
  1. In this article, we make a strict distinction between the term “initialization” and “construction”. “Initialization” refers to the operations performed in function init(), which will be called after object construction, and it mainly performs runtime configuration or parameter exchange between components. “Construction”, on the other hand, refers to operations performed within object constructors, which happens before initialization. The term “initialize”, however, are used interchangeably, and the exact meaning can be deduced from the context (e.g., if we are talking about “initializing a data member” within the section of object construction, then it is obvious that “initialize” here means construction operations).

Memory Hierarchy

Memory Event Objects

class MemEventBase and class MemEvent are the two classes that are used throughout the memory hierarchy to model message exchange between memory components, and to carry the commands as well as responses. They are defined in file memEventBase.h and memEvent.h, respectively. The related constants, macros, such as memory commands, coherence states, and command classes, are defined separately in memTypes.h. Both classes are derived from the base class class Event, meaning that they can be sent over link objects just like any other event objects.

During initialization in which runtime configuration (such as topology learning) and parameter exchange, another type of event objects are passed around, which is of type class MemEventInit, or its derived classes. These objects carry initialize-related information, and are only exchanged during the initialization stage.


class MemEventBase defines low-level link layer properties of the message, such as source and destination names (which, surprisingly, are of std::string type) of the current hop, src_ and dst_, the original requestor’s name (which is also an std::string), rqstr_, the memory command, cmd_, and the globally unique event ID, eventID_. If the message is a response to a previous request, then the ID of the matching request event is stored in responseToID_, such that the requestor as well as all components on the path can identify the matching request message when receiving a response.

All memory hierarchy event objects are assigned globally unique IDs by calling generateUniqueId(), which is defined in the base class, class Event. The ID is assigned in member function setDefaults(), which is called by the constructor, meaning that all memory hierarchy event objects carry a valid ID. Interestingly, class Event objects themselves do not define the unique ID, but leave it to the derived class for generation and storage of the ID.

The class MemEventBase object also carries cache flags in flags_ field, which uses the flag constants defined in the same source file that begins with F_. These flags indicate special semantics of the message, such as locked accesses, non-cacheable accesses, etc., and are only used in specific scenarios.

The lifetime of memory event objects is from the sending of the message to the successful processing of the message. If a new message is to be generated, the old one is freed, after the new message is created based on the contents of the old. This way, the memory hierarchy defines the ownership rule for memory event objects: These objects are created by the sender of the message via C++ new expression, while the receiving end retains the ownership of the message, once delivered, and is responsible for destroying the messages when they are successfully processed (destruction can be delayed, if the processing indicates a failure and demands a reattempt later). In other words, each memory event object only carries information for one hop, from the source to the destination (which correspond to the src_ and dst_ fields).

Member function setResponse() of class MemEventBase provides a handy shortcut for setting the fields of a response message, given an existing event object as the request, the command of which must be of a request type in order for this function to work properly (this prerequisite is not checked, though). The function simply sets the new message’s next hop of destination as the given message’s source, and sets the source as the destination, meaning that the response message is intended to be sent backwards to the exact same sender of the given message. The responseToID_ field is also set as the unique global ID of the request event, such that the receiving end can match the response with the request. The makeResponse() function simples does slightly more than setResponse() by allocating a new event object as an exact clone of the current one (passing *this into the copy constructor), and then passing the current object as the first argument to setResponse(). The newly created object is a response event to the current event on which the member function is called.


class MemEvent is a direct derivation of class MemEventBase, and an indirect child class of class Event. It inherits all data fields carrying link-level information, and in addition, it also defines high-level operation details, such as the byte-granularity address of the request, addr_, the block-aligned address, baseAddr_, whether the message contains dirty data, dirty_, whether the message is a block eviction, isEvict_, and payload of either a request or a response, payload_ (which is merely a vector of bytes, std::vector<uint8_t>, typedef’ed as dataVec). The object also maintains memory transaction-level control variables, such as the number of retries, retries_, and whether the event is blocked by another pending event on the same address, blocked_, whether the event is currently being handled by the controller, inProgress_, and so on.

class MemEvent also defines the makeResponse() interface. The argument-less version overrides the method of class MemEventBase, and it creates a new class MemEvent object that is the response to the current one on which the method is called. Other versions of makeResponse() are also available, which creates new event objects using an explicit cmd argument as the command of the new object, or with an unused state argument.

The rest of the source file just defines getters and setters of data members, and method functions for testing various flags.

MemEventInit and Its Derived Classes

class MemEventInit is only used during initialization. The class defines its own set of commands of type enum class InitCommand, and stores the command in data member initCmd_. The initialization command can only be one of the four values: Region, Data, Coherence, and Endpoint. The class inherits from class MemEventBase, and it can be sent over the memory hierarchy just like other event objects, although this only happens during initialization, and the message is received with polling, rather than with function call backs. The base class’s command is always set to NULLCMD.

Three classes inherit from class MemEventInit, namely, class MemEventInitCoherence, class MemEventInitEndpoint, and class MemEventInitRegion. As the name suggests, they carry the command Coherence, Endpoint, and Region, respectively, as well as the information related with these matters. We, however, postpone the discussion of each specific event type until the section that they are used with a context.

Constants, Macros, and Flags

File memTypes.h defines the full set of memory commands, coherence states, and coherence transitions used in the memory hierarchy. The macro X_CMDS defines a table of memory commands, with the response command, command class, command route, write back flag, and the type of the command. Each row of the table is defined by a macro X. According to the exact definition of X, different columns of the X_CMDS table can be extracted. For example, enum class Command is a C++ enum class with the body being a list of the memory commands. In order to define the class, macro X is temporarily defined as #define X(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a,, meaning that it extracts the first argument of macro X. X_CMDS is inserted after the definition of X, which is replaced by an array of table rows encoded with macro X, which will simply be replaced by the first macro argument of X, i.e., the command itself.

Other constant arrays are defined in an exact same way by extracting different columns from the X_CMDS table. CommandResponse defines the response message of each command, and it exacts the second column of the X_CMDS table as the body of the array. If a command is not of the request type, and hence has no corresponding response command, the response command will be NULLCMD. This array, as well as all arrays covered below, are indexed by the command’s enum class integer value. BasicCommandClassArr and CommandClassArr define basic command classes and command classes, which extract the third and the fourth element of the X_CMDS table. Similarly, CommandRouteByAddress, CommandWriteback, and MemEventTypeArr define command route, command write back flag, and the memory event type, which are extracted from the rest of the table columns.

Coherence states are defined as a table by the macro STATE_TYPES, with the first column being the state, and the second column being the next state. The enum type State stores a list of all coherence states, which is defined by extracting the first column of the STATE_TYPES table.

The Hierarchy Interface

The memory hierarchy in SST does not directly interact with the CPU. Instead, the hierarchy is exposed to the CPU by an interface class, which selectively exposes a limited set of commands, while encapsulating the implementation details of the hierarchy within the interface class.

Memory requests are generated by the CPU in the form of class SimpleMem::Request objects, and then given to the interface class (which is instanciated as a subcomponent of the CPU, as we will see later) via direct function calls. The interface class then translates the memory requests into the memory event objects that are internally used by the hierarchy, and keeps a mapping between requests and memory event requests/responses. When a response is received from the hierarchy, the interface class finds the matching request object, and generates a response object, before returning that to the CPU via a function call back.


class SimpleMem is the base class of the memory interface, and it resides in the core part of SST, in file simpleMem.h. It exposes an interface to the memory hierarchy via class Request objects, and two simple interface functions: sendRequest() and recvResponse() (the latter is only used for polling-based interface, though, while we only cover event-based interface). class SimpleMem and all its derived classes are derived from class SubComponent, which cannot be instanciated independently, but must be loaded into a subcomponent slot of the containing component via the configuration script.

class Request is an enclosed class defined within class SimpleMem, and it is the object that CPUs use to interact with the memory hierarchy. The object contains high-level memory operation information, such as command, requested addresses (multiple addresses are supported for, e.g., scatter-gather access patterns), request size (only one uniform size), data payload, and some flags (defined as macros beginning with F_).

Each request object also has an id field, which stores the globally unique ID generated by atomically incrementing the ID counter, main_id, at object construction time. The main_id counter is defined as a static member of class SimpleMem, and is hence globally consistent. Just like the case with class MemEventBase, CPUs and interface objects use the global ID to keep track of outstanding memory operations, and to match responses with requests.

Note that the command used by class Request differ from the internal commands of the hierarchy defined in memTypes.h. The interface-level commands are designed for the relatively high-level operations from the perspective of CPUs, and will be translated to and from the internal command by the implementation of the interface class for requests and responses, respectively.

The lifetime of request objects, contrary to the lifetime of memory event objects, span the duration of the memory operation. Request objects are allocated by the CPU who initiates the memory operation (e.g., in commitReadEvent(), commitWriteEvent(), and commitFlushEvent() of class ArielCore), and are kept in an internal pending operation map of the interface, which are matched against incoming completion notices from the hierarchy. When an operation completes, the original request object will be retrieved, updated to reflect the completion status of the operation, and sent back to the CPU. The CPU is responsible for the final destruction of the request after processing it (for example, in ArielCore::handleEvent()).

The Interface Object

The implementation of the interface object in SST’s memory hierarchy is defined in files memHierarchyInterface.h/cc, as class MemHierarchyInterface. The class is derived from class SimpleMem, and hence can be loaded as a subcomponent into the component slot. In the Python configuration file, class MemHierarchyInterface is instanciated by calling setSubComponent() on the CPU component object, with the first argument (slot name) being memory, and the second argument being memHierarchy.memInterface.

Communicating with CPU and the Hierarchy

class MemHierarchyInterface communicates with the containing CPU via direct function calls, since it is instanciated as a subcomponent, and thus no link is required at the CPU side. At the cache-facing side, the interface object defines a port named port, that needs to be connected explicitly to the highest level of the hierarchy using connect() method of the Python link object. Memory requests generated by the CPUs are given to the interface object by calling its member function sendRequest() with the class Request object as the argument. Responses and hierarchy-initiated event objects are received by the registered call back function to the link object, i.e., handleIncoming(). Once an event is received, it is transformed into a class Request object, and then delivered to the CPU via a registered call back (note that this call back is registered to the hierarchy interface by the CPU, not to the link object), recvHandler_, which is provided as a constructor argument, handler.

The CPU may also choose to not register a call back with the interface object, in which case the handler argument to the interface constructor is set to NULL. The constructor will then register the receiving link as a polling link, meaning that messages received at the link will be buffered in a local queue, and must be retrieved explicitly by the CPU via the interface’s method function recvResponse(). We focus on callback-based mechanism in this article.

The High-Level Workflow

When a request is generated by the CPU, it will be sent to the hierarchy object by calling member function sendRequest(). The function first transforms the request into a class MemEvent object by calling createMemEvent(), and then keep track of it by storing the unique ID of the newly created memory event in the internal map, requests_, with the value being the original request object. When a response or a hierarchy-initiated memory event is received on the link of the interface object, the call back function handleIncoming() is invoked. The handler function first calls processIncoming() to transform the event into a request object, if the event should be delivered to the CPU (there are events that will not be delivered to the CPU), then a new request object is created, which carries the information of the response. The response class Request object is eventually delivered to the CPU by calling the CPU-registered call back function, recvHandler_, with the object being the only argument.

Transforming Requests to MemEvents

What function createMemEvent() does is quite straightforward, and does not require much explanation. It first translates the request command into the memory hierarchy’s command, e.g., reads will become GetS, and writes will become GetX (but reads will the locked flag set will become GetSX). Then it allocates a new class MemEvent object from the heap, and initializes the object with all necessary information in order to perform the operation. Note that the src_ field of the memory event object is set to the name of the interface object itself, which is obtained by getName() function call into class BaseComponent, and both the dest_ and rqstr_ is set to the rqstr_ field of the interface object. This field is initialized in function init(), the value of which is the identify of the other end of the receiving link. This suggests that the rqstr_ field of the interface object stores the string name of the next hop, which is typically the L1 cache or the TLB object.

The memory hierarchy also supports custom commands, which carries a command of CustomCmd in the request object. Custom commands are transformed into a memory event object by calling createCustomEvent(), and the resulting memory event object carries a command of CustomReq. We do not cover custom command in this article, as the are pretty straightforward to implement.

Transforming MemEvents to Requests

Function processIncoming() first attempts to match the memory event object with the request, by obtaining the ID of the request memory event using getResponseToID(), and then querying the map requests_ that tracks pending memory operations (the map uses request memory event’s ID as key, and maps to the matching request class Request object). If the query fails, meaning that the message is initiated by the hierarchy itself, and no corresponding request object exists, but the command is Inv (external invalidation), then a new request object is created with the command being Inv, and returned to the caller. Otherwise, if the query succeeds, meaning that the memory event is a response to a previous request, the original request object of type class Request is then fetched from the pending request map requests_, and updated to reflect the completion of the request by calling updateRequest(). Finally, the request object will be returned to the caller, which is then delivered back to the CPU. The mapping entry is removed from the internal map, if the request object is retrieved.

Function updateRequest() updates the command of the class Request object according to the command of the response memory event object. Read operations will receive GetSResp, which is translated to ReadResp. Writes will receive GetXResp, which is translated to WriteResp. CPU-initiated flush will receive Command::FlushLineResp on completion, which is translated to SimpleMem::Request::FlushLineResp.

Cache: Array, Replacement, and Hash

The next big topic is the cache, which is the central component of SST’s memory hierarchy. SST decouples the organization, operation, and coherence aspects of a cache, and makes them into three largely independent parts. In this section, we focus on cache organization, which includes the tag array, the replacement algorithm, and hash functions.

The Cache Tag Array

Tag Array Operations

The cache tag array is defined as class CacheArray, in file cacheArray.h. The cache array class does not specify the exact contents of the tag. Instead, the class has one template argument T for specifying the type that holds per-block tag contents. The tag array object is initialized with cache layout information, such as the number of ways (associativity), the cache size (in the number of blocks), and the block size. The number of sets is also derived from the above information. Tag objects are stored in data member lines_, which is simply a vector of type T objects. Blocks (in fact, tags) are uniquely identified using their indexes into the lines_ vector. Hash functions for mapping addresses to set indexes and replacement algorithms that selects a victim block on insert eviction are also given as constructor arguments. The implementation of these two are also decoupled from the tag array, and they can be loaded as subcomponents into slot hash and replacement (of class Cache, not class CacheArray), respectively, using the Python configuration file. Note that both hash and replacement are just regular data members of class CacheArray, and they are supposed to be initialized and loaded into the subcomponent slots by the containing class, and then passed to class CacheArray as constructor arguments.

The tag array object also explicitly maintains replacement information of each tag entry in its data member rInfo. rInfo is maintained as a mapping structure, with the set number being the key, and type std::vector<ReplacementInfo *> objects being the value. Value objects of rInfo represent per-set replacement information, and each element of the vector corresponds to a tag entry within the set. The vector’s element data type class ReplacementInfo is an opaque type exposed by the replacement algorithm module, and stores per-entry replacement information, which we discuss later. Tag entries of type T is also supposed to implement a method, getReplacementInfo(), which, when invoked, returns the class ReplacementInfo object of that tag entry.

The tag array also implements several standard routines for lookup and replacement. Method lookup() just looks up a particular set based on the provided address, and returns a type T pointer as a result, if the lookup hits, or NULL, if it misses. It also takes an argument on whether to update the LRU information of the hit entry, which is performed by calling update() on the replacement manager with the class ReplacementInfo object of the entry.

Method findReplacementCandidate() returns the tag entry object to replace within the set, but does not actually replace it. This function is implemented by merely calling replacement manager’s findBestCandidate() with the set’s class ReplacementInfo vector, which is maintained by rInfo as we have discussed above.

Method replace() just invalidates an existing entry plus its replacement info (by calling replaced() into the replacement manager), and sets a new address to the entry. Method deallocate() simply invalidates an entry and its replacement information.

Note that the cache tag array is not initialized in the cache constructor. Instead, it is initialized by the coherence controller, which selects a tag type (template argument T) from those defined in file lineTypes.h.

Cache Tag Types

File lineTypes.h defines several tag entry types that can be passed to class CacheArray as the template argument. The file defines three base classes, from which inherited classes are created to represent different tag contents.

Base class class DirectoryLine defines tag entries that only contain coherence states, but not data. It is supposed to be used as directory cache’s tag entries. The base class contains the block address for which coherence states are maintained, the state of the block at the current level, a list of sharers in the form of a vector of std::string objects, and the identity of the exclusive owner in the form of an std::string. As mentioned earlier, the base class also carries replacement information in data member CoherenceReplacementInfo.

class DirectoryLine also carries a data member, lastSendTimestamp_, that is not used for functional simulation, but to emulate the timing of tag access. This data member remembers the last time (in local object time) the tag is accessed, and new accesses to the tag can only be made after this time point. This data member implements a miniature queuing simulation: If the lastSendTimestamp_ value is T1, and an access to the block is made at time T2, then if T1 > T2, the access at time T2 can only be performed at T1, resulting in the tag being actually accessed at T1, and the value of T1 is updated to T1 + t where t is the access latency. If, on the other hand, T2 > T1, then when the access at time T2 happens, the tag entry is not under some prior operation, meaning that it can be accessed immediately at time T2. The value is updated to T2 + t, which is the time the entry will be free for access again in the future.

Note that this queuing simulation only handles in-order requests, i.e., the accesses time T2 must be a non-decreasing sequence. As we will see later in the coherence controller section, this property is trivially guaranteed by the cache controller processing memory events at a tick-by-tick manner. This is also the part where SST does not strictly follow the principles of DES: Theoretically speaking, a component being simulated by DES shall only remember the state at the current cycle, and state changes at a future cycle shall be implemented by enqueuing an event that updates the state at the future cycle. The cache hierarchy designers abandons this idea, due to the overhead it takes to enqueue a trivial state change object (i.e., changing the state of the block from busy to free), and just uses a variable to remember a future state change.

class DirectoryLine also implements several getter and setter functions to query and update the coherence information. Specifically, caller can add or remove sharers, query whether a particular cache is a sharer, or whether there is any sharer at all. In addition, the owner can be set or removed, and the coherence state can be changed to one of the four states. The timestamp, although not being part of the functional coherence states, can also be set or obtained by calling the member functions.

class DataLine implements a tag entry that contains only data, which is stored as a vector of bytes in data member data_, and a pointer to class DirectoryLine object, in data member tag_. Note that the data line object does not contain a coherence state field, and the call to method getState() will either return I, or call into its corresponding tag object’s getState().

class CacheLine implements a tag entry that contains both data, as a vector of bytes, and a coherence state variable, as data member state_. There is neither sharer nor owner information stored, suggesting that this class can only be used in private caches. In addition, this base class does not have replacement information, and method getReplacementInfo() is a pure function, making the class a pure abstract class that cannot be instanciated as well.

class L1CacheLine is derived from class CacheLine, and it adds some additional information to support more complicated operations, such as LL/SC, locked/atomic instructions, and so on. It also adds an class ReplacementInfo object and getReplacementInfo() method. Since LL/SC and locked instructions are only seen by the L1 cache, it is suggested that this type of tags is most likely used for L1 caches.

class SharedCacheLine is also derived from class CacheLine, and it adds sharers and owner information just as those in class DirectoryLine. It also contains a class CoherenceReplacementInfo object for replacement. Since there is no LL/SC and locked/atomic instruction support, we can conclude that this type of tag is used for lower-level shared caches.

class PrivateCacheLine, like the previous two, also derive from class CacheLine. As the name suggests, it is used on private, non-L1 caches. There is no LL/SC and locked/atomic instruction support. The only additional information it has are two boolean flags that reflect the status of the block in the current cache: owned, and shared. It also contains a class CoherenceReplacementInfo object. The owned and shared flags are kept consistent with the two flags within the class CoherenceReplacementInfo object, the meaning of which will be explained below.

Replacement Manager

Replacement Information

The memory hierarchy provides several flavors of the replacement manager, which are contained in file replacementManager.h. This file also defines two extra classes: class ReplacementInfo and class CoherenceReplacementInfo, which must be included in tag array entries, and obtainable by calling getReplacementInfo() on these entries (i.e., the type T argument of class cacheArray). Both classes store the information that is necessary to make a replacement decision within a set.

class ReplacementInfo stores the index of the corresponding tag entry in data field index (this is a duplication of the index field of tag entries, but is also necessary, since the replacement manager has no idea of the tag entry), and the coherence state of the tag in data field state. The state need not precisely reflect the actual coherence protocol, and could just be a rough approximation, such as I/Non-I. class CoherenceReplacementInfo inherits from class ReplacementInfo, and it stores more detailed information about the coherence state, i.e., owned boolean flag to indicate whether the tag is owned by the current cache, and shared flag to indicate whether upper level caches may also have a copy of the same block. Replacement decisions can hence prioritize certain lines over the others based on their detailed coherence status.

Replacement Algorithm

All replacement algorithms inherit from the base class, class ReplacementPolicy, which itself is derived from class SubComponent, and therefore must be instanciated into the slot of its containing component in the Python configuration file. The class is pure abstract, and only serves the purposes of specifying the exposed interface of the replacement algorithm: update(), replaced(), getBestCandidate(), and findBestCandidate(). As we have seen above, the cache tag array calls these methods to implement block replacement and invalidation.

class LRU is an implementation of ideal LRU replacement algorithm. The class constructor takes the total number of blocks in the cache, and the number of ways (which is not used, though), and initializes an internal vector, array, which stores per-tag LRU counter. Note that class LRU does not rely on the per-tag class ReplacementPolicy objects to store the LRU counter, as the counter is not defined in that class. The class also maintains a global LRU counter, which is incremented every time the counter of a tag is updated, and the before value of the global counter is assigned to the tag’s counter, as can be seen in update().

The findBestCandidate() method of class LRU takes a vector of class ReplacementInfo objects, which correspond to tag entries of the set on which the replacement is being performed, and searches for the entry with either I state, or the minimal value of the LRU counters tracked by array (if none of the entry is in I state), as the LRU entry. The index of the LRU entry is stored in data member bestCandidate, and is also returned by the method. Method getBestCandidate simply returns the bestCandidate value.

Note that the comment block on top of findBestCandidate() in the source code describes the function incorrectly (up to version 11.1.0, which is the reference version this article assumes), and it seems that the developers copy-pasted it from that of class LRUOpt. A mistake on their part!

class LRUOpt implements an optimized version of LRU, which not only takes LRU counter values into consideration, but also gives priority to entries with a particular state. To elaborate: The algorithm aims at minimizing cache blocks that will likely be used and/or will incur larger overhead if evicted. The heuristics is as follows. First, invalid tag entries always have the highest priority, i.e., just the same as LRU. Second, if a block is shared by upper level caches, the block will also be given higher priority than those that do not, as evicting the block will incur extra invalidations to the sharers to maintain inclusiveness. Next, if a block is owned by the cache, then ownership must not be given up, since ownership typically indicates an intention to write and/or dirty blocks. Tag entries that satisfy none of the above criteria has the lowest priority.

