalidation on cache W, since we release the invalidation lock on Z before acquiring the invalidation lock on W. This allows the invalidation to propagate from W to nodes in the subtree. The cache access will only be granted the invalidation lock on W after the current active invalidation completes and releases the invalidation lock on W, serializing the access after the invalidation.

By allowing invalidation requests to propagate during the short window between releasing lock on Z and acquiring lock on W, we solved the deadlock problem. This, however, incurs a new problem: After we acquired the invalidation lock on W, internal states of cache objects below the subtree rooted at W may have been altered by the invalidation. For those cache lines affected by the invalidation, we only care those that are relevent to the current request, i.e. that have the same tag as the requested address. Also, given the fact that the cache hierarchy is inclusive, we can just check cache Z for the state change of the slot that will be affected by the request. We next describe this process in details.

Protocol Description

In startAccess(), we first release the lock word pointed to by req.childLock. If we take a look at processAccess() of class MESTBottomCC, it is not difficult to figure out that the childLock field of class MemReq is simply a pointer to the invalidation lock of the child node when the access request is handled by its parent. Then we lock both bcc and tcc using their lock() method. After both are locked, according to the discussion above, we do not need to worry about state changes on the path anymore, but we should handle the possible state change caused by invalidation requests propagated to the subtree during the short window. To allow fast checking of child state on the affected slot, in MemReq objects, the child cache also stores a pointer to the state variable of the slot, and a value of the slot’s state when the request is made. In startAccess(), we call CheckForMESIRace() to determine whether the slot has been affected by concurrent invalidations or not. The return value of the function indicates whether the current request should be processed as usual, or we should ignore the request just because the request is no longer valid after the concurrent invalidation. This value will be returned to cache object’s access() method. If the request is skipped (return value being true), the entire cache access will be skipped.

In CheckForMESIRace(), we compare the current state of the child cache’s slot and the state when the request was initial made. There are a few possibilities. If the request is a PUTS, and the invalidation just moves the slot’s state to I, then we do not need to perform the PUTS. If the request is PUTX, and the invalidation request moves it to state I, we also skip the request for the same reason. If, however, the invalidation request only downgrades the state to S, we still need the request, but the request type is changed from PUTX to PUTS to reflect the state change. For GETX requests, no matter how the state changes, we still need the GETX to bring the block into the cache in M state. For GETS requests, there cannot be any invalidation, since GETS is only sent when the initial state is I, which will not be changed at all by invalidation.

Terminal Caches

The cache controller for terminal caches are simpler than middle level caches, since terminal caches do not have sharers list to maintain and hence do not have tcc objects. Invalidation lock is still present in bcc, since invalidation from higher levels may still interfere with cache access. Correspondingly, in startAccess(), terminal caches only unlock the given childLock in the request object, and locks its own bcc. In endAccess(), childLock will be re-acquired before releasing bcc.

Curious readers may naturally ask one question: who is the child cache of a terminal cache? As we will see in the next section, zSim also implements a virtual L0 direct-mapped cache as a “filter cache”, the purpose of which is to reduce lock operations by reducing the traffic seen by the L1 terminal.

Filter Cache Optimization

Locking, no matter how lightweight it is made to be, will almost definitely incur a cache miss and memory fence when the lock is acquired due to the usage of atomic RMW instruction. In practice, we would like to avoid locking paradigm when the degree of contention is not high. To this end, zSim uses FilterCache to optimize out locking and unlocking on L1 caches by exploiting the atomicity of 64 bit aligned memory operations as well as the locality of access, as we will see below.

The Direct Mapped Abstract Cache

class FilterCache is implemented in file filter_cache.h as a subclass of class Cache, inheriting the implementation of access() without overriding it, but provides a slightly more complicated invalidate() which calls into the base class invalidate() for the actual functionality. class FilterCache does not implement any new semantics for existing cache access methods, but instead, acts as a traffic filter to the underlying L1 internal states. Recall that in order to access the tag array and state array within a cache object (there is no sharers list array in L1 cache), both tcc and bcc must be locked to guarantee a consistent view of these internal states. In the majority of cases, however, L1 accesses will result in a cache hit, which does not cause the state and the tag of the slot to change. If both the state and the tag can be accessed read-only and atomically, no locking would be required, since the cache access transaction is trivially atomic.

The FilterCache objects are initialized in init.cpp, function BuildCacheBank(), called by BuildCacheGroup(), which is further called by InitSystem(). In the top level function, boolean variable isTerminal determines whether the current cache object to be initialized is a terminal cache (that has no child) or not. If it is a terminal cache, then in BuildCacheBank(), we instanciate class FilterCache objects instead if class Cache objects, and connect the filter cache to the processor’s l1i and lid.

The FilterCache object adds a direct-mapped cache abstraction (which does not exist in the simulated hardware but just for simulation performance reasons) on top of the set-associative L1 cache. The direct-mapped cache has the same number of sets as the underlying L1 cache, but only one way for each set. Only the most recently accessed way in each set of the L1 is stored in the L1’s direct-mapped array.