To establish the relation between tag entries according to the prioritization rule described above, class LRUOpt defines a helper class, struct Rank, that enables comparisons between tag entries using the mentioned criteria. In method findBestCandidate(), each element of rInfo is used to construct a struct Rank object by copying the state, owned, and shared members from the class CoherenceReplacementInfo object to struct Rank’s fields with the same name, and copying the timestamp value of these entries from array to struct Rank’s timestamp member. Then a loop that is similar to the one in class LRU is executed to find the smallest struct Rank object, and its corresponding tag entry. struct Rank objects are compared based on the prioritization rule: For any two entries in a comparison, the I state entry is always smaller than non-I state entries (in the current source code, this check is performed outside of struct Rank, but it could also be made otherwise); shared entries are always smaller than non-shared entries; Owned entries are always smaller than non-owned entries. At last, if the ordering still cannot be determined between the two entries, the LRU timestamp is used for final arbitration, which will never result in a tie.

Hash Functions

Hash functions are another class of subcomponent that class CacheArray uses, which are defined in file hash.h. The pure, abstract base class, class HashFunction, exposes a single method hash(), which, given an ID and an address, returns a hash value. In practice, class CacheArray always calls hash() with the ID being zero, and the address being the address of the block.

Three hash function implementations are provided, all of which inherit from class HashFunction. class NoHashFunction does not perform any hashing, and simply returns the original value unchanged. class LinearHashFunction performs a linear transformation of the input value x using the formula 1103515245 * x + 12345, and it ignores the ID argument. class XorHashFunction XORs every byte of the input value with the higher byte, except the last byte, which is unchanged. It ignores the ID argument as well.

Cache: Construction and Controller Operation

This section focuses on cache object’s construction and high-level event processing operations that do not involve coherence (which we simply just treat as a black box). We mainly cover the trunk of the cache object’s operation logic, and largely ignore minor details such that debugging, statistics, prefetching, and so on (and they are pretty straightforward once the cache operations are made clear).

Cache objects are not always connected by point-to-point regular links of type class Link. Instead, they are connected by class MemLink objects or its derivations, which may provide some routing capabilities based on address ranges and interleaving. In this section, we mainly focus on class MemLink itself, which still provides the abstraction of a point-to-point communication link, and is simply just a wrapping layer over class Link.

class MemLink is defined in file memLink.h/cc, which itself is derived from class MemLinkBase, defined in file memLinkBase.h. class MemLinkBase is derived from class SubComponent, meaning that it must be loaded into a containing component’s slot. class MemLinkBase contains a call back function as data member, recvHandler, which is called in method recvNotify(). The call back function must be set after the construction of the object (or its derivations) by calling setRecvHandler(), with a caller-provided standard functor object for class Event. The object also contains a struct EndpointInfo data object, but class MemLink does not leverage the endpoint, and hence we exclude this from our discussion.

class MemLink wraps a linked object as its data member, link. The link is initialized and registered to SST’s global link map in class MemLink’s constructor, with the port name given in argument params, and the receiving call back function being recvNotify(), which is a member function in class MemLinkBase, as we have seen above. class MemLink also exposes a send() method, which does exactly what a send() on link object does, and in fact, the wrapper function just calls send() on the link member.

The net effect of using class MemLink is that, after construction and setting the external receiving handler, a send() method call on the memory link object will send an event object through the link. A received message will first invoke the internal method recvNotify(), which in turn calls recvHandler with the received event object, passing the object to the external handler. We conclude, therefore, that the class MemLink object alone is merely a wrapped link object with identical semantics.

End Point Information

Each memory link object derived from class MemLinkBase has a type struct EndpointInfo data member, info, which stores the end point information of the memory link. The struct EndpointInfo object contains a string object, name, which is set to the identity of the component that the memory link object belongs to by calling getParentComponentName() in the base class constructor (derived classes may modify it, but class MemLink does not). The addr and id fields are the routing address for on-chip routing, and the context-specific ID of the link. For class MemLink, both fields are set to zero, and is not used. The region field is of type class MemRegion, defined in file memTypes.h, and it describes a memory region in the from of start address, end address, interleave size, and interleave step. Region information of a memory link can be specified via the component, but for point-to-point class MemLink, the region is just set to [0, -1UL] without any interleaving, covering the entire address space.

class MemLink also maintains information about the other end of the memory link, i.e., its immediate neighbor, as well as all reachable end points from its immediate neighbor. The former is stored in data members remotes, while the latter in data member endpoints. Both members are of type std::set<EndpointInfo>, and can be updated by calling addRemote() and addEndpoint(), respectively, which usually happens at initialization time. Besides, data member remoteNames stores the set of string names for each struct EndpointInfo object in remotes. This structure is used to quickly decide whether an immediate neighbor is reachable via the current link in method isReachable(). Note that for class MemLink, since it is a direct point-to-point link, there can be only a single remote end point, and hence the set remotes and remoteNames is always of size one.

class MemLink exposes a few interface functions for querying the remote and endpoint information. Method findTargetDestination() returns the name (which is used as a global identifier) of the component whose address region contains the given address. It can be regarded as a simple routing function which, given the address, selects the next hop destination from all registered destinations tracked by remotes. Method getTargetDestination() is identical to findTargetDestination(), except that, if the next hop destination could not be found because no region contains the given address, it prints an error message and a list of known destinations to assist debugging.

During initialization, class MemLink objects that are connected together exchange their identities, and register each other in their remotes structure. This happens in init() function, which is called during first stage initialization. Recall that the first stage initialization happens globally by the simulator main function iteratively calling init() on all components (in the case of link objects, their init() is called by the containing component’s init()), with the argument (phase in class MemLink’s init() function) being the current iteration number. In the first iteration (where phase is zero), the class MemLink object creates an initialization message of type class MemEventInitRegion, and sends it over the link by calling sendInitData() on the link object. Note that the send and receive function during the initialization stage are polling-based, meaning that the receiving end must explicitly call recvInitData() in order to read messages. As we have seen in earlier sections, the class MemEventInitRegion type is defined in memEventBase.h, and is derived from class MemEventInit, which itself is derived from class MemEventBase. The initialization message carries the name and region values in the current info object, with the event command being InitCommand::Region (set implicitly in the event object’s constructor). This happens on the first iteration at both ends of the class MemLink connection.

Then, at later iterations, the init() function simply listens on the link for initialization messages from the other end. This is implemented as a while() loop that calls recvInitData() repeatedly until the receive queue is empty. For each event, the command is inspected. If the command is Region, then the link object itself processes the event by creating a struct EndpointInfo object with information contained in the message, and insert the object into its own data member remotes. The event object is not used anywhere else as it is destroyed right in the loop.

If the command is Endpoint, then the message is cast into type class MemEventInitEndpoint (also defined in memEventBase.h), and the end point information carried by the message is added into data member endpoints using addEndpoint(), meaning that this message contains a list of objects that are reachable from the other end of the memory link. One thing that differs from the handling of Region command is that, the Endpoint command event is not destroyed in the loop. Instead, it is added to the data member, initReceiveQ, such that the message can also be read by its containing component during initialization. The memory link object provides such an interface, namely, recvInitData(), for the containing component to read event objects that are added into initReceiveQ. Correspondingly, the containing component may also send initializing messages via the memory link by calling sendInitData() on the link object, the implementation of which is simply wrapping sendInitData() of class Link.

Event objects with unknown commands are just inserted into initReceiveQ, such that the containing component may read them in their init() functions.

Cache Object Construction

High-Level Construction Workflow

Contrary to most source files in SST, the cache, due to its code size and complexity, is divided into several source files that do not follow the naming convention, making the source tree hard to navigate for beginners. File contains the cache object constructor. File cacheController.h/cc contains the class definition and implementation of event processing. Certain method names are rather misleading, such as createCacheArray(), which only computes the cache array parameters, and does not have anything to do with the actual creation of cache arrays. In fact, class CacheArray is not even a data member of the cache. Instead, it is contained in the coherence controller, and is initialized along with the coherence protocol (i.e., different coherence protocol options may initialize cache arrays differently).

The cache object’s constructor is defined in file It first reads cache block size and the number of banks, and stores them in data member lineSize_ and banked_, respectively. Data member bankStatus_, which is a vector of booleans tracking whether a particular bank has been active in an event processing cycle, is also initialized by reserving elements, the number of which equals the value of banked_.

The constructor then calls createCacheArray() to compute the parameters of the cache tag array, specifically, the number of blocks in the cache. As a result, the function inserts the key lines with the string representing the number of blocks into the param object for future use.

The cache is registered to the global clock in the method createClock(), which is called after createCacheArray(). The method registers the cache with a tick frequency read from parameter key cache_frequency, and the handler being the method clockTick().

Next, the constructor reads the number of requests that can be processed per cycle into data member maxRequestsPerCycle_. At last, the constructor initializes the cache links with other components by calling configureLinks(), initializes the coherence controller (and the tag array) by calling createCoherenceManager(), and registers statistics using registerStatistics(). One thing to note is that the coherence controller also keeps a copy of the memory link objects of the cache, meaning that the coherence controller can implement its own methods for sending messages. Receiving messages, however, must always go through the cache object, as the receiving handler is bound to the cache’s method.

The links between the current cache object being initialized and other components of the hierarchy are configured during construction by calling configureLinks(). This function is also the biggest function in file, as the cache object supports several different flavors of configuration for being connected to other components in the hierarchy. In this section, we only cover the simplest configuration, namely, connecting the cache objects to an upper (closer to CPU) and a lower (further away from CPU) component via point-to-point link, without any packet routing. In this configuration, the cache object only has two ports: The high network port, or high_network_0, which connects to a higher level component, and low_network_0, which connects to a lower level component. More complicated topologies, such as those with an on-chip network, can be realized by connecting the cache with other components via more advanced memory link objects.

At a high level, function configureLinks() guesses the cache’s link configuration by detecting the ports that are connected in the configuration, and then sets up the memory link objects based on the guess. According to the comment and function body, six port combinations are considered valid (the comment block above the function header specifies five valid combinations, while in the function body, it also seems that loading user-defined memory link objects as subcomponents into slot cpulink and memlink explicitly in the configuration file is also supported), and we discuss the simplest among them: high_network_0 and low_network_0, which is the configuration where the cache object connects to a higher- and lower-level component, respectively, via point-to-point class MemLink objects.

First, configureLinks() checks whether either the cache component’s slot cpulink or memlink (or both) is loaded with a subcomponent derived from class MemLinkBase. If true, then they will be used as the link. Otherwise, the function checks the connectivity of the following four ports: high_network_0, cache, directory, and low_network_0. The combination of connection ports is also checked for validity.

If both high_network_0 and low_network_0 are connected, the function just initializes two class MemLink objects into subcomponent slot cpulink and memlink, by calling loadAnonymousSubComponent(). Note that in this case, neither subcomponent needs to be explicitly specified in the configuration file. The parameter given to class MemLink’s constructor is memlink and cpulink (unwise naming, of course) defined right above the if code block. The parameter specifies key port as high_network_0 and low_network_0, respectively, such that the class Link object wrapped within the memory link can be configured correctly.

Recall that, in SST, the topology of components is inferred from the Python configuration file first, and then class Link objects are initialized based on the topology, and inserted into per-component link maps, after which components are initialized. So at component construction time, the link objects have already been created, which can be retrieved using the port name specified in the Python configuration file.

Region information (which is likely not important) for the two memory links are also given by the parameter objects, which we do not discuss. The last step of link construction is to bind the memory links (and the wrapped link objects) with a handler function for receiving memory events. The handler function is class Cache’s member function, handleEvent(), which will be called if any of the two links receive a message.

Other combinations can also be initialized in the same function as the one we have discussed above. For simplicity, we skip the rest of the function, because they more or less follow the same logic.

Cache Initialization

Cache initialization is performed in init(). This function handles the case where linkUp_ and linkDown_ are identical, and the case where they are distinct objects, differently. In this section, we only discuss the latter, as it is the more general case. The former, however, is almost identical to the latter, except that only one link is used for sending and receiving instead of both.

On each iteration, the link objects’ init() is called, with the iteration number passed as the argument. As we have discussed earlier, the link objects will learn their immediate neighbors, as well as the overall topology of the memory hierarchy. If the iteration number of zero, the cache also sends, on both directions, the initialization message on behalf of the coherence controller, by calling getInitCoherenceEvent() on the controller to obtain the message, and then calling sendInitData() on the memory link objects.

On all iterations, the initialization routine will keep receiving messages on the link objects by calling recvInitData() repeatedly (i.e., polling) until there is no more message in the current iteration. We use event processing on linkUp_ as an example. For each initialization event object received, the function first inspects its command, and if the command is NULLCMD, meaning that it is an initialization event object that carries a separate initialization command, then the latter will be obtained by calling getInitCmd(). For Coherence type messages, they will be processed at the current cache, by calling processInitCoherenceEvent() on the coherence controller, and not forwarded, since the current cache also sends coherence message to its neighbors. In other words, coherence type messages will only travel by one hop. For Endpoint type messages, however, it will be duplicated, and sent to the other direction (linkDown_), by calling sendInitData().

Messages with non-NULLCMD command type will be forwarded to the other direction after being duplicated, with the destination being set properly according to the address carried in the message. In all cases, the originally received message is destroyed, meaning that initialization message’s lifetime, similar to those of the regular messages, is also only one hop.

The event processing on linkDown_ is similar, but messages of non-NULLCMD commands will not be forwarded up, because otherwise, it would cause an infinite loop as the up links also forward them back. Endpoint type messages will be forwarded still, but the destination is not set to the next hop neighbor, but remains the same as in the original one.

Cache Operations

The cache class definition and method implementations are in file cacheController.h/cc. The call back function for receiving incoming events from both links is handleEvent(), the logic of which simply adds the event object into the new event buffer, eventBuffer_, after calling recordIncomingRequest() on the coherence controller. The latter is solely for statistical purposes, and does not involve any operational details. Cache operations are implemented in method clockTick(), which is registered as the clock tick function during construction.

At the beginning of clockTick(), the cache drains the coherence controller on the outgoing queues for both directions, by calling sendOutgoingEvents() on the coherence controller. Recall that the coherence controller also keeps a copy of the memory link objects of the cache, and hence they could send their own messages without going through the cache. Also, this method will not always fully drain the queues, if the outgoing bandwidth per cycle exceeds the maximum bandwidth of the coherence controller (we will discuss later in sections talking about coherence controllers).

Then the function clears the state from the previous cycle for access arbitration. Access arbitration can be modeled at per-address or per-bank level, which uses data member addrsThisCycle_ and bankStatus_, respectively.

Next, the cache handles retried events. An event is retried if it is rejected by the coherence controller or fails the access arbitration, in which case the event is added into the retry buffer, retryBuffer_. The cache processes entries in the buffer one by one, until the buffer is empty, or maxRequestsPerCycle_ events have been processed. The latter condition essentially implements a processing bandwidth limit. On the other hand, maxRequestsPerCycle_ can be configured to be -1, in which case there is not bandwidth limit.

Each entry in the retry buffer is processed by calling processEvent(). If the entry is accepted, the function returns true, and it is removed from the retry buffer. Otherwise, it just stays there, and will be revisited in the next tick.

After processing the retry buffer, the cache then proceeds to handle the event buffer, eventBuffer_, which stores newly received events from both links that have not been rejected. The processing logic is identical to the one of the retry buffer, except that the second argument to processEvent() is false. The prefetch buffer, prefetchBuffer_, is also processed after the event buffer. We do not cover prefetching here, and we will also skip it in the rest of the section.

Note that the second argument to processEvent() indicates whether the event is from the MSHR, or from the event buffer. The different between these two is that requests that are either internally generated (e.g., evictions and write backs), or cause cache misses will be allocated one or more slots in the Miss Status Handling Register (MSHR) file. These requests will be handled with the flag being true, indicating that the MSHR slot needs to be recycled, if the request is successfully processed. On the other hand, if an event can be fulfilled immediately, or the MSHR allocation itself is rejected (due to the MSHR being full), it will not be inserted into the MSHR, and the flag will be set to false. Detailed discussions on MSHRs are postponed to later section.

An event in the eventBuffer_ can be in one of the three states after being handled by processEvent(). First, if the event is successfully processed, and no more action is needed in the future, processEvent() will return true, and the event is removed from the buffer before being deallocated. This is most likely a cache hit, which neither generates internal events, nor requires miss handling. Second, the event can be successfully processed, but it causes internal events being generated, or incurs a cache miss. The event needs to be allocated an entry in the MSHR, possibly together with all the internal events it generates. In this case, processEvent() still returns true, meaning that the event can be removed from the buffer (because the handling of the event itself is successful), but the coherence controller will later on put the generated events into the retry buffer, such that these internal events are also handled. In addition, the event object will not be deallocated until the response message for the cache miss it has incurred is received. Lastly, the event can also be rejected by the bank arbitrator (see below) or the MSHR. In this case, processEvent() returns false, and the event object will remain in the eventBuffer_. These events will be repeatedly attempted in the following cycles, until the handlings are eventually successful.

After processing buffers, the cache appends the retry buffer of the coherence controller (obtained by calling getRetryBuffer() on the controller object) to the cache’s retry buffer. These events are those that are accepted by the coherence controller, but cannot be immediately handled, for which MSHR entries are allocated. consequently, all events in the retry buffer are handled by processEvent() with the second argument set to true.

Event Processing

Method processEvent() implements event processing function for each individual event. At the beginning, it checks whether the event represents a non-cachable operation. If true, it is handled separately, and the operation always succeeds. Next, for cachable operations, which is the normal case, the cache arbitrates the access by calling arbitrateAccess(). The function decides whether the request can be processed in the current cycle or not using the history of previous accesses in the same cycle. There are two ways that accesses can be arbitrated. If the boolean flag banked_ is false, meaning that banked cache access is not modeled, then access is arbitrated with data member addrsThisCycle_, which tracks the set of addresses that have been accessed in the current cycle. If the address of the current event has already been accessed in the same cycle, then the request is rejected.

On the other hand, if banking is modeled, then bankStatus_ is used for tracking the access status of each bank. If a bank is accessed previously in the same cycle, the corresponding bit flag is set to true, which will cause a later event on the same bank to be rejected. The bank index of a given address is computed by calling getBank() on the coherence controller, which forwards the call to the function with the same name in class CacheArray. The index computing function simply returns the address modular the number of banks, meaning that addresses are mapped to different banks in an interleaved manner. (Note: I think this is incorrect, because set-associative caches allow a block to be stored in any of the ways of the set the address maps to. The bank index should at least be a function of the set number, e.g., be the module of the set number and the number of banks).

After access arbitration, the function just uses a big switch statement to call into the coherence controller methods based on the event command. Note that both request type and response type commands are processed in this switch block, since the event handler is registered as the call back for memory links on both directions. The return value of these methods reflects whether the event is successfully processed, or requires retry. In the former case, the arbitration information is updated by calling updateAccessStatus(). In the latter case, the event is kept by the coherence controller in its own retry buffer, which, as we have seen above, will be moved to the cache’s retry buffer at the end of the event handling cycle.

Cache: Coherence Controllers

The next major part of the cache is the coherence controller. SST’s memory hierarchy implements a number of different protocols derived from MESI, either to give users more flexibility on choosing the base protocol (e.g., MSI or MESI), or to adapt to different scenarios (e.g., inclusive or non-inclusive, private or shared, L1 or non-L1). Each flavor of the coherence protocol is implemented as an individual class, and which class is instanciated as the coherence controller of the cache is dependent on both user configuration, and the role of the cache in the memory hierarchy. All coherence controllers are derived from the same base class, class CoherenceController, defined in file coherenceController.h/cc under the coherencemgr directory. Each type of the coherence controller is defined in its own header and cpp files, with the file names being self-descriptive.

Coherence Controller Construction

class CoherenceController is initialized during cache construction, in function createCoherenceManager() (file The function first reads the access latency of the cache data, specified with parameter key access_latency_cycles, and the latency of cache tag, specified with key tag_access_latency_cycles. The tag access latency is optional, though, and if not specified, it is by default set to the data access latency. Then, the protocol is read using the key coherence_protocol, the value of which can be mesi, msi, or none. The boolean flag L1 is also read with the key L1, to indicate whether the cache is an L1 cache or not (L1 cache requires specific treatments during construction). The cache type is read with key cache_type, which can be of value inclusive, noninclusive, or noninclusive_with_directory. The function also ensures that L1 caches are always configured to be inclusive, and that non-coherent caches must be non-inclusive (although the latter case is rare, since most caches need some sort of coherence). The MSHR object is then created by calling createMSHR(). We postpone the discussion on the MSHR to a later section, and only focus on the coherence controller.

The function then proceeds to preparing the parameters, stored in coherenceParams, for initializing the coherence controller. We do not cover the meaning of all parameters or switches here, and only introduce them as they are encountered during later discussions. The coherence controller is then loaded into the cache object’s subcomponent slot coherence as an anonymous subcomponent. The exact type of the coherence controller to load, however, is dependent on the combination of the protocol, the inclusiveness, and the L1 flag. For coherent, non-L1 caches, if it is inclusive, the controller class that will be loaded is class MESIInclusive, defined in file MESI_Inclusive.h/cc. If it is not inclusive, and has no directory (i.e., a non-shared cache, likely a private L2), then the class is class MESIPrivNoninclusive, defined in file MESI_Private_Noninclusive.h/cc. If it is not inclusive, and has a directory (i.e., a shared cache, likely an LLC or shared L2), then the class is class MESISharNoninclusive, defined in file MESI_Shared_Noninclusive.h/cc. Note that inclusive, non-L1 caches do not get to choose whether a directory is needed or not, and always use class MESIInclusive, which has inline directory entries. For coherent L1 caches, inclusiveness does not matter (must be inclusive), and the coherence manager is of type class MESIL1, in file MESI_L1.h/cc.

Non-coherent caches use class Incoherent objects (file Incoherent.h/cc) and class IncoherentL1 (file Incoherent_L1.h/cc), respectively, for non-L1 and L1 caches. Inclusion does not matter for non-coherent caches, since they are intrinsically non-inclusive. Their implementations are just trivial, and we do not cover them in this article.

After loading the coherence controller, the function then reads prefetching-related parameters, before it sets the up link and down link of the coherence controller with linkUp_ and linkDown_ objects of the cache by calling setLinks(). In other words, the coherence controller also keeps a copy of the memory link objects of the cache, such that it is also capable of sending memory event objects to other components in the hierarchy. In addition, the MSHR object of the cache is also passed to the coherence controller by calling setMSHR().

Construction Performed In Derived Classes

The coherence controller base class constructor leaves the class CacheArray object uninitialized, which should be completed by the derived class constructors. The main reason is that class CacheArray requires protocol-specific template argument T as the contents of the tag. Such information is not known until derived class construction time.

Replacement Manager and Hash Function

The base class, however, provides two method functions that can be called by child class to initialize the replacement manager and the hash function, which are both needed by class CacheArray. Function createReplacementPolicy() initializes a replacement manager object as indicated by the parameter key replacement_policy. It supports a few possible values: lru for Least Recently Used (LRU), lfu for Least Frequently Used (LFU), and mru for Most Recently Used (MRU), random for random replacement, and nmru for Not Most Recently Used. For non-L1 caches, the -opt version of the corresponding replacement policy is used, while for L1 caches, the non-opt version is used. The replacement manager is eventually loaded, as a subcomponent, into the replacement slot of the coherence controller.

Function createHashFunction() initializes the hash function for the tag array, and loads it as a subcomponent into the hash slot of the controller. Both this function and the previous one are called by derived classes in their constructors, when they initialize the tag array (recall that class CacheArray takes a replacement manager and a hash function object as construction arguments).

The Cache Tag Array

Each derived class of class CoherenceController selects its own tag array types. class MESIInclusive uses CacheArray<SharedCacheLine>, which contains sharer and owner information within the tag entry, i.e., the cache directory is inline. This is consistent with the fact that class MESIInclusive controller is used for inclusive caches (both shared and private), in which case, all addresses that are cached in the upper levels must also be present at the current level, and the directory can just be conveniently implemented in the tag entry.

class MESIPrivNoninclusive uses CacheArray<PrivateCacheLine>, which only keeps track of very limited information about a block, i.e., owned and shared, indicating whether the block is owned at the current level, or potentially present at a higher level. For private caches, since there could only be one upper level cache, using one bit for tracking the block status would be sufficient.

class MESISharNoninclusive needs a more complicated mechanism to track block state both at the current level, and at higher levels. This is because the cache is non-inclusive, and therefore, blocks that are present in the higher levels may not always be present at the current level. To track blocks in both conditions, the controller initializes two tag arrays: One directory tag array for tracking blocks in the upper levels and the current cache, which is data member dirArray_, of type CacheArray<DirectoryLine>, and the other is a data tag array for tracking blocks only at the current cache (i.e., just the regular tag array), which is in data member dataArray_, of type CacheArray<DataLine>. Recall that class DataLine also keeps a reference to a directory entry, which stores coherence information of the block.

Lastly, class MESIL1 uses CacheArray<L1CacheLine>, which carries only the most essential information without coherence states, plus several extra data members for supporting LL/SC and locked/atomic instructions. These bits are only present in the L1 tag array, because these high-level operations are only performed in the L1.

Non-coherence caches use CacheArray<PrivateCacheLine> and CacheArray<L1CacheLine>, respectively, for non-L1 and L1 caches. The reason is straightforward: They do not need to keep coherence information, but L1 cache still need the extra flags to support certain instructions.

Coherence Controller Initialization

The coherence controller class does not have an init() function, and its initialization is performed by the init() function of the containing cache controller. As discussed earlier, at the first iteration of init(), the cache controller will generate a type class MemEventInitCoherence object, by calling getInitCoherenceEvent() on the coherence controller, and then this object will be sent to the neighboring caches. On receiving a coherence type message, the processInitCoherenceEvent() will then be called to process it.

class MemEventInitCoherence carries the name of the originating cache, stored in base class data member src, the end point type of type enum class Endpoint (type_, defined in file util.h), the data block size (lineSize_), and a few booleans flags describing the operational properties of the controller, such as whether the protocol is inclusive (inclusive_), whether write backs will always send write back ACKs (sendWBAck_), whether write back ACKs are expected (recvWBAck_), and whether the controller tracks the presence of addresses in other caches (tracksPresence_). According to the source code comments, the last boolean flag affects whether clean eviction is needed.

Method getInitCoherenceEvent() is implemented in derived classes of the cache controller, and what it does is to just create a class MemEventInitCoherence object, and initializes it by passing construction arguments (we do not discuss how each controller class selects their own arguments). processInitCoherenceEvent(), on the contrary, is implemented in the base class, and it takes two arguments. The first argument, event, is the event object received from the link, and the second argument, source, indicates whether the message is sent by the controller above or below (true for above, and false for below). Note that the naming is a little bit confusing. My best guess is that the method was originally designed for the scenario where linkUp_ and linkDown_ are identical, in which case the argument just indicates whether the message is sent by the controller itself from one of the two links and received by the other.

Method processInitCoherenceEvent() sets the current controller’s data members and booleans flags, according to the received message. Message sent from the above will cause an update on the local sendWritebackAck_ flag, and if the message is from a CPU, then the name of the CPU will also be added into data member cpus. Messages from the below will cause updates on lastLevel_ (if the below component is not a memory, then lastLevel_ will be false), silentEvictClean_ (if the below component uses a bitmap to track block sharers, then even clean evictions should generate an event to the lower level), writebackCleanBlocks_ (if the lower level is not inclusive, then clean blocks need to be written back explicitly), and recvWritebackAck_ (if lower level will send ACK for write backs, then this one will also expect to receive it).

The Coherence Controller Base Class

The base class of the coherence controller, class CoherenceController, defines a few handy functions and types that are useful for all derived classes regardless of their types. These functions mainly implement low-level event sorting and dispatching. Derived classes do not override these methods, and just call them as helper functions.

Response Objects

class CoherenceController has an enclosed data type, class Response, which is a wrapper class for class MemEvent objects generated by the coherence protocol. class Response contains a pointer to the event object (using base class type class MemEventBase, though, since only link-level information is needed), a timestamp value, deliveryTime, in the component’s local cycle that represents the time the response message is generated. Recall that a response message can be put into the sending queue before the simulated cycle in which it is actually generated, due to the fact that tag access delay is not modeled using DES, but just using a miniature queueing model, with a per-tag timestamp variable remembering the local time when the block becomes free (see Section “Cache Tag Types” for more details). As we have discussed earlier, this violates the principle of DES, since the event object “time travels” to an earlier cycle, at which time it would not have been in the sending queue. To overcome this, class Response objects use deliveryTime to remember the simulated cycle in which the event is generated. The sending functions should hence ignore response objects with deliveryTime less than the current simulated cycle.

The last member of class Response objects is size, which stores the number of bytes that the memory event object is supposed to be. This value is not the physical storage it takes on the simulator. Rather, it is the simulated size of the message, which is used for bandwidth auditing while sending the message.

Also note that class Response has nothing to do with class Request in the interface object. The object is only used as a wrapper layer within the controller class. External objects will not find this class useful by any means.

class CoherenceController has two internal queues for response objects, namely, outgoingEventQueueDown_ and outgoingEventQueueUp_, one for each direction as suggested by the names. These two queues are of type std::list<Response> (note that the source file just imports the entire name space std, which is not a good practice), and they maintain the response objects in a sorted order based on deliveryTime. Objects with the same deliveryTime will be ordered based on the order of insertion, meaning that event objects generated by the coherence controller will be sent in the same order as they are generated.

Queue Maintenance Helper Functions

Method addToOutgoingQueue() and addToOutgoingQueueUp() insert a response object into outgoingEventQueueDown_ and outgoingEventQueueUp_, respectively. The methods iterates over the list object from the end to the begin using a reverse iterator, until the deliveryTime of the response to be inserted is greater than or equal to the current response object in the list, or until a memory event object with the same block address (obtained via getRoutingAddress()) is found. In the former case, either there is no response object at deliveryTime, and the one being inserted is the first, or response objects already exist at deliveryTime, and the insertion happens at the end of all response objects at deliveryTime, i.e., the order of objects with the same delivery time is consistent with the order they are inserted.

In the latter case, the response object is essentially delayed by a later response object on the same block address. This is to guarantee that response messages on the same address are not reordered. (Notes: I doubt whether this check is necessary, since the coherence controller handles events in a tick-by-tick basis. If two response objects on the same address are to be inserted into the queue, then the first one must have a smaller delivery time, since they must use the same tag entry to derive the delivery time, and these two response objects will be serialized on that tag entry. This, however, does not hold, if some responses are generated without being serialized on the tag entry.)

Message Helper Functions, Part I

Method forwardByAddress() and forwardByDestination() implement event message helper functions that assist the processing of creating new event objects, and sending the event objects to another component via the memory link. Method forwardByAddress() obtains the base address from the event object to be sent via getRoutingAddress(), and tests on linkDown_ and linkUp_ respectively to find the outlet by calling findTargetDestination() on the link object. The function gives priority to linkDown_ over linkUp_, meaning that if the address falls into the range of both links, then it will be sent down. This is exactly what will happen if point-to-point memory links are used, i.e., all event objects sent with forwardByAddress() will be sent downwards (for more complicated topologies, this is not guaranteed). A heavily used paradigm of this function is to create a new event and copy the address from an earlier request, or duplicate an earlier request, and then call forwardByAddress() on the new event. This is likely the case where an existing request is forwarded to a lower level, because it could not be satisfied at the current level, or the current cache generates a request on its own, and sends it down. The source and destination fields of event objects sent this way still need to be valid, though, as these two fields might be needed when creating the response event object at the lower level.

Method forwardByDestination(), on the other hand, tests on both links by calling isReachable() to see if the destination (a std::string object) of the event object is an immediate neighbor. A heavily used paradigm of this function is to call makeResponse() on the event, which revers the input event’s source and destination, and then send the new event using forwardByDestination(). This way, the event will be sent upwards, most likely as the response message to an earlier request.

Message Helper Functions, Part II

There are also message forwarding helper functions that are built based on the two discussed in Part I. Method forwardMessage(), given an existing event, duplicates that event by copy construction. Optional data payload is set, if it is given. The delivery time for the event object, which is also the return value, is computed based on the given base time argument baseTime (although in L1 MESI controller, this value is always zero, meaning that starting from the current simulated tick) and the current simulated tick timestamp_. If the event object is a cachable, then the access latency being modeled is the tag latency, tagLatency_, and otherwise, it is the MSHR latency mshrLatency_. The newly created object is eventually sent to the lower level by calling forwardByAddress(), before the delivery time is returned.

Method sendNACK() just creates a NACK event object based on a given event object by calling makeNACKResponse(), which is essentially just a response event object with the command being NACK. The delivery time is the simulated tick plus tag access latency (i.e., modeling a tag access). The new event object, with its destination and source being the source and destination of the input object, is returned to the sender of the input object by calling forwardByDestination().

Method resendEvent() does not create any new event object, but just implements exponential back off for an existing object, and schedules its sending in a future cycle. This also violates the principle of DES, just like how access latency is modeled. The back off value is computed based on how many reattempts have been made. The delivery time of the event is then the current tick, plus tag latency, plus the back off cycles. The event is sent with forwardByDestination().

Method sendResponseUp() is very similar to forwardMessage(), but it creates a response event given an existing one, and sends it up by calling forwardByDestination() (since the source and destination is just the inverse of those in the existing object, which is assumed to be a request received from the above), rather than down. The delivery time models MSHR latency, if the input event object is from the MSHR (argument replay set to true), or models tag latency, if it is a freshly received event object that is just handled for the first time (argument replay set to false). The delivery time is also returned. This function also has several overloaded versions, which mainly differ from each other on what the command in the response object is, or whether dirty bit is passed by argument.

Message Helper Functions, Part III

Method sendOutgoingEvents() drains the outgoing event queues, until the queues become empty, or until a byte limit per cycle is reached, whichever comes first. At the very beginning of the function, the current simulated cycle is incremented by one. Recall that this function is called at the very beginning of cache object’s clock call back, meaning that it is the de facto tick function for coherence controllers. The function then drains both queues, outgoingEventQueueDown_ and outgoingEventQueueUp_, with local variable bytesLeft tracking the number of remaining bytes that can be sent at the current tick. Note that this function allows partial messages to be sent, i.e., an event object can be sent over a few cycles. The actual sending is performed by calling send() on the corresponding memory link object, and then popping the front object from the queues. The function returns a boolean to indicate whether both queues are empty.

Function Stubs

The base class also defines stub functions for each type of coherence message it may receive, with the name being handleX where X is the event type. These stub functions, once called, will print an error message and terminate simulation, in order to indicate that the functionality regarding event type X is not implemented. Derived classes should override at least a subset of these functions and implement the coherence handling logic.

Miss Status Handling Registers (MSHR)

The Miss Status Handling Register (MSHR) is a critical component of the coherence controller that has serves three distinct roles in request handling. First, requests that cause cache misses cannot be handled locally, and the request must be forwarded to a remote cache (e.g., a lower level cache for CPU data requests). During this period, the original request will be inserted into the MSHR, which blocks all future requests on the same address, i.e., requests on the same address are serialized by the MSHR. The request in the MSHR will be removed when the response is received, and later requests on the same address can proceed.

Second, requests that originate from the current cache, such as block evictions and write backs, will use the MSHR as an event buffer. These requests are inserted into the MSHR, possibly serialized with existing requests on the same address, and expect to be serviced just like a normal request.

Lastly, the MSHR is also essential for implementing atomic instructions. It allows a request to temporarily fail on a locked cache block just because the block is under the protection of an atomic instruction, even if the tag array lookup indicates a cache hit. In this case, the failing request will also be inserted into the MSHR, and retried at a later cycle.

Since the MSHR buffers requests that cannot be completed at an earlier cycle in which they were processed, when a request from an MSHR completes, the next request on the same address will be removed from the MSHR, and added into the retry buffer, retryBuffer_, of the coherence controller. As have discussed in earlier sections, these requests will be copied to the cache controller’s retry buffer at the cycle end, and will then be reattempted in the next processing cycle.

The MSHR is implemented by class MSHR, in file mshr.h/cc. Note that the class is neither a component nor a subcomponent, since it is always instanciated.

MSHR Construction

The MSHR is constructed along with the cache, in the cache object’s member function, createMSHR, defined in file The function reads two MSHR parameters: mshr_num_entries, which is the number of entries for storing external requests (internally generated requests will be counted as an entry, as we will see later), and mshrLatency, which is the latency of accessing the MSHR. The latter will be used, instead of the cache tag latency, to compute cache block access time, if the request is from the MSHR rather than from the cache’s event buffer. In addition, mshrLatency is an optional argument. If not given, then the default value would be used, which is one cycle for the L1 cache, and computed from a lookup table with regard to the cache access latency. Later in the cache constructor, both the MSHR object and its latency is passed to the coherence controller, by calling setMSHR() and by setting the key mshr_latency_cycles in the parameter object, respectively.

MSHR Data Structure

The main class, class MSHR, is implemented as a mapping structure that translates from addresses to a list of waiting events. The class contains a map object, mshr_, of type MSHRBlock which is defined as std::map<Addr, MSHRRegister>, a data member size_ for tracking the current number of external event objects in the MSHR, and maxSize_ which is the size of the MSHR, and is initialized during construction. We ignore other data members as they are either prefetching- or debugging-related.

The data type of mshr_ is struct MSHRRegister, which is a per-address structure that contains a list of request objects being buffered, entries, a data member pendingRetries, which tracks the number of requests for the address that are in the coherence controller’s retry buffer and might be processed later in the current or future cycles, and other data members, such as acksNeeded, dataBuffer, and dataDirty. We will cover the usage of these data members in details when we first encounter them in the following discussion.

All MSHR entries are of type class MSHREntry, which carries a type field of type enum class MSHREntryType. The type field can be of one of the following three values: Event, Evict, and Writeback. Among them, the Event type entry is for external events that will occupy MSHR space, while both Evict and Writeback type entries are for the internally generated eviction and write back requests, respectively, and they do not occupy MSHR space to avoid protocol deadlock (i.e., external requests can be blocked by internal requests and fail to be allocated an MSHR entry, but not vice versa).

Other data members of class MSHREntry also play their respective roles in different parts of the coherence protocol. One of the most commonly seen data member is inProgress, which indicates whether the request is already being handled and is just waiting for response, and it is only defined for Event type entries. The flag is set when a data or flush request has been issued to the lower level cache, but the response is not received yet. The coherence controller will check this flag when trying to schedule a waiting event in the MSHR, and if the flag is set, indicating that the current head MSHR entry for a given address has already been scheduled, the coherence controller will not schedule it twice.

Each entry type has a unique constructor, and hence the constructor is overloaded. Event type entries is constructed with the event object and a boolean flag stallEvict that initializes the needEvict field. Evict type entries are initialized with an address, which is the new address that will replace the old address (which is the address key used to query mshr_) after the eviction. The new address value is needed for cascaded evictions, i.e., one eviction blocks the other and both are in MSHR, in which case the second eviction needs to evict the new address stored in the first eviction’s entry, rather than the old address stored in the second eviction’s entry. Also note that the data member for storing these new pointers, evictPtrs, is a std::list<Addr>, meaning that multiple addresses can potentially be the new address for an eviction. Write back entries are constructed with a boolean flag argument, downgr, which initializes data member downgrade, to indicate whether the write back is a downgrade from exclusive to shared state, or it also invalidates the block.

MSHR Operations

Method insertEvent() inserts an event type entry into the MSHR for a given address. Besides the address and the event object, is also has three arguments: pos, fwdRequest, and stallEvict. Argument pos indicates the position in the list of entries where the insertion should happen. The most common values are -1 and 0, where -1 means appending at the end, and 0 means inserting at the beginning. Most events are appended to the MSHR, but high priority events, such as external invalidations (from the lower level) will override all existing event objects, and be inserted at the very beginning of the list. Argument fwdRequest indicates whether the event is an explicit invalidation from the lower level. If this flag is set, then two slots, instead of one, will be reserved, since the invalidation in this case will be waiting for another request that can unblock the invalidation, which may further allocate an MSHR entry. If no extra slot is reserved, the invalidation and the second request will deadlock. Argument stallEvict is just forwarded to the MSHR entry object constructor, and is not used by the method.

The method first checks whether the MSHR is full or not (recall that if fwdRequest is set, two slots are needed). If full, no allocation will happen, and the function returns -1. Otherwise, size_ is incremented by one. Then the function creates a new entry, and possibly the register object for the address, if it does not exist, and adds the new entry into the requested position of the list in the register object.

Method insertEviction() and insertWriteback() work similarly by creating the entry of the respective type and inserting them into the register’s list. The difference is that, first, both functions do not check the size, the reason of which has been discussed earlier. Second, insertWriteback() will insert at the beginning of the list, meaning write back requests have higher priority than every other request waiting in the MSHR.

The above functions are the most frequently used ones in the coherence controller. We will cover other less used functions of class MSHR when we first encountered them during later discussion.

Coherence Protocol: MESI L1

We next delve into the realm of the coherence protocol of MESI L1 type cache. As have discussed earlier, this type of caches are always inclusive, uses class L1CacheLine type cache tags, and do not have a directory of any kind. This type of cache also features a simpler coherence protocol compared with the more general type of inclusive and non-inclusive caches, since there is no maintenance of coherence for upper levels. The MESI L1 coherence protocol is implemented by class MESIL1, in file MESI_L1.h/cc.

The General Coherence Handling Flow

Before discussing different classes of coherence operations in details, we first summarize the general rule of coherence handling as follows:

  1. CPU-initiated requests can be served from either the receive buffer of the cache controller, or from the retry buffer of the coherence controller. Requests that cannot be handled immediately will be inserted into the MSHR, which, when certain conditions are met (e.g., when the message they expect are received), can be sent to the retry buffer, and be attempted in the next cycle. The per-address MSHR register field pendingRetries tracks the number of retries on the address for the current moment.

Note that there is always a race condition between requests served from the retry buffer (i.e., from the MSHR), and those that are served from the receiving buffer. In the latter case, the requests are not allocated any MSHR entry, and they can be considered as logically ordered before those that are currently in the MSHR, if they perform operations that can be completed immediately, most likely being cache hits. These race conditions are harmless, though, since cache hits do not change the tag array regarding addresses.

  1. Method argument inMSHR, which is common to most of the coherence handling methods and many helper functions, indicates whether the request is served from MSHR, or from the receiving buffer. Many handlers or branches, especially those that implement operations that cannot be completed immediately, assume an invariant that the inMSHR flag is true and that the event to be handled is at the front of the MSHR register, before any real coherence action is taken. The invariant is most likely enforced by checking whether inMSHR is already true. If not, then an MSHR entry will be allocated by calling allocateMSHR(). The processing will only continue, if the return value of allocateMSHR() indicates that the allocation is successful, and that the entry is at the front. Otherwise, the handler will just return true, such that it will be removed from the memory controller’s buffer, and only be retried when it reaches the front entry of the MSHR register.

  2. A data request can be completed in one of the three manners: (1) The data request can be immediately completed in the current cycle. The request may or may not have been waiting in the MSHR in this case. The request will call cleanUpAfterRequest() to attempt to schedule the next request in the MSHR for retry. This case usually happens if there is a cache hit.

(2) The data request cannot be immediately completed in the current cycle, due to conditions such as cache misses or downgrades, invalidations, etc., and the request is inserted into the MSHR, if not already. In the meantime, the request will initiate internal requests to eliminate the condition that blocks it from being completed. When the responses to the internal requests are received, the request completes automatically, and the response handler calls cleanUpAfterResponse() to attempt to schedule the next request in the MSHR for retry.

(3) Same as (2), except that after the responses have been handled, the same request is retried by calling retry(). Then it will either be case (1), or case (2). This case is common if the response handler is unsure of the type of the request it is dealing with, and would just like to delegate state transition and post-response processing to the request handler. Note that this is merely a programming artifact to simplify coding, and it does not reflect the way that real hardware handles coherence requests.

  1. In particular, data requests that miss the current level will be inserted into the MSHR, and then handled in a non-atomic, split-transaction manner when its reaches the front. In the first half (request path), if eviction is needed, the controller will insert an eviction entry in the old address’s MSHR register. When that eviction request reaches the front of the MSHR register, and is successfully handled, the original data request is retried by calling retry(). If the miss persists on the retry, or, if eviction is not needed, the data request handler will forward the data request to the lower level. The coherence state of the block will also transit to a transient state to indicate a pending transaction. In the second half (response path), the response is received, which is processed by the response handler. The response handler transits the state back to a stable state, and the request is completed in the response handler by calling cleanUpAfterResponse().

  2. Certain requests may already be in progress, which is checked by calling getInProgress(), when their preceding requests complete or when a response is received and handled. This indicates that the request has completed the first half of the split transaction, and is waiting for the responses, and hence need not be retried on completion of the preceding request. In this case, these requests will not be retried by cleanUpAfterRequest() and cleanUpAfterResponse(). Correspondingly, when a request finishes its first half execution, then the handler needs to call setInProgress() to set the in progress flag.

Note that the reason some requests are already handled while not sitting at the front entry of the MSHR register is that some requests can “cut the line”, and be inserted at the front of the MSHR. When such requests complete, it is necessary to check whether the next request is already in progress.

  1. If a request can be handled immediately, then it will just complete in the same cycle as it is handled, without involving the MSHR. Otherwise, the coherence controller will insert it into the MSHR, which will be handled in the future after all requests that precede it are drained (and as discussed earlier, the waiting request is scheduled for retry by one of the preceding requests or the corresponding responses).