Each entry in the direct mapped array is called a struct FilterEntry object, consisting of three fields: A rdAddr field indicating the most recently accessed line tag that we only have read permission; a wrAddr field indicating the most recently accessed tag we have read and write permission, and availCycle indicating the cycle these blocks are available in the underlying L1 cache. Note that rdAddr and wrAddr must either point to the same line, in the case of a recent write, or having wrAddr being set to -1 to indicate that we do not have write permission to the most recently accessed block, and hence a downgrade or fetch transaction must be started using the heavy-weight access() interface with the locking protocol discussed above. Compared to the standard “tag and state” approach of representing states of a cache block, using two tags allow us to encode both the state and the tag in only one variable: Read accesses only check rdAddr, and write accesses only check wrAddr. On x86 platform, aligned 64 bit reads are always atomic, and therefore, we do not need to worry about concurrent invalidations while FilterCache is accessed, since the invalidation must either serialize before or after the FilterCache access. Inconsistent intermediate states are guaranteed not to be seen.

Interfacing with Core Object

zSim treats filter caches as an extra level below the L1 cache, rather than within the L1 cache. The filter cache is write-through, in a sense that L1 block will be requested in M state when the filter cache misses. The core simulatior uses load() and store() to access the filter cache for load and store uops respectively. In load(), we first compute the set number as done in the regular cache object. We then read the FilterEntry’s member variable availCycle, and then read rdAddr. If the rdAddr matches the line address, filter cache is hit, and the larger one of availCycle and input argument curCycle (dispatch cycle of the load uop) is returned as the cache hit cycle. Note that it is entirely possible for availCycle to be larger than curCycle, since the cache access is overlapped with uop issue and execution. The current uop may read a block fetched by an earlier uop that will only be delivered to the L1 cache in the future after the current uop is dispatched. In this case, the current uop is stalled in the load queue for roughtly (availCycle - curCycle) cycles before it commits. store() is handled similarly except that we compare the input line address with wrAddr rather than rdAddr.

Note that the order of reading the two member variables of FilterEntry, availCycle and the address tag rdAddr/wrAddr, is crucial. This is because we deliberately allow harmless race to happen when an invalidation request is handled concurrently in the filter cache (load() and store() will not race with access() of the L1 cache, since only the current thread will access the L1 and the filter cache). In this case, both rdAddr and wrAddr will be reset to -1, indicating that no address will ever hit the filter cache. Loads and stores serialize with concurrent invalidations by the coherence order of the block holding the address tag on the host machine. In other words, the serialization order of loads and stores with invalidations are determined by which of them accesses the address tag first. If loads or stores access first, they should be serialized before the invalidation, with availCycle being a valid value. If, on the other hand, loads and stores only access the address tag after invalidation, then availCycle is undefined, since logically speaking, the line is no longer in the filter cache and the L1 cache. If we read the address tag first and availCycle later, a racing invalidation may invalidate the line between the two variable reads, in which case the address tag is read correctly, but availCycle is undefined. In practice, however, the invalidation routine does not touch availCycle at all. The ordering of the two reads in fact makes little sense, contradicting what was said in FilterCache’s code comment.

Filter Cache Miss Handling

When load() and store() miss the filter cache, we call the underlying L1 cache’s access() method in replace() and derive the timing of the block. The call procedure is quite standard. In order to make the locking protocol happy, we define a dummy MESI state in the stack, and include a pointer to that state in the MemReq object. The locking protocol will access this dummy variable in CheckForMESIRace() and class MESTBottomCC’s processAccess(). For CheckForMESIRace(), the check will always pass without entering the if branch body, since filter cache races do not change this dummy state (we have other methods for dealing with races; see below). For processAccess(), the state will be set accordingly, but we discard the value anyway, since filter cache encodes state and address tag using rdAddr and wrAddr rather than traditional “tags and states”. Furthermore, the member variable of filter cache object, filterLock, is passed as the filter cache’s invalidation lock in the MemReq object. This lock is passed in acquired state, and will be released by startAccess() immediately to allow pending invalidations on the L1 to proceed (filterLock is first checked on L1 invalidation). After the underlying access() returns, the filterLock will be re-acquired to block invalidations on the filter cache and L1 cache. The internal state of both the filter cache and the L1 will be consistent until the filter lock is released. We also set the rdAddr and wrAddr according to the type of the request. If the request is a write, then both tags are set, since we have both read and write permission to the block in L1. If the request is a read, then only the read tag is set, since writes must incur a filter cache miss which is handled by the L1 cache object. availCycle of the FilterEntry object is also updated. If the request is an upgrade request, indicated by the fact that the requested address is identical to the read address tag (and write address tag must be -1), then we do not update availCycle for two reasons. First, upgrade requests do not block later reads (reads will be forwarded from the store uop), so there is no need to stall reads by updating availCycle to the completion cycle of the upgrade coherence transaction. Second, zSim serializes writes, such that the following store uop will not execute until the previous store uop commits. In this case, store uops’ timing will be determined by their commit cycle, and updating availCycle will not affect them.

Filter Cache Invalidation

One of the most frustrating things about class FilterCache is that the invalidate() method overrides the underlying Cache object’s method. The parent cache calls the derived class invalidate() first before the base class method is called. This violates the abstraction that filter cache is a L0 write-through cache, since they see invalidations even before the L1 parent. The invalidate() method first acquires filterLock to serialize the invalidation with concurrent accesses. Within the filterLock critical section, we clear the two address tags if they match the invalidated address, or otherwise nothing will happen. After clearing the address tags, we call underlying class Cache object’s invalidate() to perform the actual invalidation.

Filter cache’s invalidate() synchronizes with concurrent load() and store() using atomic reads and writes guaranteed by the host machine. It synchronizes with the underlying access() method via the locking protocol we discussed in previous sections. And lastly, this method synchronizes with replace() by acquiring filterLock. The serialization order between invalidate() and replace() does not matter, since the actual order that matters is between invalidation and load()/store().