Insertion into MSHR takes place by calling allocateMSHR(), which is defined in the base class controller. There are three outcomes to MSHR allocation: (1) The allocation succeeds, and the entry allocated is the front entry of the register. The function returns OK; (2) The allocation succeeds, and the entry is not the front entry. The function returns Stall; (3) The allocation fails, due to the MSHR being full. The function returns Reject.

  1. The caller of allocateMSHR() must check the return value, and act accordingly: In case (1), the request must be handled immediately, which executes the first half of the split transaction. The event will be removed from the cache controller’s buffer when the handler returns true. When the second half of the split completes on receiving the response event, the response event handler will eventually remove the request from the MSHR.

In case (2), if the request does not work on transient states, then the request must not be handled immediately, since it is not at the front entry of the MSHR. The caller should just return true to the cache controller, which indicates that the request can be removed from the cache controller’s buffer. The request will be scheduled for retry (in fact, its first time attempt) when the preceding request completes.

On the contrary, if the request works on transient states, because it can resolve race conditions (e.g., race between downgrade and upper level flush), then the request may still be handled to resolve the race condition first, and then at a later cycle, be retried from the MSHR to perform its own task.

In case (3), for L1 caches, the request must not be handled immediately, since it fails to acquire an MSHR entry. The caller should return false to to the cache controller, which indicates that the request must remain in the cache controller’s buffer, and be retried by the cache controller in the next cycle. For non-L1 caches, if case (3) happens, the caller still returns true, and will send NACK to the upper level cache, indicating that the upper level cache is responsible for a retry in the future.

  1. External downgrades and invalidations can be received, and they will race with CPU-initiated requests. The coherence protocol always orders external events before concurrent CPU-initiated requests, only with a few exceptions, such as when the cache block is locked, or (for non-L1 caches) when the external event will cause the second half of the split transaction to fail.

  2. Each MSHR register has a pending retry counter, which tracks the number of queued requests that will be retried in the current cycle. This counter is incremented when a new request is inserted into the coherence controller’s retry buffer, and decremented when a request handler executes with inMSHR flag set. Certain operations (most notably, evictions) require this counter to be zero in order to be able to proceed.

  3. Despite the serialization provided by MSHR registers, evictions will always race with all requests on the old address. This is because evictions are initiated by requests on the new address (i.e., the address whose access incurs a cache miss), but the eviction itself operates on the old address (i.e., the address to be replaced). In addition, although evictions can only be initiated after the original request has been inserted into the MSHR, the eviction can be attempted on the old address without first being inserted into the MSHR register of the old address, essentially making it of higher priority than all existing entries on the old address. As a result, the eviction path handling is extremely cumbersome, with lots of condition checks, the purpose of which is just to ensure that evictions will not race with existing entries in the old address’s MSHR register in a harmful way.

In the following text, we discuss the three major classes of operations, namely, CPU-initiated data requests, CPU-initiated flush requests, and external requests (i.e., downgrades and invalidations), in separate sections. Helper functions are covered when they are encountered for the first time.

CPU-Initiated Data Requests

High-Level Overview

CPU may initiate three types of data requests: GetS, which obtains a block in shared state for read, GetX, which obtains a block in exclusive state for write, and GetSX, which is equivalent to a GetX, except that the block is locked in the L1 cache, until a future GetX with an atomic flag hits it. GetSX is essential for implementing atomic read-modify-write instructions.

From a high-level perspective, these requests are handled as either a single transaction, in the case of cache hits, or as a few separate atomic transactions, if the access misses. The coherence controller first performs a lookup on the tag array. If the tag entry of the requested address exists, and it is in a state that does not need further coherence actions (e.g., E/M state on GetX), then the access is a hit, and the response is sent back in the same cycle the request is processed.

Otherwise, the access incurs a cache miss, and the coherence controller inserts the request into the MSHR (if this fails, then the request is rejected by the coherence controller, and the cache controller just keeps it, as discussed earlier). Meanwhile, a new request is created based on the current request, and the new request is sent to the lower level to acquire the block. The rest of the actions depends on whether the address tag already exists in the current cache or not. If it does, meaning that the coherence action is taken to upgrade the permission of the block (which only happens for GetX and GetSX), then no further action is taken.

If, however, the address tag does not exist, then two more transactions are started: eviction and write back. The coherence controller first attempts to evict the block on the same cycle. If this is not achievable due to the block being locked, or pending retries on the address to be evicted, the controller creates an eviction request using the existing block’s address, and inserts it into the MSHR. In addition, the controller also creates a request to write back the contents of the evicted block, and also inserts it into the MSHR. The write back request might be optional for clean blocks, if the lower level cache does not explicitly request clean write backs (this is negotiated during initialization, as discussed in cache controller’s init() function).

The coherence state of the cache block also transits to an transient (unstable, intermediate) state to indicate the ongoing transaction of block fetching or upgrading. I state blocks will transit to IS or IM, depending on the type of the request. S state blocks will transit to SM, if an upgrade is required. E and M state blocks will never miss, and the request is handled trivially in one cycle (although E state blocks will become M on GetX requests).

The second half of the transaction begins when the response event for an earlier cache miss is received. The coherence controller matches the response event with the outstanding MSHR entry, removes the entry, and then transits the block state to a stable state. Extra actions may also be taken, such as locking the cache block, if the request is GetSX, or marking the LL/SC’s atomic flag. The transaction concludes by creating and sending the a response message up that indicates the completion of the access.

handleGetS(), Hit Path

We use function handleGetS() to walk over the above sequence as an example. This function is called in the cache controller’s tick handler to process an memory event object of type GetS. The inMSHR argument is set to false, if the event object is from the cache controller’s event buffer, or true, if the object is from its retry buffer (which itself is just copied from the coherence controller’s retry buffer at the end of every tick).

At the beginning of handleGetS(), a tag lookup is performed on the tag array by calling lookup() on cacheArray_, which either returns a valid pointer to the line, if there is an address match, or returns NULL. Note that this lookup operation will update replacement, as the second argument is true. The line state is stored in local variable state, and then a switch statement decides the next action. If the line is in state S, E, or M, indicating a cache miss, then the request is fulfilled at the current cycle, and the response message is sent by calling sendResponseUp(), followed by cleanUpAfterRequest(). Note that the line’s timestamp is also updated by calling setTimestamp() with the return value of sendResponseUp().

The function also calls removePendingRetry() to decrement the MSHR register’s pendingRetries field, if it is from the cache controller’s retry buffer, as an indication that one less requests need to be processed for the address in the current cycle.

Method sendResponseUp() just takes the request event, creates a new response event by calling makeResponse() (which also sets the source and destination of the response event by inverting the two in the request event), and simulates the access latency using the input argument time, which is the last cycle the cache block is busy, and the current timestamp timestamp_. We have already covered access latency simulation in earlier sections, and do not repeat it here. The access latency value being used depends on whether the request is from the MSHR (i.e., cache controller’s retry buffer), in which case is data member mshrLatency_, or it is from the cache controller’s event buffer, in which case is data member tagLatency_. The response event is eventually inserted into the send queue by calling forwardByDestination(), which is defined in the base class.

Method cleanUpAfterRequest() is called after a request event has been completed. This function is called under the invariance that the request must be the first in the MSHR’s entry list of the requested address. The function first removes the front (i.e., current) entry from the MSHR register of the given address by calling removeFront(), if the request is from the MSHR (indicated by argument inMSHR). The function then moves the next request on the same address that was blocked by the completed request into the retry buffer, which will then be copied to the cache controller’s own retry buffer and processed in the next cycle. To achieve this, the function first inspects the type of the entry in the MSHR. If the entry is of event type, and the event object is not already in progress (by checking getInProgress()), then the event object is scheduled to be processed in the next cycle by inserting it into retryBuffer_. The addPendingRetry() is also called to increment the pendingRetries counter in the MSHR register, indicating that some CPU-generated event will be processed for the address in the next cycle.

Note that in the current version of SST (version 11.1.0), there is likely a bug in cleanUpAfterRequest(), where curly braces are missing for the if statement if (!mshr_->getInProgress(addr)). This way, the statement, mshr_->addPendingRetry(addr);, which is supposed to be only executed when the if holds, will be always executed regardless of the if condition.

If the next MSHR entry is of evict type, the function will then generate one eviction request for every “new address” stored in the entry (the list of new address is obtained by calling getEvictPointers()). Note that internally generated eviction requests carry a command of NULLCMD, and that they also carry the old address (i.e., the address to be evicted), addr.

Also Note that write back entries in the MSHR register are not retried in cleanUpAfterRequest(), even if they are at the front of the queue. The reason is that the coherence controller always sends the write back request to the lower level in the same cycle as the entry is added to the MSHR, and hence these entries are just waiting for write back responses (i.e., they are always in progress), while blocking all future requests. The write back entries will be removed when write back responses are received, in which scenario cleanUpAfterResponse() will be called to retry the next request in the MSHR register.

handleGetS(), Miss Path (Despite Eviction)

If the state of the tag is I, meaning that the tag address is not found, then a cache miss has occurred, and the request must be completed with a few more transactions. The controller will first attempt to evict a block from the cache, by calling processCacheMiss(). This function may perform the following three operations (some are optional): (1) Adding the request into MSHR, if not already; (2) Evict the tag if necessary, or schedule an eviction request in the MSHR; (3) Send a write back request to the lower level for the eviction. The function may return MemEventStatus::OK, MemEventStatus::Stall, or MemEventStatus::Reject, which are enum class types defined in file memTypes.h. In the first case, everything succeeds, and the CPU-generated request can be processed. In the middle case, the request cannot be handled immediately, but we know that it has already been added to the MSHR, so the request can be removed from the cache controller’s buffer, and it will be retried later. In the last case, the request does not even get into the MSHR, and it must be retained in the cache controller’s buffer. We postpone discussion of the eviction path to later section, and only focuses on miss handling here.

If the return value of processCacheMiss() is OK, then the processing proceeds by performing a second lookup on the tag array. The second lookup is necessary, since a replacement may have already been made. Also note that the lookup does not change replacement information, as its purpose is merely just to find the tag entry rather than simulating an access. The controller creates a new request object and sends it to the lower level cache by calling forwardMessage() (which is defined in the base class), transits the state of the block to IS, which is equivalent to S but data is missing (so any data related request on IS block should be stalled unless the response arrives). Finally, the timestamp of the block is updated to the send time, and the MSHR entry of the request is set as in progress, such that it will not be scheduled twice. If the return value of processCacheMiss() is not OK, the request will not be further processed. The return value of handleGetS() also depends on the return value of processCacheMiss(), i.e., whether the request has been successfully added to the MSHR. If true, then handleGetS() returns true, and the request will be removed from the cache controller’s buffer. Otherwise, the method returns false, and the request remains in the buffer, which will be processed in the next cycle.

Note that it is possible that the request is successfully inserted into the MSHR, but the eviction fails, which will cause processCacheMiss() to return Stall, and handleGetS() will return true regardless, causing the request to be removed from the cache controller’s buffer. At the first sight, this will block overall progress, since the request will never be re-executed. With further inspection, however, it is revealed that when this happens, there must already be earlier requests in the MSHR. When these requests complete, they will insert the current request back into the retry buffer. This is also the reason why function handleGetS() always calls removePendingRetry().

If the request hits an transient state, it will be inserted into the MSHR by calling allocateMSHR(), if not already, since CPU-generated requests always operate on stable states. The older request that is responsible for causing the transient state will put this request in the retry buffer when it completes.

handleGetS(), Response Path, Part I

When a cache miss occurs, the request object is inserted into the MSHR, and we know that it also must be the first entry of the MSHR register (because otherwise, the block will be in a transient state, and the request will not be processed). All processing on the address is blocked (excluding invalidations, which is considered as being ordered before the access operation) until the response event from the lower level cache arrives, in which case, handleGetSResp() will be invoked.

Method handleGetSResp() first performs a lookup on the tag array, acquires the cache tag, and sets the block state to the stable state, S. We ignore the mundane part of the function on data and memory flags as they are pretty straightforward. The method then calls sendResponseUp() to send a response message to the higher level component (for L1 cache, the CPU). Note that the replay argument is set to true to indicate that the request being responded to is from the MSHR. Finally, the method calls cleanUpAfterResponse() to remove the front entry from the MSHR, and schedule the following entry on the same address.

Method cleanUpAfterResponse() behaves similarly to its buddy, cleanUpAfterRequest(). It removes both the front entry of the MSHR register on the response event’s address, and the request event object that is in the entry as well, if the entry is of Event type. Note that the entry can also be of other type as well, since write backs and flush response handler will also call this function, in which case there is no associated request object in the front entry. The method then adds the next waiting entry in the MSHR register to the retry buffer in a way that is similar to the one in cleanUpAfterRequest(). The only difference is that cleanUpAfterResponse() assumes that the next entry in the MSHR register will never be a write back entry, since write back entries have higher priority than CPU-generated requests as well as evictions, which are the type of requests that need to call cleanUpAfterResponse() on completion. Additionally, write backs on the same address will not stack on each other, since the block state will transit to I after the write back entry is inserted into MSHR. This implies that write back entries will never be queued in the MSHR after these request entries.

In the case of cleanUpAfterRequest(), the reason that a write back request may be after the front request is that external invalidation requests have even higher priority than write backs, i.e., when an invalidation is received, if it cannot be handled immediately, the event entry will always be inserted as the front entry of the MSHR register. After this request is handled, cleanUpAfterRequest() will be called to remove its entry from the MSHR, in which case the next entry being a write back is truly possible.

handleGetS(), Response Path, Part II

It is also possible that GetS request receives a GetXResp as the response message, which invokes handleGetXResp() for event handling. This may happen if one or more lower level caches are non-inclusive, and on the GetS request, they just decide to give up the ownership of a dirty block. The dirty block will be delivered to the requesting cache via GetXResp, and the handler will see transient state IS.

The relevant logic of handleGetXResp() is no different from those in handleGetSResp(). In the switch statement, transient state IS is handled by transiting to either M, if the response data is dirty as indicated by the lower level, or to E or S, depending on whether E state is enabled for the protocol.

handleGetS(), Eviction Path, Part I

We have left out the eviction path of handleGetS() in the previous sections, which will be covered in this section. The eviction path starts in function processCacheMiss(). The function first allocates an MSHR entry for the request, if it is not already in the MSHR. If the allocation fails, due to the MSHR being full, the function returns Rejected without any further action, and the request will be reattempted in the next cycle. If the request is already in the MSHR, the function also checks whether the request is, in fact, also the front event of the MSHR register. The eviction path will only be executed if the request is the in the front. This check is necessary, since it is possible that the event was the front entry of the MSHR register, and hence was added to the retry buffer in the previous cycle, but an invalidation is received in the current cycle, which has a higher priority, and will be inserted as the front request. In this case, the CPU-generated request should give up the cycle, and let the invalidation be handled first by returning Stall to the caller.

If all checks are passed, or the MSHR is allocated successfully, then the value of the local variable status will be OK. The function then checks whether an eviction is needed by checking whether the argument line is NULL. If true, this implies that the tag lookup does not find the address, and hence an existing block should be evicted. Otherwise, the address is already in the cache, and the miss is caused by an upgrade. In the former case, allocateLine() is called to perform eviction and write back, while in the latter case, no eviction is needed, as the block is already present.

Method allocateLine() first calls handleEviction() to attempt performing an eviction in the current cycle. If the eviction is feasible, handleEviction() returns true, which means that the block has already been evicted in the current cycle. In this case, the tag is updated with the requested address by calling replace(), and the line object with the new address is returned. If eviction is infeasible, due to some ongoing actions on the old address, handleEviction() returns false. In this case, an eviction entry is inserted into the MSHR by calling insertEviction(), and the function returns NULL. Note that the eviction entry is inserted on the old address, with the entry object carrying both the old and the new address, while the event entry representing the request is inserted on the new address.

Also note that, in the case where eviction fails, allocateLine() returns NULL, which causes its caller, processCacheMiss(), to return Stall. This will further cause the request to be removed from the cache controller’s buffer. The request will eventually be retried when the eviction on the old address succeeds.

Method handleEviction() attempts to evict the block given by the replacement manager if feasible. Note that the second argument is both an input and an output argument. The function first finds the replacement block, if one is needed (line being NULL) by calling findReplacementCandidate() on the tag array with the old address. It then checks whether the line is locked, and if true, then an atomic instruction is currently half-way, and eviction must not proceed until the block is unlocked, in which case false is returned. Otherwise, the function checks whether the address also has pending retries by calling getPendingRetries() on the block address at the beginning of every case block. If true, then these retries are logically ordered before the eviction, and eviction could not proceed either, which causes the control flow to fall though to the default case, and false is returned.

If the eviction is performed successfully, then the state of the line will transit to I. There is no transient state for evictions, meaning that evictions happen atomically.

Note that there is also likely a coding bug that fails to return false directly when the getPendingRetries() check fails. The bug, although not affecting correctness, causes the check with getPendingRetries() to be called multiple times, until the control flow falls through to default. A better scheme would be just to add an else to the if statement that checks pending retries, and return false there.

If there is no pending retry on the old address, the block is not locked, and the state of the block is a stable state, eviction could then proceed in the current cycle, by sending write back requests to the lower level with PutS, PutE, or PutM commands, for state S, E, and M, respectively. Transient states indicate ongoing transactions on the address, in which case eviction should also be delayed (the control flow will hit the default case). The actual request object is sent with sendWriteback(), which is just a simple function that creates a new event object, computes the delivery time, initializes related fields, sends the request downwards by calling forwardByAddress(), and finally updates the block’s timestamp. After sending the write back event object, if the cache is expecting acknowledgements for write backs (which is configured during init()), a write back entry is also inserted into the MSHR for the old address by calling insertWriteback(). Note that the write back entry is always inserted as the front request of the old address. The state of the block is reset to I to reflect the fact that the block has been evicted.

handleGetS(), Write Back Response Path

If write back ACKs are to be received, the response event of type AckPut will be processed by the cache controller by calling handleAckPut(). This function is extremely simple: It does nothing except calling cleanUpAfterResponse(), which, as we have discussed earlier, removes the front entry of the MSHR register, which is the write back entry, and inserts the event in the following entry into the retry buffer.

handleGetS(), Eviction Path, Part II

When handleEviction() fails, due to ongoing operations on the old address, an eviction entry is inserted into the MSHR register of the old address. The eviction entry will be translated into eviction request objects of type class MemEvent, with command NULLCMD, in method cleanUpAfterRequest() and cleanUpAfterResponse(), before being inserted into the retry buffer.

On seeing a NULLCMD type event object, the cache controller will call handleNULLCMD() to perform the eviction. The function first obtains the line object with the old address by performing a tag lookup. The function then reuses handleEviction() to perform eviction in the current cycle. If eviction succeeds, then it calls deallocate() on the line object to clear the line’s state and mark it as unused. Since the eviction has been performed, the originating CPU-generated request on the new address, which is obtained by calling getBaseAddr() on the event object, is then added to the retry buffer, and the new address’s pending retries counter is also incremented by one.

Recall that if the eviction MSHR entry has multiple new addresses, then multiple eviction request object will be generated. Each successful handleEviction() in these requests will remove the new address value from the eviction MSHR entry (which remains the front entry as these evictions are processed) by calling removeEvictPointer(). The last eviction request that is successfully completed will call retry() on the old address to schedule the next entry in the old address’s MSHR register, if any.

If handleEviction() fails with the eviction entry being the front entry of the MSHR register, then either the block is still being locked, or the address to be evicted has no longer been in the cache. The latter is a possible scenario if multiple eviction requests on the same old address are being processed, in which case the earlier lookup() will return NULL, causing the handleEviction() to pick a new replacement block with a different address. The function only handles the latter, though, by comparing the line’s address with the old address. If they mismatch, then the address of the current line is used as the old address to insert another eviction entry into the MSHR. The removeEvictPointer() and retry() calls at the end of the branch just serve identical purposes as those in the other branch.

As for the former case, in which the old address to be evicted is still locked, the handler just let the evictions requests be destroyed quietly at the end of the function without causing any effect. The eviction entry, though, still remains as the front entry of the MSHR with all new addresses in the entry object. When the second request of the locked instruction is handled by handleGetX(), since the address is guaranteed to be locked in the cache, the instruction would never retry, never miss the cache, and hence will always succeed on the first attempt, never requiring an MSHR. After the GetX completes (which will hit an M state line), the method cleanUpAfterRequest() is called, which, in this case, will see the eviction entry, and the eviction requests will be retried again.


The logic of handleGetX() is very similar to those of handleGetS(), with a few exceptions:

  1. handleGetX() will not forward the request to the lower level, if the current level is known to be the last level cache, as the last level cache is assumed to be shared by all caches, and hence exclusive permission can be granted locally. The last level cache is tracked by the flag lastLevel_, which is set during init(), if the down link connects to a memory end point.

  2. The access will incur cache misses on both I and S state blocks, causing the block to transit to transient state, IM and SM, respectively. E and M states will be cache hits, and in the case of E state blocks, it will transit to M state.

  3. In the case of cache misses, the request sent down the hierarchy is of type GetX. Correspondingly, the response message received is GetXResp, which is handled by method handleGetXResp(). On receiving the response message, IM and SM state blocks will transit back to the stable state, M. In addition, if the GetX request is the second half of an atomic read-modify-write instruction, receiving the response will cause the lock counter to be decremented (by calling decLock()), indicating the completion of the locked instruction. Note: I am quite sure whether the last part about locked instructions is necessary or not, because locked cache blocks will be acquired in M state from the beginning, and will never be evicted or downgraded until the second GetX releases the lock. This way, it is impossible for a locked GetX instruction to cause a cache miss, and hence handleGetXResp() should never see a locked GetX as the request type.

  4. GetX requests with the F_LOCKED flag set is regarded as the second half of read-modify-write atomic instructions. When such a request is processed (it should always hit on the first attempt), the flag is checked, and if the flag is set, the lock counter of the block will be incremented by calling incLock().


handleGetSX() is almost identical to handleGetX(). Its purpose is to acquire a cache block in exclusive state, and then lock the block in the cache until a later GetX on the same address writes to the block. This type of requests are used to implement atomic read-modify-write instructions, where the read part corresponds to the GetSX request, which locks the block in M state to avoid data race, and the later write unlocks the block with a GetX request and the F_LOCKED flag set.

The only difference between handleGetSX() and handleGetX() is that, on a cache hit, the lock counter on the block is incremented by calling incLock(). If the access incurs a miss or upgrade, then the GetSX request will be forwarded to the lower level, and the block transits to one of the transient states. On receiving the response, which is of type GetXResp, function handleGetXResp() will check whether the originating request is a GetSX. If positive, then the block will be locked as well by calling incLock().

Note that the GetSX handler will not check whether the request has the F_LOCKED flag set, nor does it decrement the lock counter on a direct hit.

CPU-Initiated Flush Requests

In addition to data requests, the CPU may also proactively flush addresses out of the cache by issuing flushes. Two types of flush requests are supported, namely, flush and flush invalidation (flush-inv). Normal flushes will retain the block in the cache, while downgrading it from exclusive state to shared state, if the block is valid and not already in shared state. Both dirty data and the request itself will be propagated to the lower level, causing a global effect on the entire cache hierarchy. Flush invalidation, on the contrary, will invalidate the block while carrying dirty data, if any, down the hierarchy. As a result, this type of the request will totally get rid of an address in the hierarchy, and potentially force dirty data to be written into the main memory. The two types of requests are handled by handleFlushLine() and handleFlushLineInv(), respectively.

Despite the fact that there is no data to respond, flush requests need to be acknowledged by lower level caches (unless they are attempted on locked addresses), meaning that they may also require an MSHR entry, and will wait for the response message. Both types of flushes expect the same response message, FlushLineResp, which is handled by handleFlushLineResp().

handleFlushLine(), Request Path

As with all request handling method, this method first performs a lookup on the tag array, and acquires the line object as well as its coherence state. Then the method checks whether an MSHR is needed (inMSHR is false). If true, then it is further checked whether the MSHR register for the given address already has entries, which indicates that there are currently other transactions being active (including evictions) at the given address, in which case the function just attempts to allocate an MSHR for the request, and return. The check on the MSHR register is performed by calling exists() on the MSHR object (if there is no entry in the register, the MSHR will also remove the register, so address not existing in the MSHR’s register map is sufficient for ensuring that no other transaction is active). In this case, the method just returns, and the flush is queued in the MSHR waiting for the ongoing transaction to complete. Depending on the result of MSHR allocation, the cache controller either removes the request from its internal buffer on a success, or retains the request on an allocation failure.

Note that checking for MSHR emptiness, rather than the current coherence state, is a necessary step to perform to avoid race condition. Otherwise, the flush may contend with other transactions that does not alter the visible coherence state, most notably, evictions. Imagine if a flush races with an eviction, then the eviction handling method will mistakenly think that the block has been evicted by an earlier eviction, and then turn to select a different eviction victim.

If the request is already in the MSHR, then removePendingRetry() is called to decrement the register’s pending retry counter.

The method then checks whether the block is locked. If true, the flush operation fails, and the response message is immediately sent to the upper level by calling sendResponseUp(), before cleanUpAfterRequest() is called to remove the event from the MSHR (if it is already in there), and to add the following entries into the retry buffer. Note that the flush response event always uses command FlushLineResp, and the success status is indicated by the event object’s F_SUCCESS flag, which is not set in this case.

Also note that it is possible for a flush to fail immediately without being added into the MSHR. This will happen, if (1) the request is not already in the MSHR; (2) there is no contending entries in the MSHR, and (3) the check for locked block fails. This case, however, is handled normally by cleanUpAfterRequest().

If the check passes, then it is certain that the flush will succeed, and an MSHR entry will be allocated, if not already yet, regardless of whether there is contention on the same address. MSHR allocation failures, as usual, will cause false to be returned, and the cache controller will retain this request in its buffer for the next cycle. The address being flushed is also marked as undergoing some transaction by calling setInProgress() to avoid it from being retried multiple times. Then a flush request is forwarded to the lower level by calling forwardFlush(), with boolean argument downgrade to indicate whether the flush also causes the cache to give up ownership (M or E state lines being downgraded). This piece of information is essential for the lower level cache to update ownership and sharer information in its own directory.

Method forwardFlush() is defined in the same class, and it simply copy constructs a new request object, sets the related fields. Specifically, dirty is set if the block state is M before the flush, and downgrade being true will cause isEvict_ to be set as well.

After sending the request to lower level, the coherence state of the block will transit to S_B state, meaing that it is effectively an S state block, despite that the flush transaction has not completed, and the block is still waiting for response.

handleFlushLine(), Response Path

The response event of flush operation is of type FlushLineResp, which is handled by handleFlushLineResp(). On receiving this response, the handler first obtains the line object by a tag lookup. Then the originating flush request object is also obtained at the front of the MSHR register by calling getFrontEvent() on the MSHR. The method completes the state transition: state S_B blocks will transit to the stable state S, and I_B block will transit to I. Note that state I_B can either be the result of handling flush line with invalidation, as we will discuss in the next section, or it can also be because of the S_B block was invalidated by an external invalidation, which was ordered before the ongoing flush request. The response event is forwarded to the upper level by calling sendResponseUp(), using the success bit (via success() on the response event) to indicate whether the flush has succeeded or not. Finally, the method calls cleanUpAfterResponse() to conclude response handling.

handleFlushLineInv(), Request and Response Path

Method handleFlushLineInv() performs a similar task as handleFlushLine(), and the logic is almost identical to the one of handleFlushLine(). Differences are:

  1. handleFlushLineInv() checks whether itself is the front event in the MSHR register by calling getFrontEvent(). If this returns NULL, indicating there is a non-event type entry in the front, or the returned pointer is not the event object, it will stall, and let the front event be handled first. It is unclear to me why this function needs this check, while handleFlushLine() does not.

  2. The block transits to transient state I_B, meaning that the block has logically been invalidated, but the response is still not received.

  3. The related path in the response method is the switch case with state I_B. On receiving a response, I_B blocks will transit to I state.

External Downgrades and Invalidations

The L1 cache may also receive external requests from the below cache, i.e., fetches and invalidations. These requests are generated as part of the coherence protocol for maintaining the one single copy semantics of writable data, or to facilitate ownership transfer between caches at the same level. External events are handled differently from non-external events, mostly in the following aspects:

  1. External events are always inserted as the front entry into the MSHR register, and, as a result, is processed with the highest priority. They do not expect response events from the lower level.

  2. External events may race with other events, and the event handler needs to deal with transient states as well as stable states, although it is impossible for some stable states to receive certain types of external requests (e.g., coherence downgrade will never been sent to an stable S state block).

  3. In the case of transient states, external events are always logically ordered before the corresponding event that caused the transition into the transient state. Consequently, such event is only logically considered as completed when the state moves out of the transient state after receiving a response.

  4. The handlers for external events all share the same common prologue and epilogue. In the prologue, the line object and the block state is obtained. The CPU is notified of the external events by calling snoopInvalidation(), which just creates an event object of type Inv for each CPU registered in the L1 cache during init(), and sends these objects to the CPU. The epilogue code just does some simple maintenance work, and destroys the event object, as the object is always handled in the current cycle. We do not repeatedly discuss the common prologue and epilogue in the following sections.

  5. Source code comments are somehow incorrect in many places, and I suspect that some of the implementations are also problematic. I will point this out as we go through the source code.

Five external requests are handled by the L1 cache: Fetch, which does not change the current state, and just requires a copy of the block to be sent down; Inv, which just invalidates the block, if it is not in exclusive state (used for invalidating shared copies of non-owners); ForceInv, which invalidates a block regardless of its coherence state (used for invalidating blocks regardless of its state);
FetchInv, which invalidates the block, while also requesting its contents to be sent down (used for invalidation an owner); and FetchInvX, which downgrades a block from exclusive to non-exclusive, while also requesting its contents to be sent down (used for downgrading the owner to be a sharer, and allowing other sharers to hold a non-exclusive copy of the block). These events are handled by method handleFetch, handleInv, handleForceInv, handleFetchInv, and handleFetchInvX, respectively.

handleFetch() and handleInv()

Method handleFetch() aims at fetching data from an upper level cache that only has a shared, non-exclusive copy of the block. Correspondingly, the switch statement only handles I and S states and their transient states. Other states are not handled, and will incur fatal errors. The function calls sendResponseDown() with boolean argument data set to true for stable and transient S states, indicating that block data is also carried in the response message, which is of type FetchResp. No response is sent for stable and transient I states. The state of the block remains the same in all cases.

Method handleInv() is almost identical to handleFetch(), expect that it also transits the block state to I, or the equivalent transient of I, and the response type is InvAck. For example, upgrade transient state S_M will become I_M, and after the response of the upgrade arrives, it becomes M. Flush transient state S_B will become I_B, and when the flush response is received, it then becomes I. handleInv() is used by the coherence protocol to invalidate shared copies of a block, when another cache performs GetS or an upgrade.

Note that the source comment for handleFetch() says “In these cases, an eviction raced with this request” under switch case I_B. This is incorrect, because evictions do not cause the cache block to transit into transient states (in handleEviction(), a successful eviction will immediately transit the state to I).


Method handleForceInv() aims at invalidating a block of given address regardless of its coherence state, and the response message to the lower level does not carry data. If the block state is in one of the stable states, or state S_B, then the method checks whether the block is locked. If true, then it cannot be invalidated immediately, and must wait for the atomic instruction to complete. In this case, an MSHR register entry is allocated for the event by calling allocateMSHR(). If the allocation is rejected, then the handler function returns false, which will leave the event in the cache controller’s buffer for the next cycle, and otherwise, it returns true. Note that the allocation passes true to argument fwdRequest, and zero to argument pos, meaning that two entries from the MSHR register is reserved (since the invalidation is waiting for another GetX request to unlock the block), and that the invalidation event type entry will be allocated at the front of the register.

After a GetX unlocks the block (which will always hit, since the block is locked in the cache in M state by an earlier GetSX), the GetX handler will call cleanUpAfterRequest(), which retries the invalidation. This time, since the block is unlocked, the invalidation can be processed without trouble. The block state will transit to I for all cases, except SM, in which case it will transit to IM. Responses of type AckInv are also sent down by calling sendResponseDown(), with data being false for stable and transient non-I states.

Note that this function has a few peculiarities. First, if the block is locked, then it could only be in one state, namely, state M. The source code, however, checks the locked flag in many irrelevant states, which may cause MSHR entries be allocated/reserved even if it is not really necessary. Second, the method does not call cleanUpAfterRequest(), even if the invalidation is from the MSHR. This will keep the entry in the MSHR forever, and block all other requests on the address. Third, the method does not send data down even when the state is in stable or transient M (i.e., owner state), potentially leaving stale data in the lower levels, as the owner holds the most up-to-date data in the hierarchy. Judging from its behavior, it is also unclear under which circumstances this method will be useful.

handleFetchInv() and handleFetchInvX()

handleFetchInv() is almost identical to handleForceInv(), except that it always sends response with data to the lower level for both shared and exclusive states, and the type is FetchResp. This method also handles all stable and transient states, and can be used to implement recursive invalidation when a lower level block is evicted (for inclusive caches only) or invalidated. The method also checks whether the block is locked, and may also allocated one MSHR entry, and reserve for another one.

handleFetchInvX() is almost identical to handleFetchInv(), except that (1) It does not handle S and SM state, since the request is exclusively used to downgrade an owner into a non-exclusive sharer; (2) E and M state blocks will transit to S state as the result of being downgraded, and send the data response of type FetchXResp. stable and transient I blocks will not send any response, and does not transit to any other state.

Note that in handleFetchInvX(), state S_B is somehow handled, which is inconsistent with the method’s intended usage. This does not cause correctness issues, though, because it is just that the case statement will never be seen during the operation.

Negative ACKs (NACKs)

The L1 cache may also receive NACK for a CPU-generated request that it has sent to the lower level. The NACK indicates that the lower level MSHR is full, and could not accept more events. Note that the L1 itself will not send NACK to the CPU, and it will only keep those that are rejected MSHR allocation in the buffer of the cache controller, which will just be reattempted in the next cycle.

Method handleNACK() handles the NACK message. The method extracts the original event that is rejected by the lower level by calling getNACKedEvent() on the NACK event object. The original event will be scheduled for sending on a future cycle by calling resendEvent(), which is defined in the base class. The method resendEvent() computes the send cycle with exponential back off based on the number of re-sends, and then inserts the event into the outgoing queue by calling forwardByDestination() with the computed cycle.

Coherence Protocol: MESI Inclusive

class MESIInclusive implements a MESI protocol on non-L1, inclusive caches. This class also inherits from the base class, class CoherenceController. Compared with L1 MESI coherence controller, non-L1 controllers need to implement invalidation and downgrades of upper level blocks, in the case of certain combinations of current block states and coherence requests. Besides, to maintain inclusiveness, on a block eviction, external invalidation, and downgrade, the upper-level blocks on the same address should be recursively invalidated or downgraded. This suggests that evictions and external requests cannot be easily processed in the same cycle as they are received, due to the extra complication brought about by inclusiveness.

The non-L1 controllers, however, also have less per-block state to maintain and less cases to handle when it comes to locked blocks, and LL/SC transactions. Instead, per-block coherence states are maintained for tracking sharers, in the case of a shared block, or tracking the owner, in the case of an exclusive block. Correspondingly, the tag array type used in the class is CacheArray<SharedCacheLine>, which only contains coherence information, but not operational information as in the L1 cache array.

Compared with non-inclusive caches, this type of the coherence controller can maintain coherence information for blocks both in the current cache and in upper level caches using the same tag array, since the upper level blocks are only a subset of blocks in the current cache.

Data Members

Data member cacheArray_ is the tag array of the cache, which maintains both the local state as well as the coherence state of the upper level caches on the tag address. Boolean field protocol_ specifies whether the clean-exclusive E state should be granted to the upper level cache. The E state will be granted, when a GetS is processed, and the requestor is the only sharer of the block. In other words, the protocol being simulated by the controller is MESI, if the field is true, and MSI if otherwise. Data member protocolState_ is of value E, if protocol_ is true, and S if otherwise, meaning that if the protocol is MSI, then shared reads will always only grant S state.

Data member responses tracks all outstanding invalidation and downgrade requests sent to the upper level caches. This structure is an std::map, with the address being the key, and a pair of std::string and MemEvent::id_type being the value. The first element of the value is the identity of the receiver, i.e., either an owner, in the case of an exclusively owned block, or a sharer, in the case of a shared block. The second element is the ID of the outstanding request being sent to the receiver. Entries will be inserted into this structure, when the coherence controller sends invalidations or downgrades, in one of the three methods: downgradeOwner(), invalidateSharer(), and invalidateOwner().

New Transient States

Due to the existence of downgrades and invalidations, a few new transient states are introduced into the controller. These states just act as a indicator showing that an ongoing coherence transaction is happening, and that parallel operations stumbling upon them should either stall, or treat these states as the corresponding stable states. In other words, these coherence actions are not considered as logically completed, before they transit back to a stable state.

The coherence controller introduces the following three classes of transient states: (1) S_Inv, SB_Inv, E_Inv, and M_Inv, which indicate that an invalidation transaction that invalidates all or some copies of the address in upper level caches is going on; (2) E_InvX and M_InvX, which indicate that a downgrade transaction that transfers ownership and perhaps dirty data from the upper level to the current level is going on. (3) SM_Inv, which indicates that the block is in the process of upgrading from S to M after issuing GetX to the lower level to obtain ownership, while also in the process of invalidating all shared copies in the above level. This state may transit to M_Inv or SM depending on which transaction completes first. Note that after the SM_Inv state transits back to the stable state M, there is still one sharer, which is the one that issues the GetX request and has successfully upgraded its local block.

Helper Functions

Before delving into the details of coherence actions, we go over the helper functions that perform invalidation and downgrades first. These functions are heavily utilized by the rest of the protocol, and hence, it is beneficial to introduce them first.

downgradeOwner(), Request Path

Method downgradeOwner(), as the name implies, downgrades the current owner of the block in upper level caches into the shared state. Since there can be at most a single owner on any address, this method only needs to send one downgrade request to the owner tracked by the per-block coherence states, and waits for the response. This method is called in three cases: (1) When a GetS request hits a block that has an exclusive owner which is not the requestor, causing the ownership to transfer from the upper level to the current cache; (2) When a flush request hits a block that has an owner that is different from the requestor, causing the ownership to transfer from both levels to the next level; and (3) When an external downgrade is received from the lower level, and the current block has an owner in the upper level, causing the ownership to transfer from both levels to the next level.

In all of the contexts, the event object that incurs the downgrade, which is also the first argument of the method, is assumed to have already been added into the MSHR when the function is called. Method argument inMSHR indicates whether the event is in the MSHR when the handler is called. If the event is not in the MSHR when the handler is called, then even if one is allocated later during the function, this argument would be set to false, and the latency being simulated is the tag array latency, rather than MSHR latency. In addition, since downgrading an address indicates the existence of an owner in the above level, the state of the block in the current level must also be in one of the exclusive states, because otherwise, exclusive states would not have been able to be granted to the upper levels.

The function first obtains the address of the downgrade, and creates a new memory event object of command FetchInvX. The new request object inherits the requestor and flags from the originating request object, and the destination is set to the current owner of the address (obtained by calling getOwner() on the line object). The method also increments the ACK counter in the MSHR register of the address by one, by calling incrementAcksNeeded(), indicating that only one response from the owner is expected.

The method then updates responses by inserting the response to be expected. Since only one response from the owner is necessary to complete the downgrade transaction, only one entry is inserted into the per-address map, with the key being the owner name, and the value being the globally unique ID of the downgrade event object. Eventually, the newly created object is sent to the owner of the address by calling forwardByDestination(). The timestamp of the send operation is also computed, and block timestamp is updated.

downgradeOwner(), Response Path

The FetchInvX event will be replied by the upper cache with FetchXResp event object. The FetchXResp event carries data, and the dirty flag which indicates whether the data is dirty or not. In the former case, the dirty data should be written into the current cache, which may also potentially change the local state.

The response event is handled by method handleFetchXResp(). The function never allocates an MSHR, and can always complete in the same cycle that it is handled. The method first obtains the line object and the state. Then it decrements the ACK counter in the MSHR register by calling decrementAcksNeeded(). Note that downgrades always only have one ACK to process (i.e., the current one), and hence the ACK counter is not checked and is assumed to be zero. The method then calls doEviction() to simulate the potential state transition caused by writing upper level data into the current cache (which will only happen if the dirty flag of the response event object is set). The responses map is also updated to remove the entry that represents the event object we just received.

The method then adds the sender of the message, which is also assumed to be the previous owner, into the sharer list. Since the downgrade always completes within the same cycle of processing the response event, the state of the block also transits back to a stable state. If it is in M_InvX, then it will transit back to M. Otherwise, it must be that the block is in E_InvX (since only M and E blocks will transit to these two transient states at the beginning), and so it will transit back to E. After the downgrade completes, the next event in the MSHR on the address is retried by calling retry(). Also note that the actual event being retried may or may not be the originating event of the downgrade transaction.


Method doEviction() is called in downgradeOwner() and many other methods to simulate the local write back of receiving a dirty eviction or invalidation from the upper level. The function first checks whether the response event carries dirty data by calling getDirty(). If true, it then performs state transition of writing back dirty data with a switch statement. Since dirty write back can only happen when the upper level has a dirty block, namely, having exclusive ownership, which further suggests that the current cache must also in an exclusive state (transient or stable), the method only handles three cases: E, E_Inv, and E_InvX, and they will transit to M, M_Inv, and M_InvX, respectively. Other cases are either impossible, or do not require transition as they are already dirty (i.e., transient or stable M states).

The function then removes the source of the event from the owner field and sharer’s lists, if not already, and caller should update the coherence states further to reflect the change, if any. At the end, the function clears the isEvict_ flag in the class MemEvent object by calling setEvict() on the event object. This will prevent the event object being processed multiple times from the MSHR. The new state is also returned to the caller for convenience.

invalidateSharer(), Request Path

Method invalidateSharer() sends an invalidation message to a specified clean sharer in the upper level. This method takes, as arguments, the identity of the sharer as a string, and an optional event object (set to NULL if not available). It also takes an argument cmd to indicate the command to use for the invalidation, which has a default value of Inv, meaning that by default, the function just invalidates without requiring data response (so it only receives InvAck). The method is called directly in handlers handleForceInv() and handleFetchInv(), when a block of state SM_Inv is to be invalidated. Note that an SM_Inv block, despite the fact that the _Inv suffix implies that invalidations have been issued to sharers, still has one sharer, which is the one who issued the GetX for an upgrade. The only sharer (not owner, since the upgrade has not completed yet), therefore, needs to be invalidated by calling this function.

Besides, the method is also used by helper functions invalidateExceptRequestor() and invalidateAll() as a building block to implement more complicated coherence transactions.

invalidateSharer() first checks that the given sharer is in fact an actual sharer. If negative, this function does nothing and just returns. Then it creates a new event object with the given command (default to Inv), and then initializes the object either with metadata from the originating event (if not NULL), or just initializes with the name of the current cache as the original requestor. Destination of the event is set to the name of the sharer.

The method then inserts an entry with the name of the sharer and the event ID into responses. The event is sent by calling forwardByDestination() after computing the delivery time. At last, the number of ACKs to expect in the response handler is incremented by calling incrementAcksNeeded().

invalidateSharer(), Response Path

The response event is of command AckInv, which is handled by handleAckInv(). The function first removes the source cache, which is the one whose cache block just gets invalidated, from the sharer list or from the owner field, depending on whether it is a sharer or an owner. Then the entry is also removed from responses. Next, the method calls decrementAcksNeeded() to decrement ACK counter, and if the counter reaches zero, the method just updates the state to reflect the fact that the invalidation transaction has completed. The transition logic handles all states that have a _Inv suffix, and transits them back to the corresponding stable states. Non _Inv-suffix states are not supported, and will cause an error to be reported. If the invalidation transaction has completed, the function returns false, and otherwise it returns true.

The reason that handleAckInv() may see a block in transient exclusive state is that both Inv and ForceInv expect to be responded by AckInv (without data). The former will only invalidate shared state blocks in the upper level, but this does not prevent the current level state from being an exclusive state, since it is totally normal for an exclusive state lower level to grant shared states to the upper levels. As for the latter, since ForceInv invalidates blocks of all states forcibly, it needs to handle all possible scenarios including both exclusive and non-exclusive.

Note that, just like any other response message handler, handleAckInv() will call retry() after state transition to schedule the next entry in the MSHR, if any, for all cases except SM_Inv, in which case retry() is called only after checking that the next event is not in progress by calling getInProgress() on the MSHR. The reason that retry() cannot be blindly called for SM_Inv is that this state indicates an ongoing upgrade transaction, the event entry of which is also in the MSHR, and it must not be retried multiple times. The MSHR front event should eventually be retried by function cleanUpAfterResponse(), which does not check the in progress flag of the MSHR entry, when the GetX response event is received from the lower level.

invalidateOwner(), Request Path

Method invalidateOwner() is similar to downgradeOwner(), except that it sends FetchInv command for invalidation rather than FetchInvX for downgrade. Correspondingly, the response event is of command FetchResp, rather than FetchXResp. The response is handled by method handleFetchResp.

invalidateOwner() is directly called in method handleGetX(), when the block is in E or M state, and the block is exclusively owned by an upper level cache (which cannot be the requestor). The method is also used by another helper function, invalidateAll(), to implement the case where only a single owner is to be invalidated.

Note that invalidateOwner() may just fail to invalidate and return false, if the given block does not have an owner (the owner field is empty string). This property is being relied on in invalidateAll() as a quick check to see whether the block is exclusively owned, or just shared. Besides, invalidateOwner() allows a custom command to be passed as the command of the event being sent to the owner of the address. If not given, the command defaults to FetchInv. The only case where the default command is overridden is in handleForceInv(), which calls invalidateAll() with the command ForceInv, and the command will be passed to invalidateOwner() as well.

invalidateOwner(), Response Path

As mentioned earlier, the response event is of type FetchResp, if the default command is used. The event is handled by method handleFetchResp(). What the handler does is simple. First, it decrements the ACK counter in the MSHR register, and then removes the entry representing the earlier invalidation request from responses. It also calls doEviction() to simulate dirty write back and the respective state transition, which we have covered earlier. Eventually, the method performs state transition on completion of the transaction. The state transition only supports two possible states, namely, the transient M, or the transient E, which will transit to stable M and E, respectively. The method also calls retry() to schedule the next entry in the MSHR for retry, if there is any.


Method invalidateExceptRequestor(), as the name implies, invalidates all other copies of a block except the requestor of a given event. This method is used when a GetX hits a block in the cache, and it is indicated by the coherence state that the address is also being shared in upper level caches in shared states.

The method’s logic is very straightforward: It enumerates the given block’s sharer, and for each sharer that is not the source of the given event (which is a GetX issued by one of the upper level caches), then an invalidation will be sent to the cache by calling invalidateSharer(). For each invocation of invalidateSharer(), the timestamp of the block will be updated, and the final timestamp is in local variable deliveryTime, which will be set as the block’s timestamp after the operation. The method returns true, if at least one invalidation request has been issued, meaning that the block should transit to a transient state until the responses are received (the method itself does not perform any state transition, though).

Note that the method uses the default cmd argument of invalidateSharer(), which is Inv, indicating that it intends to invalidate shared blocks in the upper level.


Method invalidateAll() just invalidates all sharers or the owner of an address, regardless of its current status. This function implements recursive invalidation, which happens when an address from the current cache is removed, due to eviction, flush, or external invalidation. This method is called by handler functions handleFlushLineInv(), handleInv(), handleForceInv(), handleFetchInv(), and handleEviction(). The method also takes an optional argument, cmd, which specifies a command to be used. The command is set to NULLCMD by default, meaning that the method is free to choose the most appropriate command based on the sharer and owner information of the block. The only occasion where a non-default command is used, though, is in method handleForceInv(), in which case ForceInv is passed as cmd, forcing an invalidation to be performed regardless of the block state in the upper level. The method returns true, if the block to be invalidated in the upper level is owned, or false if otherwise.

The method calls attempts to call invalidateOwner(), with the command being either FetchInv, if not specified in the argument, or whatever in the argument, if otherwise. If invalidateOwner() returns true, meaning that the block is indeed owned by an upper level cache, the function returns true as well. Otherwise, if invalidateOwner() returns false, meaning that the block does not have an owner, and all copies in the above level are shared (or it is not cached by upper levels at all), then the method enumerates all sharers, and calls invalidateSharer() on each of the sharer. The command, if not explicitly given, is set to Inv by default. The timestamp of the block is updated in the same way as in invalidateExceptRequestor().

Handling Write Backs

There are also functions that handle write backs (event type PUTx) induced by eviction from the upper level. Recall that when a write back event is received, if the cache is configured to send an acknowledgement, or the upper level expects to hear back from the write back request, then the write back will be inserted as the front entry of the MSHR in the upper level, and the acknowledgement should be sent from the lower level. Also recall that, when eviction is being requested due to a replacement, handleEviction() will check (1) Whether the block is in one of the stable states; (2) Whether there are no pending retry on the address to be evicted; and (3) Whether the address is not locked by an atomic instruction. If all three criteria are satisfied, the eviction is handled by issuing a PutS, PutE, or PutM, respectively, for block state S, E, and M.

Race Condition Between Eviction and Invalidation

When an eviction operation succeeds, the cache block immediately transits to I state, without transitioning into an intermediate state first. This design is intentional, because not every configuration requires an AckPut be sent by the lower level after receiving the eviction, and for those that do not, transitioning into a transient state after eviction would mean that there is no further event that cause the state to transit back.

This protocol simplification creates a window of vulnerability, in which the lower level cache still marks the upper level cache as a sharer or owner, while the upper level cache has already evicted the block, with the state transited to I, due to the fact that it may take several cycles for the eviction message (i.e., PUTx events) to be delivered or processed. As a result, in the window of vulnerability, if invalidations or downgrades are sent to the upper level cache whose eviction has been completed locally but not yet handled by the receiver, there would be an inconsistency, since the receiver in the upper level will not respond to downgrades or invalidations on a non-existing block, while the issuer expects a response from the upper level, causing a race condition.

Luckily, the race condition is still solvable, because the sender of the downgrade or invalidation will eventually receive the put message. In addition, by checking the number of ACKs expected in the MSHR register of the address, the sender is also able to identify whether the put message originates from an unsolicited eviction, or is the result of the race condition.


This method is called by all put handlers to send a response to the upper level cache as acknowledgement, if the data member sendWritebackAck_ is set (which is initialized in init()). The method’s logic is simple: Given the put event object, it creates a new event object by calling makeResponse(), sets the source and message size, and sends the event by calling forwardByDestination(). The latency of the event is always the tag latency, since put events are always handled in the same cycle when it is received, and hence no MSHR entry is needed.


Method handlePutS() may handle an unsolicited eviction, or treat it as the response event to an earlier invalidation due to a race condition. Note that PutS will not race with downgrades, since S state blocks in the upper level will never cause a downgrade to be issued from the current cache.

The method begins with the usual prologue as in other handler functions. Most notably, it calls removePendingRetry() if the inMSHR flag is set, but it is impossible for this event to be inserted into the MSHR, and the invocation will never be executed. The method then calls doEviction() to perform the local state transition of writing evicted data, in which case will perform both state transition of the local state (no-op in this case, since PutS does not contain dirty data), and remove the source of the event from the sharer list or from the owner field (in this case, always sharer list). If the source also has an entry in the responses structure, the corresponding entry will be removed, just as if an AckInv has been received. In addition, if the ACK counter on the address is not zero, then it will also be decremented. If the ACK counter reaches zero, the invalidation has been completed, which will cause the flag done to be set. The helper function sendAckPut() is also called, if flag sendWritebackAck_ is set, to send the AckPut back to complete the eviction operation in the upper cache.

The method then performs local state transition. If the state is stable, or is S_B, meaning that the event is an unsolicited eviction, no state transition is needed. Otherwise, if the states is one of the transient states waiting for invalidation to complete, i.e., those with the suffix _Inv, then they will only transit back to the corresponding state without _Inv suffix, if done is set to true, and then call retry() to schedule the originating event that caused the invalidation. The only exception is SM_Inv, which should also check whether the next event object is already in progress (the reason of which has been discussed earlier).

Note that the S_B state means an ongoing flush operation has already forwarded the flush request to the lower level, but has not received any response yet. This does not preclude the possibility of having shared state blocks in the upper level, as flush itself only downgrades dirty blocks on its way. SB_Inv, on the other hand, is observed when an ongoing flush operation races with an external invalidation, which itself raced with the eviction.


Method handlePutE() is called when a PutE event is received. It is similar to handlePutS(), with the state transition table being the major difference. Since a PutE indicates the existence with ownership in an upper cache, which, in return, indicates that the current level must also have exclusive state, state transition may only happen on one of the few transient and state states of E and M. Specifically, the state transition action only accepts state E, M, as well as the _Inv and _InvX versions. Transient states will become their stable counterparts, and stable states do not change at all.


Method handlePutE() is called when a PutM event is received. Its logic is identical to handlePutE(), but the actual operations being performed differ, since doEviction() will now also perform some state transition to simulate the local write back, in addition to removing the owner from the local coherence state.

CPU-Generated Data Requests

handleGetS(), Request Path

Method handleGetS() in the inclusive cache shares an overall similar structure as the one in the L1 cache. In this section, we skip the parts where the logic is identical to those in the L1 cache, e.g., we do not repeatedly explain invocations of helper functions, such as removePendingRetry(), setInProgress(), cleanUpAfterRequest/Response(), allocateMSHR() and the related logic, and so on. To simplify discussion, we also only focus on the difference between the handlers in the inclusive cache and the L1 cache.

The handling of state I and S are almost identical to those in the L1 cache. In the case of state I, the sharer is added to the list only after the response message of the forwarded GetS is processed, i.e., when the block is in IS state, the sharer list does not contain the requestor. For state S, since it is a direct hit without further forwarding, the sharer list is updated immediately in the same cycle.

The handling of E and M state (they share the same logic) need to check whether the upper level cache has exclusive ownership, by calling hasOwner(). If true, then the owner must be degraded first, by calling downgradeOwner(), after successfully allocating an MSHR entry. The state transits to E_InvX and M_InvX, respectively, for state E and M, and the GetS request will be retried by the downgrade response handler when the downgrade completes.

If the address does not have any owner, but has sharers, then the new sharer will be added into the list, and the response event will be GetSResp. If there is no existing sharer, meaning that the requestor will become the sole holder of the shared copy, then the state granted to the upper level will be GetXResp, and the upper level block, on receiving this message, will transit into E state.

If MSHR allocation fails, an NACK that contains the current event object will be sent back to the upper level cache by calling sendNACK(). The upper level cache is expected to re-send the event after waiting for a while. The method always returns true, such that it will be removed from the cache controller’s buffer regardless of the success status.

Method processCacheMiss() and allocateLine() are also identical with those in the L1 cache. Method handleEviction(), however, differs from the one in the L1 due to the fact that eviction may also cause recursive invalidation. In handleEviction(), the method checks whether there are pending retries on the address. If true, then it just returns false, and the caller will insert an eviction entry into the MSHR register. Otherwise, the method first calls invalidateAll() to send Inv or FetchInv to the upper level. If invalidateAll() returns true, meaning that at least one invalidation is sent, then the state of the block transits to the corresponding transient state (with _Inv suffix). Local variable evict is also set to false, to indicate to the caller that an eviction entry should be inserted into the MSHR register, such that it can be retried from the MSHR when all responses are received.

On the other hand, if invalidateAll() returns false, meaning that there is nothing to invalidate, then the eviction can proceed immediately. In this case, a write back request is sent to the lower level by calling sendWriteback(), and the state of the block transits I. The local flag wbSent that tracks whether write backs have been sent is set to true.

At the end of the method, a write back entry is inserted into the MSHR, if a write back has been sent (wbSent), and that the cache is configured to expect write back ACKs. The method returns the value of evicted, which, if set to false, will cause the caller to insert an eviction MSHR entry.

handleGetS(), Response Path

The response event to GetS is GetSResp, which will be handled by handleGetSResp(). The handler is largely the same as the one in the L1 cache, with the only exception being that the original requestor of GetS is added to the block’s sharer list. Besides, the GetS response event is also sent to the upper level, by calling sendResponseUp().

handleGetX() and handleGetSX(), Request Path

Method handleGetX() handles GetX request from the upper level, which can be a read or upgrade. Blocks of I state is handled in the same way as in the L1 cache. Blocks of S state will always incur a cache upgrade transaction, with an optional invalidation. The method first forwards the GetS to the lower level by calling forwardMessage() to start the upgrade transaction. Then it calls invalidateExceptRequestor() to invalidate all potential sharers of the block. Note that since the state of the line itself is non-exclusive, there cannot be exclusive states in upper level caches, and hence only issuing invalidation is sufficient. If invalidateExceptRequestor() returns true, indicating that at least one invalidation has been sent, the state will transit to SM_Inv, to indicate that there are two transactions going on, one is upgrade transaction from S to M, while the other is invalidation. On the other hand, if invalidateExceptRequestor() returns false, then no invalidation is issued, and the state transits to SM.

E state and M state are handled in the same manner. First, if the address has non-exclusive sharers, which is checked by calling hasOtherSharers(), then an MSHR is allocated, and invalidateExceptRequestor() is called to invalidate these sharers. Otherwise, if it has an owner, checked by hasOwner(), then the owner will be invalidated by calling invalidateOwner(). In both cases, the method returns, and will wait for the invalidation transaction to complete, before the current event is retried by the invalidation response handler. The state of the block also both transits to M_Inv. This suggests that the dirty state in the non-L1 caches will be marked as early as the GetX from the L1 is processed (rather than when the dirty block is actually written back).

If neither of the above two cases hold, the GetX can be processed immediately by adding the requestor as the exclusive owner of the address.

Again, if any of the MSHR allocation fails, NACK will be sent back to the requestor.

Method handleGetSX() is completely identical to handleGetX(), since non-L1 caches do not implement atomic instructions.

handleGetX() and handleGetSX(), Response Path

The response event of both GetX and GetS is GetXResp, which is handled by handleGetXResp(). The main body of the handler is the logic to perform state transition. If the state of the block is IS, meaning that the cache has issued a GetS, but the lower level granted exclusive ownership, then the state will transit to either M, if the response event carries dirty data (which will happen if the lower level cache is non-inclusive), or transit to E. In addition, the current cache also decide whether to grant shared or exclusive ownership to the upper level. The decision is made by checking the number of entries in the MSHR register (protocol_ and the line state are also checked, but they are not of major interest). If the MSHR register does not contain any other request other than the original GetS, then exclusive ownership is granted by calling sendResponseUp() to send a response event with the command GetXResp, and the original requestor is also added as an owner. Otherwise, since the MSHR already queues a few requests on the address, it is likely that the following operations will downgrade or invalidate the current owner. In this case, only shared state is granted, by calling sendResponseUp() with the command being GetSResp.

State IM and SM blocks are processed similarly. The block just transits to M state, and the original requestor is added the owner. The same response is forwarded to the upper level by calling sendResponseUp().

For state SM_Inv, this indicates that the upgrade transaction has completed before invalidation does. The state transits to M_Inv, but no response is sent, and the original event is not retried. When the invalidation transaction also completes, the original GetX event will be retried, and the response event is sent to the requestor in the handler of the GetX event.

CPU-Generated Flush Request

Recall that flush requests are generated by the CPU to downgrade or invalidate a block from the entire hierarchy. Flush requests are first processed by each component on the path, performing the downgrade or invalidation locally, after which they are forwarded to the lower level. The forwarded flush request may also carry dirty data, if dirty blocks are downgraded or invalidated along the way. Cache blocks transit to the transient state S_B or I_B, after the flush requests are forwarded to the lower level, and before a response is received. Flush response is generated by the lowest level component of the hierarchy (likely main memory), and is forwarded up the hierarchy following the same path.

Race Condition with Downgrades or Invalidations

In non-L1 caches, flush requests may race with an ongoing downgrade or invalidation, in a way that is similar to how PUTx requests race with them. In fact, flushes just achieve the same effect as downgrades (FlushLine) or invalidations (FlushLineInv), except that they are unsolicited requests since it is the CPU who originally initiates the request. In addition, the window of vulnerability in PUTx handling also exists for flush handling, that is, between the time point when the flush is issued to the lower level, and the point when the lower level receives the flush request and updates the coherence states, the coherence state recorded in the lower level will be stale. If a downgrade or invalidation is issued to the upper level in this window of vulnerability, then these event may not be handled properly by the upper level, and hence extra steps need to be taken, in the lower level cache, to properly identify the role that a flush request plays.

There are two scenarios where the race condition could occur and disrupt normal event processing. First, if the upper level cache issues a regular flush, downgrading its exclusive block into S_B state block, followed by the lower level cache issuing a downgrade, then the downgrade will never be responded to by the upper level cache, since S_B state blocks just ignore downgrades. In this case, the flush request, if it contains data, indicating that it performs ownership transfer, should be considered as the equivalence of a FetchInvXResp with ownership transfer.

In the second scenario, a FlushLineInv is issued from the upper level from any state, and the block transits to I_B. Meanwhile, the lower level issues either a downgrade or an invalidation to the upper level. In this scenario, since I_B blocks do not respond to any external events, the downgrade or invalidation will never receive the response from the upper level cache. To resolve the issue, the lower level cache must treat the FlushLineInv as a FetchInvResp, or as a FetchInvXResp, depending on the pending transactions in the lower level (since an invalidation is also a downgrade).

handleFlushLine(), Request Path

Method handleFlushLine() handles the flush line event, which may or may not carry dirty data evicted from the above level. The method first allocates an MSHR for the event, and simulates the local write back, if any, by calling doEviction(). Note that local write backs will always be simulated on the first and only the first invocation of the handler, regardless of the MSHR allocation status, and will not be executed repeatedly on later retries or NACKs. The function, under this context, will either do nothing, if the write back does not involve a downgrade, or perform local state transition and/or remove the requestor from the owner list, if the event involves a downgrade (indicated by isEvict_ flag) and/or the data it carries is dirty (indicated by dirty_ flag). Besides, on later tries of the event, doEviction() will effectively be a no-op, since the evict flag of the event object is cleared. If the flush is equivalent to a downgrade, then local variable ack will be set to true.

Note that, if a downgrade happens, then after doEviction(), the upper level cache will be added as a sharer, and calling hasOwner() on the block will return false.

The method then performs state transition and/or coherence actions with a switch block. For I and S states, the flush will not incur any local action, and the switch is essentially a no-op. For E and M states, if MSHR is allocated successfully, then downgradeOwner() is called to issue a downgrade to the upper level, and the request is stalled in the MSHR until downgrade succeeds by changing the status to Stall. The state of the block also transits to the corresponding _InvX version to indicate that a downgrade is going on.

The race condition discussed above happens, if blocks are already in E_InvX and M_InvX states, indicating that when the flush line request arrives, there is already a downgrade transaction on the address. In this case, the ack flag is checked. If ack is true, meaning that the ownership transferred has occurred with the flush line request, then it should be regarded as a valid response to the downgrade transaction. The pending response is hence removed from responses, and the ACK counter is decremented by calling decrementAcksNeeded. Besides, the block state changes back to the corresponding stable state, indicating the completion of the downgrade. The original request that caused the downgrade is retried by calling retry() as its downgrade transaction has completed.

The race condition may also occur if the blocks are in E_Inv and M_Inv state, and if the head entry of the MSHR is a FetchInvX request. (Note: I have no idea why this race will even happen - it does not seem obvious to me why there would be an external downgrade at MSHR head, and the state indicates invalidation). In this case, the expected response is also removed, and the downgrade transaction is retried. Note that state transition is not performed in these two cases, which are expected to be performed by the downgrade transaction.

For all other transient states, no race condition has occurred, and the flush is ordered after all existing requests by the MSHR.

After the switch statement, the method checks the local variable status. If it is OK, indicating that the current request is in the first entry of the MSHR register, and there is no pending response, then the flush operation is performed by forwarding the request to the lower level, via the helper method forwardFlush(). Flag downgrade is set, if the block state indicates exclusive ownership. The state then transits to S_B, and the request is marked as being in progress in the MSHR register by calling setInProgress(). Later requests that check the in progress flag will either wait for it to complete, or will not retry this request. The flush request is eventually completed and removed from the MSHR, when the flush response is received from the lower level.

handleFlushLine(), Response Path

The response event to flush line event is FlushLineResp, and it is handled by handleFlushLineResp(). This method is the same as the one in the L1, which performs state transition from S_B to S, or from I_B to I. It also propagates the response events up by calling sendResponseUp(). The flush line event is removed from the MSHR, and the next entry is retried, by calling cleanUpAfterResponse().

handleFlushLineInv(), Request and Response Path

Request FlushLineInv performs an unsolicited eviction of a block, if it exists in the cache, and, as discussed earlier, this request may also race with an going downgrade or invalidation. At the beginning of handleFlushLineInv(), the request is inserted into the MSHR. If the event is an eviction (which is set as long as the upper level cache had contained the address), then the ACK counter of the requested address is checked to see if there is any outstanding invalidation or downgrade response to be expected. If true, then the response is removed from responses, and the ACK counter is decremented, as the flush inv event counts as both downgrade and invalidation. Note that this is universally handled for all cases, and only for the first attempt of the event even if it is NACK’ed due to MSHR allocation failure. Though, in some cases, there will not be any response to expect, in which case what is described above will not have any effect except doEviction().

The method then performs state transition and coherence actions with a switch block. I state blocks (i.e., not found) do not need any action nor transition. For stable state blocks, if MSHR allocation succeeds, then invalidateAll() is called to invalidate all copies of the blocks from the upper level, and if at least one invalidation is issued (by checking the return value), then the state transits to the corresponding transient state, and local variable status is set to Stall, indicating that the request should not be further propagated until the invalidation transaction completes.

On the other hand, _Inv and _InvX state blocks will first check done flag, which indicates whether there are still pending responses to be expected. If done is true, then these blocks will transit back to the corresponding state without _Inv or _InvX, and retry() will be called to retry the event at the head of the MSHR register that initiated the downgrade or invalidation transactions.

After the switch block, if local variable status is OK, indicating that the request is at the head of the MSHR, and that no responses is being expected for the request itself, then the FlushLineInv is propagated to the lower level by calling forwardFlush(), and the state of the block transits to I_B.

The response event of FlushLineInv is FlushLineResp. The event is handled by method handleFlushLineResp(), which has already been discussed above.

External Downgrades and Invalidations

Non-L1 cache handles external downgrades and invalidations differently from the L1 cache, mostly because of the need to recursively downgrade or invalidate the upper level copies, and to deal with the contention between the external requests as well as unsolicited evictions or flushes from the upper level.


Method handleFetch() is almost identical to the one in the L1 cache. It only works on shared, non-exclusive copies of the block, and it sends the contents of the block in a FetchResp event, which always contains clean data (i.e., eviction flag is set, but dirty flag is clear), by calling sendResponseDown(). The method only handles transient and stable versions of I and S, and the state will not change. No response will be sent, if the state is transient or stable I.

Although the method calls cleanUpEvent() at the very end, the event is always handled in the same cycle when it is processed, and does not require an MSHR.


Method handleInv() is different from the one in the L1 cache, mainly because of the needs to recursively invalidate upper level cache’s copies. This method only handles shared, non-exclusive states. The order between the event and a concurrent, ongoing event depends on the exact operation. The general rule is that, if the concurrent operation also involves invalidating sharers, then the Inv event is ordered after the invalidation, but before the event that initiated it, since otherwise there will be two concurrent invalidation transactions. In the rest of the cases, the Inv is ordered before the current event, and will initiate an invalidation transaction, if one is needed.

The method uses three variables to control the execution flow. Local variable handle is a flag to indicate whether invalidations are issued in the current cycle, or invalidation should be postponed or not issued. Local variable state1 and state2 are the two states to transit to, respectively, for the case where invalidation should be issued, and the case where invalidation is not needed.

The method begins with a switch block. State S, S_B and SM blocks are essentially still in S state, and there is no ongoing invalidation transaction. The Inv request can hence be ordered before the concurrent flush line or upgrade. If invalidations are needed (which is checked after the switch block, for code simplicity), then they will transit to S_Inv, SB_Inv, and SM_Inv, respectively. Otherwise, the state will be I, I, and IM, respectively (note that S_B can also transit to I_B, which does not affect correctness). Flag handle is also set to true, indicating that the event is potentially ordered before the concurrent event.

In the case of S_Inv and SM_Inv, since an invalidation is already going on, the Inv can only be ordered after the concurrent event. In this case, an MSHR entry is allocated at the front entry by calling allocateMSHR() with pos being zero. After the current invalidation completes, the retry() method called in handleAckInv() will then schedule the current Inv for execution, meaning that the Inv is still ordered before the event that caused the invalidation.

In the case of transient and stable I states, the Inv will be ignored, and I_B will just directly transit to I.

After the switch block, handle is checked. If handle is true, meaning that invalidations should be issued at the current cycle, then the method further checks whether the block has any upper level sharer. If true, then an MSHR entry is allocated at the front of the register. If the allocation succeeds, then invalidateAll() is called to send invalidations to all upper level sharers, and state transits to the one stored in state1. Otherwise, if there is no sharer to invalidate (invalidateAll() returns false, but checking the line’s sharer directly should also work), then the state transits to the one in state2, and the Inv completes by calling sendResponseDown() to send a AckInv to the lower level, plus cleaning up the MSHR entry, if any, and schedule the next entry with cleanUpAfterRequest().


Method handleForceInv() handles forced invalidation, in which case the contents of dirty blocks are also lost. This method may be called on blocks with any state except SB_Inv (because SB_Inv can only be caused by external events, which will not race with each other), and thus handles significantly more cases than the previous ones. The logic of the function, however, is similar to the one in handleInv(), due to the handling of concurrent invalidations.

The method also uses flag handle, state1 and state2 to control the execution flow after the switch block. In the switch block, ForceInv on block with state S, E, M, SM, and S_B can be handled immediately. If invalidation is needed, then the state transits to the corresponding _Inv version (state1). Otherwise, the state directly transits to I (state2).

State S_Inv and E_Inv blocks are not handled, and the method just allocates an MSHR in the front entry of the register, such that when the ongoing invalidation transaction completes, the ForceInv can be retried.

State M_Inv, E_InvX, and M_InvX should be handled more carefully. The method first check whether these states are caused by a concurrent data request that only performs local operations involving the current cache and its upper level caches, without forwarding the request to the lower level, namely, one cache requests to read or write a block that is cached in exclusive state in another cache. If true, then the ForceInv must be ordered after this request, by calling allocateMSHR() with pos being one. The reason for this arrangement is that, image if the ForceInv is inserted into the front entry, then after the ongoing invalidation or downgrade transaction completes, the ForceInv will be ordered before the data request, sets the state to I, and itself completes. The data request will then be retried on an non-existing block, which incurs undefined behavior, because the data request in this case does not expect a response from the lower level that can further transit I into a meaningful data.

If, however, that the ForceInv does not race with data request, then the only possibility is that it raced with a FlushLine, FlushLineInv, or eviction. In either case, the ForceInv can be ordered before the flush or eviction, by calling allocateMSHR() with pos being zero.

Transient and stable I state blocks do not response to the ForceInv, and in the case of I_B, it simply transits to I.

Another piece of complication comes from state SM_Inv, which is entered when one of the upper level caches issue a GetX, hitting the S state line at the current level, which incurs two concurrent transactions: (1) Invalidation of other sharers; and (2) Upgrade from S to M from the lower level. The ForceInv cannot be simply ordered before (2) and after (1), since (1) and (2) may complete in any order, and additionally, even if (1) completes first, there would potentially still be a sharer of the block, which is the issuer of the GetX. To deal with this complication, the method first inserts ForceInv as the front entry of the MSHR register by calling allocateMSHR() with pos being zero. Then, the method potentially issues one more invalidation to the issuer of the GetX (obtained via getSrc() on the MSHR front entry), by calling invalidateSharer() with ForceInv as the custom command (this helper method will not issue the invalidation if the issuer is not a sharer, which could happen if the upper level cache does not have a shared copy when issuing GetX).

This way, when invalidation completes (including those in (1) and the one just issued), the handlerAckInv() function will transit the state to SM, and then retry the ForceInv method, which will complete the ForceInv, and transit the state to IM. When the upgrade completes, method handleGetXResp() will transit the state to M, and retry the GetX event again (since the ForceInv entry has been removed from the MSHR register), resulting in the correct behavior.

On the other hand, if the upgrade completes first, then handleGetXResp() will transit the state to M_Inv, and retry ForceInv, which will just keep waiting (it is already in the MSHR, so it will not be inserted twice). When the invalidations arrive, the handlerAckInv() handler further transits the state to M, and then retry the ForceInv. In this case, the event is handled immediately, leaving the state to I.

The rest of the method is similar to the one in handleInv(). The flag handle is checked for immediate processing. If the block has neither sharer nor owner, then the ForceInv completes immediately by calling sendResponseDown() and cleanUpAfterRequest(), and transiting the state to the one in state2. Otherwise, ForceInv initiates an invalidation transaction, and transits the state to the one in state1.


Method handleFetchInv() handles FetchInv, which is the equivalence of handleForceInv, except that dirty data will be sent down, and exclusive states will also indicate a downgrade in the FetchResp response message. This method is almost identical to handleForceInv(), with the following exceptions:

  1. If the state is S_Inv, indicating either a FlushLineInv or eviction, then the FetchInv is inserted into position one, rather than zero, i.e., the FetchInv is ordered after the concurrent operation, for some reason. In this case, the lower level cache that issued the FetchInv should treat the PutS or FlushLineInv event as the response to FetchInv.

  2. If the state is E_Inv, indicating either a FlushLineInv or eviction, but never a data request, since data requests will not cause a block to transit into this state (GetX will eagerly mark the block in all levels that process this request as dirty), then it will be treated in the same way as an M_Inv.

I do not know why these two cases are treated differently from those in handleForceInv(), although correctness seems to be preserved.


Method handleFetchInvX() handles downgrade, and hence only operates on exclusive states. If the state is E or M, and that there is an upper level owner, then the method recursively issues a downgrade by calling downgradeOwner(), allocates an MSHR, and transits the state to the _InvX version. Otherwise, the event is completed immediately by calling sendResponseDown() and cleanUpAfterRequest(), and transiting the state to S.

For _Inv and _InvX versions of E and M, the method handle them similarly as in handleForceInv(), namely, the downgrade is ordered after an ongoing data request, if the concurrent invalidation or downgrade is initiated by the data request. Otherwise, if the block has an owner, then an MSHR entry is allocated from the front entry, which orders the FetchInvX before the flush or eviction that caused the state, and FetchInvX will be retried when the concurrent invalidation or downgrades complete.

If the current block has no owner, then no further downgrade is needed, and the state simply transits to S_Inv (note that this case can only be reached if the states are of the _Inv versions, since _InvX suggests the existence of a upper level owner). The event completes immediately by calling sendResponseDown() and cleanUpAfterRequest().

Coherence Protocol: MESI Non-Inclusive

The third type of coherence protocol is shared non-inclusive cache, implemented by class MESISharNoninclusive. Compared with inclusive caches, a non-inclusive cache decouples the directory array that maintains coherence states from the data array that maintains cache blocks, such that while the directory array always remain inclusive of the upper level states, such that upper level requests can still be handled correctly based on the inclusive MESI protocol, the data array does not need to be a super set of the contents of the upper level, and can hence be much smaller than the directory array. In reality, this design choice reduces the storage waste by caching what has already been in the upper level caches, which can be quite significant, if there are many of them.

Data And Directory Arrays

The non-inclusive cache has two major components, namely, the directory array and the data array. Both arrays are of type class CacheArray, with the directory array being class CacheArray<DirectoryLine>, and the data array being CacheArray<DataLine>. Recall from earlier sections that class DirectoryLine contains coherence states including a sharer list, and an owner field. These states store both the state of the block and the sharing or ownership situation in the upper level caches. Meanwhile, class DataLine just contains a data vector, and a pointer to the corresponding directory in the directory array. Calling getState() on a data line object is equivalent to calling getState() on the corresponding directory object.

Note that in the case of non-inclusive caches, the directory array can indicate that a block is in one of the valid states, with the actual block missing. Here, these states are more of a notion of ownership (E, M indicate ownership) and dirtiness (M indicates dirty), rather than representing the state of the data block.

To ensure that coherence requests from the upper levels can still be performed correctly, the directory array remains inclusive of the upper level contents. i.e., if an address is cached by one or more upper level caches, the address must also exists in the directory array, the coherence states of which are maintained properly. Besides, to ensure that data blocks in the current cache can be accessed properly, the directory array is also inclusive of the data array, and on the occasion of a directory array eviction, if there exists a corresponding data array entry, then both the data and directory entry should be evicted, in addition to any upper level sharers or owner.

When a data array entry is invalidated, however, the directory entry does not have to be evicted, if eviction of the directory entry would cause further inclusion evictions from the upper level. This is the scenario where the non-inclusive cache becomes truly non-inclusive. Normal accesses and write backs from the upper level still go through the cache, and they always cause a data block to be allocated, unlike some non-inclusive designs where blocks could bypass a non-inclusive cache.

On the other hand, on a data eviction, if the directory entry indicates that no copies of data exists in the upper level (neither sharer nor owner), the directory will also be invalidated. The non-inclusive cache, therefore, maintains an invariant that if a directory entry is present, then it is guaranteed that the corresponding data block can be obtained by requesting it from the upper level caches. This invariant simplifies protocol design, because as we will see later, when data is requested but not present in the non-inclusive cache, it can always transit to a transient state dedicated to this situation, and then issue requests to the upper level.

New Coherence States and Actions

Since data and directory arrays are decoupled from each other, the inclusive cache hence enables a new combination where only the directory entry is valid, while data is not present. These partially cached addresses require new coherence states and actions to be added in order to properly handle directory and data separately.

All stable and transient states from the inclusive version of the protocol are still used, and their semantics remain the same. The directory array itself essentially act as an inclusive cache without data, for which downgrades, invalidations will be issued to maintain coherence among upper level caches.

To deal with the new cases where data is requested, but is not present in the data array, the non-inclusive cache adds transient state S_D, E_D and M_D to indicate that an access to the data is required, but the cache does not have it for now. Under these states, the cache controller will issue requests to upper levels to fetch the requested block, and when data arrives, the data slot will be allocated, and states will transit back to the stable state.

To deal with write backs to a non-existing data block from the upper level, the cache also adds transient state SA, EA, and MA to indicate that a write back has happened on a non-existing address, and that the data slot is not available. The controller in this case will allocate a data block via a potential eviction, and on success of the allocation, the state will transit back to the corresponding stable state.

To deal with flushes, the cache adds new flush transient state E_B and M_B, as the E and M state counterpart for the existing S_B and I_B.

Helper Functions

In this section, we discuss helper functions that are exclusive to the non-inclusive cache, including those whose implementation details have changed due to the decoupled directory and data array. For those methods or part of the handling logic that remain the same, we just refer the readers to the previous sections in which they were discussed.

Directory Eviction, Part I

The entry point for directory entry eviction is method processDirectoryMiss(), which further calls allocateDirLine() and handleDirEviction(). As the reader may have noticed, the overall flow of this function is very similar to the one for eviction in L1 and non-L1 inclusive caches. This method is only called in two places: handleGetS() and handleGetX(), when the access incurs a directory miss. At the beginning, the method allocates an MSHR entry for the GetS or GetX event that caused the miss, if the event is not not already in the MSHR. Otherwise, the method checks whether the event is still the front entry of the MSHR register. Despite the fact that the event must be at the front entry of the MSHR register when it is retried or received in the previous cycle, it is possible that an earlier event that was processed during the same cycle has added a new entry to the front of the MSHR, which is most likely an external event. In this case, the current event will be ordered after the event at the front of the MSHR register, to avoid the race condition where an eviction is performed, completed, but only to find out that the front entry of the MSHR is not the data request that originally initiated the eviction (which may also create problem for the external request as well, since on eviction completion, the handler will just blindly retry the front entry of the MSHR on the new address).

If the event is confirmed to be the front entry of the MSHR register, then it calls allocateDirLine() to acquire a directory entry that can be used to resolve the miss. Method allocateDirLine() either allocates an entry successfully immediately, in which case it returns non-NULL, or an eviction must be made, in which case it returns NULL, plus an eviction event is scheduled on the old address. The current event will just wait in the MSHR (by returning Stall) for the completion of the eviction.

Method allocateDirLine() calls handleDirEviction() to attempt eviction, and if one can be evicted, handleDirEviction() returns true, in which case the replacement is also done, and the method returns a pointer to the entry. Otherwise, eviction cannot be performed in the current cycle, in which case the method calls insertEviction() to add an eviction entry to the MSHR register of the old address (i.e., the current address of the directory entry selected for replacement). The eviction entry contains both the old and the new address (i.e., the address contained in the event object).

Although this just seems identical to the eviction path of L1 and non-L1 inclusive caches, non-inclusive cache also inserts the pair (old address, new address) (local variable evictpair) into its data member, evictionType_, which is a map type whose boolean value indicates whether the eviction is for directory entry for data entry (true for directory entry, and false for data entry). This data member will be useful in handleNULLCMD() to determine whether an eviction request is for directory or data, since they both have the same event type, namely, NULLCMD.

Method handleDirEviction() performs eviction by first selecting the replacement entry via findReplacementCandidate(), and then entering a switch block for case-by-case handling. I state entries can be replaced without any further action. Transient states will cause the eviction to stall, and wait for the ongoing transaction to finish (the default case). For the rest three stable states, i.e., S, E, and M, eviction can only be performed, if there is no pending retries on the address to be evicted for the current cycle. The check for retry is necessary to avoid events that are later handled in the same cycle finding themselves in an unexpected state, e.g., the address that those events operate on has been evicted and no long exists in the cache.

The eviction path for the three stable states are more or less the same. First, the method calls invalidateAll() to attempt an invalidation transaction on all upper level blocks. If at least one invalidation is sent, indicated by the return value being true, then the stable state transits to the corresponding _Inv version. Eviction will not be performed in the current cycle, and will be retried after the invalidation transaction completes.

Otherwise, if invalidateAll() returns false, then there is nothing to invalidate, then eviction can proceed in the current cycle. For S and E state blocks, a clean write back can optionally be sent to the lower level, if silentEvictClean_ is not set. For M state blocks, a dirty write back is always sent. The method uses local flag wbSent to track whether a write back, dirty or clean, is sent. In all cases, the state will transit to I.

If eviction on the directory entry is performed, the corresponding entry in the data array is also evicted to maintain the inclusiveness of the data array by the directory array. Also note that the non-inclusive cache supports sending data from either the data array, or from the MSHR, using helper functions sendWritebackFromCache() and sendWritebackFromMSHR(), respectively. These two functions are almost identical to each other, with the only difference being the source of payload. Both functions send an event to the lower level cache, which may carry the command PutS, PutE, or PutM. We do not distinguish between them in our discussion, since we mainly focus on the protocol, rather than the payload.

At the end of the method, of recvWritebackAck_ is set, and a write back is sent (wbSent flag), then a write back event will also be inserted at the front of the MSHR register of the old address. The write back ACK is handled in the same way as in the L1 cache by method handleAckPut().

Directory Eviction, Part II

If the directory eviction cannot be performed immediately, when it is first time attempted, then, as we discussed earlier, an eviction entry of type NULLCMD will be inserted into the MSHR. Just as in the L1 cache, the NULLCMD event will be handled by method handleNULLCMD() when the eviction entry reaches the head of the MSHR register. The method first checks data member evictionType_() with the new and old address (both stored in the event object) to determine whether the eviction is to the directory or data array. If it is to the directory array, then directory eviction is performed by the first half of handleNULLCMD().

On the directory array eviction path, the method first calls handleDirEviction() to attempt the eviction in the current cycle. If the method succeeds, then the eviction path completes, and the originating request on the new address is retried by calling retry(). Besides, the new address is removed from the eviction entry. Otherwise, if eviction fails, then the method checks whether it is due to a race condition of multiple evictions (of different new addresses) on the same old address, and if true, then a new victim entry is selected, and a new eviction entry is inserted into the MSHR.

This part is almost identical to the L1 eviction path implemented in L1’s handleNULLCMD().

Data Eviction

The data eviction path is implemented by processDataMiss(), handleDataEviction(), and the second half of handleNULLCMD(). The logic of data eviction is very similar to those of directory eviction, except the following:

  1. Data eviction will not initiate any invalidation transaction to the upper level, since the data array is non-inclusive. Besides, data eviction will also not evict the corresponding directory entry, if the directory entry indicates that sharers or owner exists in the upper level. On the other hand, if a data entry is to be evicted, and the directory entry indicates neither sharers nor an owner, then the directory entry will also be evicted. This enforces the invariant that the most up-to-date data of an address can always be obtained from the upper level, as long as a directory entry exists.

  2. There is no method of name allocateDataLine() as the counterpart to allocateDirLine(). The corresponding logic is merged into processDataMiss(), and is also much simplified. For example, processDataMiss() does not perform MSHR allocation for the originating event, does not check inMSHR flag, and does not check for race conditions. The reason is that the data eviction path is not called on access misses, but only on upper level cache write backs, i.e., in methods handlePutS(), handlePutE(), and handlePutM().

  3. In the second half of handleNULLCMD(), on a successful eviction, extra state transition must also be performed. This is because when a write back is received from the upper level, if the data block does not exist in the current level, then it must be allocated first. This will cause the state to transit into SA, MA or EA, with the A indicating that a write back is pending for the eviction. Therefore, after the eviction is performed, the A states will just transit back to their corresponding stable states to indicate that the write back has been completed.

Note that IA is a special state that cannot be caused by write backs, but is handled regardless. The reason that we need an IA state is due to prefetching: On a prefetch, two allocations, instead of one, are needed, one for the directory entry, and the other for the data entry. This must be implemented explicitly, because by default, the cache will only allocate a directory entry, and act opportunistically on whether data is inserted when it is read from the lower level. Between these two allocations, we need an extra state, IA, to indicate that it is in the middle of a transaction where the data entry still has not been allocated. On completing the data array allocation, handleNULLCMD() will then transit the IA block back to I, and retry the prefetch access, which will still miss the cache. Since both directory and data entries are guaranteed to exist, however, when the response of the prefetch access is received, the data from the lower level will always be inserted into the data array, achieving the effect of prefetching for a non-inclusive cache.


Method sendFetch() is very similar to other methods that generate external requests to the upper level. The purpose of this method is to acquire the data block from the upper level, when an access hits the cache and requires data to be sent, but the data block is missing.

The method takes an argument, cmd, as the custom command to the fetch event, though non-inclusive caches only use Fetch or FetchInvX. Recall that Fetch only works on shared blocks, while FetchInvX only works on blocks with the ownership, this method can hence either read data from the upper level, or read and downgrade an exclusive block from the upper level.

removeSharerViaInv() and removeOwnerViaInv()

Method removeSharerViaInv() is a handy helper function that, given an event object, removes the source of the event from the given directory entry’s sharer list. Besides, it also takes a boolean argument, remove, which, if set, removes the source of the event object from the responses map. In other words, this method simulates the receipt of an acknowledgement to an invalidation, which was issued earlier to a shared block in the upper level.

Method removeOwnerViaInv() is the exclusive state counterpart of removeSharerViaInv(), and its works on events that can be treated as an acknowledgement to an invalidation issued earlier to an exclusive owner in the upper level. In addition to removing the owner from the directory entry, and optionally updating the responses map, this method also simulates the state transition when performing the local write back. The method checks whether the event carries dirty data by calling getDirty() on the given event object, and if true, the transient or stable E state will transit to the corresponding version of M state.

CPU-Generated Data Requests

handleGetS(), Request Path

Method handleGetS() in non-inclusive caches differs from its counterpart in inclusive caches by having to handle two different types of misses. The first type, full miss, occurs when both the directory entry and the data entry do not exist. In this case, the controller only allocates a directory entry, and let data bypass the cache to the upper level. The second type, partial miss, occurs when the directory entry is present, but data block is not in the data array. In this case, the controller needs to fetch data from one of the upper level caches, and send data to the requestor. Meanwhile, the state of the directory entry transits to the transient _D version to indicate that an outstanding fetch is being performed, and the fetch response has not been received.

The overall structure of handleGetS() is similar to the one in inclusive caches, but details are different. The method first performs a lookup on both the directory and the data array, and stores the results of the lookups in local variables tag and data, respectively. If the block does not exist in the directory array (the I state case), the controller first allocates a directory entry by calling processDirectoryMiss() (which, if not already, also inserts the access into the MSHR). If allocation is successful, then the GetS request is forwarded to the lower level by calling forwardMessage(), and the state transits to IS. Note that we ignore the IA case, which, as we have discussed above, is only used for reserving a data array entry during prefetching.

On hitting an S state block, the method checks whether the data array entry is valid. If true, then this is a full hit, and the access is satisfied immediately in the current cycle by calling sendResponseUp(). Otherwise, the access still incurs a partial miss, where the directory entry is valid, but data is not available. In this case, the event is first inserted into the MSHR, and if the insertion is successful, then the method issues a Fetch command to the first sharer of the block (obtained with tag->getSharers()->begin()) by calling sendFetch(), and the state transits to transient state S_D. The S_D state indicates that an going transaction is waiting for data to arrive, in which case it transits back to S, and the transaction will be retried.

On hitting E or M state block, there are three possibilities. First, if the block has an upper level owner, then a downgrade is sent to the owner by calling sendFetch() with the command being FetchInvX, after which the state transits to E_InvX or M_InvX. In this case, the data array is not checked, since the downgrade response event always carries data. Second, if data is not present, then data is fetched from the first sharer in the upper level, which is similar to the S state case, despite that the state transits to S_D and E_D, respectively. Third, if data is present, and there is no upper level owner, the access is a hit, and is satisfied immediately.

For all other states, the event is inserted into the MSHR, and serialized after all existing entries of the MSHR register. If MSHR insertion fails in any of the above steps, then the event will be NACK’ed to the upper level, by calling sendNACK().

handleGetS(), Response Path

There are three possible response paths. The first one is handleFetchResp(), which handles the response event to a Fetch or FetchInvX sent earlier in order to acquire the data, and to optionally downgrade the upper level owner. At the beginning of the method, it first updates ACK counter of the MSHR register by calling decrementAcksNeeded(), and then removes the sender of the fetch response event from responses. Then a switch block is used to perform state transition. Here, we only care about the _D and the _InvX state, which will transit to the state stored in table NextState, which is defined in memTypes.h, and it defines a subset of state transitions that can be used to simplify coding. In our case, the _D state will transit to the non-_D stable version, i.e., S_D, E_D, M_D will transit to S, E, and M, respectively, meaning that a copy of the data has been acquired from. The _InvX state will also transit to the corresponding stable state, i.e., E and M. After the state transition, the current front event of the MSHR register is retried by calling retry(). For downgrades, the previous owner is removed as an owner, and added to the sharer list.

Note that, if the data array entry is still not present when the response event is handled, data received from the fetch event is not inserted into the data array, due to the cache being non-inclusive. Instead, the data is stored in the MSHR register by calling setData() on the data member mshr_. In the GetS handler, if the data entry is not present, but there is one in the MSHR, then the one in the MSHR will be used. This is different from the one in inclusive caches, in which case, if the response event carries data, then the local state must be updated by simulating the local write back (via doEviction()). Non-inclusive caches do not need the local write back, and hence the state transition is easier than what is in the inclusive design.

The second response path is method handleGetSResp(), which handles the response event from the lower level to an earlier GetS. This method simply transits the state of the directory to S, and only inserts new data into the data array opportunistically, meaning that this will happen only if the data entry already exists. In the full miss path of GetS, this will never happen, as the GetS is only sent to the lower level when there is a directory miss, in which case data must also not be present.

Method handleGetSResp() also completes the GetX request without having to retry the handler itself. It adds the original requestor as a sharer to the block, and forwards the response event up by calling sendResponseUp(). At the end of the method, the original GetS event object is removed from the MSHR front entry by calling cleanUpAfterResponse().

Method handleGetXResp() may also handle the response for a GetS event from the lower level. This will happen if the lower level grants exclusive ownership to the requestor. In our case, only the IS branch in the switch block is relevant. The state will transit to M or E depending on whether data from the lower level is dirty (I could not see how this is possible, though, because GetS will never cause the lower level controller to issue FetchInv and hence acquire a dirty block). The event forwarded to the requestor can also be GetSResp or GetXResp, depending on whether the address has any sharer in the upper level or not.

handleGetX(), Request Path

Method handleGetX() handles GetX, and its logic is similar to handleGetS(), especially the distinction between full miss and partial miss. If the access misses the cache, then a directory entry is allocated, and its state transits to IM. The GetX event is also forwarded to the lower level by calling forwardMessage(). If the access sees a S state entry, an upgrade is only needed if the cache is not a last-level cache. The upgrade is performed by first forwarding the event to the lower level, and then calling invalidateExceptRequestor() to invalidate (INV) shared copies of the block in the upper level (FetchInv). If at least one invalidation is sent to the upper level, then the state transits to SM_Inv. Otherwise, there is no need to wait for invalidation, because there is not any upper level sharer nor owner, in which case the state transits to SM.

Note that the last argument to invalidateExceptRequestor() is a boolean variable indicating whether data is fetched from one of the sharers. In method handleGetX(), it is set to true if the data entry is not found. In the helper function invalidateExceptRequestor(), if that argument is set to true, and that the source of the request is not already a sharer (i.e., not an upgrade GetX request), then the command used will be FetchInv, such that data will be received. Otherwise, the command is just Inv.

For state E and M blocks, there are three possible cases. First, if the block is not shared by any means in the upper level, then the access indicates a hit, and can be completed immediately by setting the requestor as the owner (and potentially removing it as a sharer), and then sending the response with sendResponseUp(). Note that in this case, it is guaranteed that data is available, since the non-inclusive cache enforces the invariant that if a directory entry exists, then data either exists in the upper level, or exists in the current level.

In the second and third case, there are upper level sharers or owner, and they will be invalidated by calling invalidateExceptRequestor() and invalidateOwner(), respectively. For the sharer case, the command can be either Inv, if the request is an upgrade from one of the sharers, or FetchInv to perform invalidation and fetch in the same transaction. For the latter case, the command is always FetchInv, just like in an inclusive cache. In both cases, the state transits to M_Inv (not M_D).

All other transient states will cause the event to be inserted into the MSHR, and serialized after the existing ones on the same address.

handleGetX(), Response Path

There are three responses paths for an GetX, and they are the fetch, invalidation, and data response from the lower level. Method handleFetchResp() handles response events for earlier FetchInvs sent to one or more upper level caches. The method first decrements the ACK counter, and sets the local boolean flag done if it reaches zero, and it then updates responses. The method also inserts data into the data array, if it exists, or into the MSHR. For GetX, the possible states it will see are SM_Inv and M_Inv. In the former case, the front event will not be retried, if the in progress flag is set. This is the case for GetX, since the flag is set in the handler SM_Inv. The retry will only be attempted when the response for GetX is received from the lower level. In the latter case, the event is always retried. In both cases, the sharer or the owner is removed, and the state transits to SM and M, respectively.

Method handleAckInv() operates similarly to handleFetchResp(). The methods updates the ACK counter and the responses map, and sets done flag if all invalidations have been received. The state transition is performed using the table NextState, in which _Inv states will just transit back to the corresponding non-Inv stable states, and in all cases, the front entry of the MSHR is retried.

Note that handleAckInv() does not check the in progress flag, which will cause the GetX event to be retried after all invalidations are received, if the block is in state SM_Inv. This will cause unnecessary retries of the GetX event, since SM_Inv blocks will transit to SM blocks in this method, before the front event, which is GetX, is retried. If GetX (which is already in the MSHR) is retried on a block in state SM, it will do nothing.

Method handleGetXResp() handles the response event from the lower level. For IM and SM states, the state will first transit to M, and the requestor is also added as the owner. If the requestor is also currently a sharer, then no data will be sent. Otherwise, data is sent either from the data array, if it exists, or from the MSHR. MSHR data is cleared after sending the response, since the ownership now transfers to the upper level, and there is no need to keep a copy of data locally.

For SM_Inv, the state transits to M_Inv, and the in progress flag is cleared, such that later on, in handleFetchResp(), the event will be retried after the fetch response event have been received. The GetX, however, is still not completed, and must wait for all invalidations or fetches to finish. This is why cleanUpEvent() is called for this case branch, instead of cleanUpAfterResponse().

handleGetSX(), Request and Response Path

Method handleGetSX() is completely identical to handleGetX(), since non-L1 caches do not implement atomic instructions.

handleFlushLine(), Request Path

Method handleFlushLine() downgrades a block, and sends data to the lower level, if the block just downgraded has ownership, which, as we have discussed earlier, may also race with an outstanding downgrade that can be observed by the downgrade-specific transient state. At the beginning of the method, the event will be inserted into the MSHR, if it has not been. Otherwise, the method performs an extra check to make sure that the event is actually the front entry of the MSHR register, and only proceeds if it is. This is to prevent the event from racing with higher priority external events.

Then the method uses a switch block to perform state transition. For state I, and S, the flush can be completed immediately, and the event is forwarded to the lower level by calling forwardFlush(). S state blocks also transit to S_B to indicate an ongoing flush transaction. Besides, flushes on S state blocks do not need to check write backs, since the upper level cache must not have any ownership, and hence will not perform any write back.

On E and M state blocks, there are several possibilities to handle. First, if the flush contains an evict and/or dirty data, meaning that one of the upper level caches have exclusive ownership to the block, and/or has an M state block that just got flushed, then the local write back is simulated immediately by calling removeOwnerViaInv(), with the last argument setting to false, which means that the flush event may not be considered as a response to an earlier downgrade or invalidation, since the state here is stable. After simulating the local write back, the requestor is added as a sharer, and the setEvict() is called on the event with false to avoid simulating the write back multiple times in the case of retries. The state also transits to E_B and M_B for E and M, respectively, and the flush is forwarded to the lower level by calling forwardFlush(). Lastly, the flush event is marked as in progress by calling setInProgress(). This means that the flush event will not be retried when a preceding event in the MSHR completes. The flush event is only completed when a response from the lower level is received. (note that the state transition, event forwarding logic and setInProgress() is not in the if branch, but down below for some reason).

Method removeOwnerViaInv() is just similar to doEviction() for inclusive caches, but it does slightly more. In addition to simulating the local write back and performing state transitions (turning transient and stable E state to the corresponding M version) and removing the requestor of the event in the argument as an owner, it also installs block data either into the data array, if the data entry exists, or into the MSHR. Besides, the boolean argument remove indicates whether the event in the argument can be regarded as a response to an earlier downgrade or invalidation. If remove is set to true, then the corresponding entry will also be removed from responses.

Second, if the flush does not contain an evicted block, then the requestor of the flush is not an upper level owner. A second check is therefore made to check if any upper level owner exists by calling hasOwner(). If true, then the owner is downgraded by calling sendFetch() with the command being FetchInvX. The state will transits to the _InvX version.

On _InvX blocks, if the flush contains evicted data, meaing that the flush is issued by the sole upper level owner (_InvX indicates the existance of an upper level owner), then this is a race condition, and the flush is regarded as the response to the earlier downgrade. In this case, removeOwnerViaInv() is called with the second argument being true, meaing that the requestor should also be removed from the responses. Then the rest of the downgrade is also completed by decrementing the ACK counter, and retrying the current front entry of the MSHR register. The state also transits back to the stable version to signal the completion of the downgrade.

If the flush does not contain evicted data, then it must come from one of the non-owners. In this case no action is required, and flush is not performed either.

Note that this branch does not check whether MSHR allocation is successful (status being OK), since it resolves the race condition in which case the front entry of the MSHR register must be an unfinished event. The flush is not performed in this case, as the flush event is not at the front of the MSHR register. After resolving the race condition, the event still remains in the MSHR register, which will be retried later.

On _InV blocks, the flush races with an ongoing invalidation. If the block contains evicted data, then we may further conclude that the invalidation must be issued to the sole owner of the address in the upper level (because otherwise the flush will not contain data). Although the flush may not be regarded as the response to invalidation in this case, and the upper level block, despite being downgraded by the flush, will still respond to the invalidation event, the flush event still acts as a transfer of ownership. In this regard, the transfer of ownership and the local write back is simulated by calling removeOwnerViaInv() and adding the requestor as a sharer. The evict flag is also set to false such that the above is only simulated once.

In all other cases, the flush cannot proceed and it will just wait in the MSHR register.

handleFlushLine(), Response Path

There are two response path to the flush. In the first response path, method handleFetchResp() handles the response event to the FetchInvX issued to downgrade the upper level owner. The handling is trivial: The _InvX version blocks will just transit back to the corresponding stable version, and the flush event is retried.

In the second response path, method handleFlushLineResp() handles the response message to the flush line event forwarded to the lower level. In the case of flushes, S_B, E_B and M_B blocks will transit back to S state. If the flush also races with external invalidations, then the block state may also be I_B, in which case it will transit from I_B to I. In this case, the directory and data array will also be invalidated, by calling deallocate(). (Strangely, the deallocate() part is not in the flush response handler of inclusive cache).

handleFlushLineInv(), Request Path

Method handleFlushLineInv() handles flush and invalidation, which invalidates the block, if it exists in the current cache, and sends data to the lower level if the data is also owned by the current or one of the upper level caches. Handling of this event on stable states is not different from inclusive caches. For I state blocks, the event is simply forwarded to the lower level. For S state blocks, the local state change of the write back is first simulated by calling removeSharerViaInv() (with the second argument being false), if the event contains evicted data. Then, if there is any upper level sharer, an invalidation transaction is started, and the state transits to S_Inv. Otherwise, the flush invalidation completes immediately, and the state transits to I_B.

For state E and M, the logic is more of less the same as in state S. First, local write back or state change is simulated by calling removeOwnerViaInv() or removeSharerViaInv() depending on whether there is an owner. Then, if an owner or other sharers still exist, they are invalidated using FetchInv or Inv, respectively, after which the state transit to E_Inv and M_Inv. Otherwise, the flush invalidation completes immediately, and the state transits to I_B.

Note that for flush invalidation, the evict flag is set in all cases except I (the second argument to forwardFlush()), regardless of whether the block contains exclusive data or not.

The event races with all versions of _Inv and _InvX states as the response event. The method first checks the evicted flag to make sure that the requestor actually holds a copy of the block in any state. Note that it is possible that the flag is not set, if the upper level cache does not have this block, in which case, the event does not race with the ongoing downgrade or invalidation. Then, the race is resolved by treating the event as a response to the downgrade or invalidation. Helper function removeOwnerViaInv() or removeSharerViaInv() is called with the last argument being true, meaning that the responses map will also be updated, in addition to sharer list update and/or the state transition. Lastly, the ACK counter is decremented, and if it reaches zero, the current front entry of the MSHR register is retried by calling retry(). The state of the block also transits back to the corresponding stable version.

For all versions of _D state, there is also a race, if the request comes from the first upper level sharer of the block, since the controller always issues the Fetch to the first sharer. If the check passes, then the flush invalidation is treated as the response to the earlier fetch, and removeSharerViaInv() is called with the last argument being true to simulate the sharer list update and to update responses. The ACK counter is also decremented, before the front entry of the MSHR is retried. The state of the block transits back to the stable version as well. Otherwise, the event does not race with the ongoing fetch, and only removeSharerViaInv() is called with the last aegument being false to update the sharer list.

For the rest of the transient states, the flush invalidation event does not race with them, and it will just remain in the MSHR register waiting to be retried.

handleFlushLineInv(), Response Path

The response path of handleFlushLineInv() is also handleFlushLineResp(), which we have already discussed earlier. The method transits I_B blocks to I, before it calls deallocate() on both arrays to invalidate the entries.

Handling Write Backs


Recall that a PutS is generated by the upper level cache when an S state block is evicted. In non-inclusive caches, this write back event is more of an importance than in inclusive caches, as non-inclusive caches do not always maintain redundant copies of the block if the upper level has it. As a result, the block being written back, despite it being clean, should also be inserted into the array, which may incur a data array miss, and then eviction. Besides, PutS may also race with downgrades, invalidations, and sometimes fetches, since PutS essentially just invalidates a block, and sends its contents back to the lower level cache.

Method handlePutS() handles PutS event from the upper level. For stable states, the method checks whether data is present in the data array, and whether there are any other copies of the block in the upper level. If neither of the two condition is true, then the data being written back will be inserted into the current data array. The method first inserts the event into the MSHR. If the insertion is successful, then a data array allocation is attempted by calling processDataMiss(). This method either succeeds immediately, or inserts an eviction event on the old address to be evicted. In the former case, the block data in the event is inserted into the data array, and the requestor is removed as a sharer. Eventually, the handling completes by calling cleanUpAfterRequest(). In the latter case, the state transit to the corresponding _A version, and the handling completes. The PutS will be retried in eviction handler when the eviction on the old address succeeds.

For all _Inv version states, the PutS is regarded as a valid response for an earlier invalidation, which is simulated by calling removeSharerViaInv(), with the last argument being true. Besides, the ACK counter is updated, and if it reaches zero, invalidation completes, and the state will transit back to the corresponding stable states. The request completes immediately, and the next event in the MSHR register is retried by calling cleanUpAfterRequest(). Note that in this case, no data array allocation is required, and block data is stored in the MSHR, if the data array entry does not exist. This is also consistent with how invalidations are usually handled.

For all _B version states that indicate an ongoing flush, the method will check whether data exists locally, and whether the requestor has the last upper level copy of the block. If both are true, then the PutS is inserted as the second front entry of the MSHR register, right after the ongoing flush event. The reason is that the invariant must be maintained such that, if the directory entry is valid, then there must be a copy either in the upper level, or exists locally. If the PutS is not handled right after the flush, then there is a window of vulnerability in which neither the current cache nor the upper level cache will have a valid copy of the block, which breaks the invariant. If the check does not pass, however, then the PutS is essentially a no-op, and the handling concludes by removing the requestor as a sharer, and then sending back an explicit ACK, and eventually calling cleanUpEvent().

For all _D version states that indicate an ongoing fetch, the PutS races with the fetch only if it is from the first sharer of the sharer list (otherwise it is just a no-op). If this is true, then the method will first conclude the fetch by updating the ACK counter, the responses map, and then calling retry() to retry the original event that caused the fetch. The state also transits to the corresponding stable version as well.

The method then checks whether the requestor is the last upper level sharer of the block. If true, then the PutS should also be handled as early as possible after the state transits back to a stable state, such that the non-inclusiveness invariant is not broken. To this end, the method finds the oldest entry in the MSHR after which the PutS can be processed. For this method specifically, the PutS will be either inserted as the third event in the MSHR, if the second event is an external event (to maintain event priority) or it is in progress, or as the second event, if otherwise.


Method handlePutE() handles the write back of an exclusive block from the upper level. For E and M state blocks, the PutE indicates that the upper level owner has given up the ownership, and hence the current level must allocate a data array entry for the block, if there is not one present. The event is first inserted into the MSHR, and if the insertion is successful, an eviction is attempted by calling processDataMiss(). If the eviction completes immediately, then the write back also happens immediately, and the handling concludes by calling sendWritebackAck() followed by cleanUpAfterRequest(). Otherwise, the eviction will be inserted into the MSHR on the old address to be evicted, and the state transits to EA or MA to indicate the fact that the current event is waiting for the data eviction to complete. The states will transit back to normal and the PutE will be retried in the eviction handler.

On E_InvX and M_InvX blocks, since PutE indicates that the requestor is the only upper level owner, the event performs an ownership transfer, which involves removing the requestor as the owner, updating the ACK counter, updating the responses map, and transiting to the corresponding stable state such that the ongoing downgrade is completed. The method then attempts to insert data into the data array by checking whether the data array entry exists. If true, then the insertion can complete immediately, and the handling concludes. Otherwise, a data entry must be allocated by evicting an existing one. To achieve this, the method inserts a PutS (by reusing the current event object after changing its command to PutS) into the MSHR. Just similar to how the PutS handler preserves the non-inclusiveness invariant, this method also inserts the event as either the second or the third entry depending on the existing entries. Note that the reason that a PutS event is used, instead if the current PutE, is because the ownership transferred has already been done, if control reaches here, and the transfer should only be done once. The PutS is solely to avoid the method from performing the ownership transfer multiple times.

On E_Inv and M_Inv blocks, ownership transfer will also happen just like how it is performed in the _InvX case. The only difference is that the event is always completed after handling ownership transfer, without being inserted into the MSHR. The reason is that the _Inv states, in all cases, do not need the data. If the _Inv state is incurred due to a data access, and there is an upper level E state block, then it must be caused by a GetX on a different upper level cache, in which case, the ownership just transfers to the GetX requestor. The _Inv state may also be caused by eviction, flush invalidation, or lower level external requests, in which case the current cache will lose the ownership and even the directory entry of the address, anyway, and keeping the block in the data array is also unnecessary. Based on the above reasons, in this switch branch, the data is only set in the MSHR, if the data array entry is not found.


Method handlePutM() is almost identical to handlePutE(), except that the transient state is always MA, if a data array entry is to be allocated, and that the eventual state is always M.

External Downgrades and Invalidations

Race Conditions Between External Events and Write Backs

External requests for non-inclusive caches require more rigorous handling, due to the window of vulnerability in which neither the upper level nor the current level has the data block. Such window of vulnerability is usually caused by ownership transfer (e.g., flush, flush invalidation, PutE, PutM) or the invalidation of the last shared copy (flush invalidation or PutS) from the upper level, which we uniformly refer to as “write backs”.

If an external request arrives during the window of vulnerability, then the handler needs to check whether an upper level write back has been handled earlier and is then inserted into the MSHR (because of a race condition that it could not resolve immediately). This is performed by calling applyPendingReplacement(), which scans the MSHR for a pending write back event. If the event is found, the write back event is promoted to the front entry of the MSHR, and then retried. The external event, meanwhile, will just have to wait in the MSHR for the write back to complete before itself can proceed outside the window of vulnerability.

If the external request is handled first, entering a transient state to fetch data, and the write back event is received later, then the write back event handler, on the first attempt of handling the event, will actually see the transient state caused by the fetch, and will try to resolve it by treating the write back as a response event to the earlier fetch.

Note that the race condition is more complicated than the one in the inclusive cache, where write back events always complete immediately in the same cycle as they are handled. This eliminates the possible deadlock scenario where a response for a downgrade or invalidation is expected, while the write back event is waiting in the MSHR. In a non-inclusive cache, however, write back events may also be inserted into the MSHR, which opens the window of vulnerability. Consequently, if a later event is to issues an external request to the upper level, the handler must first check the MSHR for the waiting write back event and apply it first, which closes the windows of vulnerability, before the external requests can be issued.


Method handleFetch() handles Fetch from the lower level, and it only works on transient and stable form of shared states. If the request hits an S state block, then the data array and the MSHR is checked. If either the data array or the MSHR contains data, then the fetch can be fulfilled immediately by calling sendResponseDown() and cleanUpEvent().

If data is not locally available, then the handler will first transit the local state to S_D to indicate that data is needed, but is missing locally. In this case, one of the two things will happen: Either a write back event already exists in the MSHR, which will be promoted to the front of the MSHR and retried first to avoid the possible race condition, or no write back event is found, and a fetch to the upper level will be issued. In both cases, the event cannot be handled immediately, and it will just wait in the MSHR until the next retry.

In the former case above, method applyPendingReplacement() is called to search and retry the write back event. This method specifically searches for PUTS, PutE, or PutM events in the MSHR register of the given address, and promotes them to the front entry, before calling retry() on the event found. The method also increments the ACK counter and updates responses to add the requestor of the write back into the map. The reason for doing so is that, when the write back event is retried, the state of the block it sees will be S_D, and the handler will decide that the write back must have raced with an existing fetch from the upper level, in which case it decrements the ACK counter and removes the requestor of the write back from responses. Method applyPendingReplacement() must compensate for this, since there is not any actual fetch being issued.

In the latter case, the fetch is issued by calling sendFetch() with the command being Fetch. The fetch event is sent to the first sharer of the block. Note that, at this stage, we can infer that there must be at least one upper level sharers, since data is not available locally.

If the state is transient state I_B, E_B, or M_B, indicating that the fetch races with an going flush or flush invalidation, then the fetch will simply be ignored, since the lower level handler for flush requests is expected to properly treat the flush event as the fetch response. Although it is not clear to me why E_B and M_B blocks will see a fetch, since these two states imply the existence of E and M blocks, respectively, which carry the ownership of the address. Fetch events, however, should only be used for shared, non-owner state blocks, and therefore, is never supposed to race with transient states E_B and M_B.

If the state is SA, which indicates that a PutS has been handled, but since data is missing in the current cache, a data array eviction is currently being processed, and has not completed yet. In this case, the PutS just sits in the MSHR with data and waits for the data eviction to complete. The Fetch request is therefore handled by searching the PutS request in the MSHR, by calling getFirstEventEntry() with the second argument being PutS. The request is also completed immediately by calling sendResponseDown(), with data from the PutS event in the MSHR.

If the state is SM, indicating that the fetch races with an upgrade GetX request, then the data can be sent directly, if data is present in the data array, or it needs to be acquired recursively from the upper level. This state is treated in the same way as state S, except that in the latter case, the state transits to SM_D. The same applies to S_B, and in the case where the fetch is recursively forwarded to the upper level, the state transits to SB_D.

Blocks in state S_D and S_Inv will cause the fetch event to wait in the MSHR. Note that this differs from inclusive caches, in which external events can just harmlessly be ordered before the fetch. In a non-inclusive cache, it is not clear whether data ia available locally, and hence the fetch can only be completed when data is known to be locally available. In the case of fetch events, blocks in state S_D definitely do not have data (otherwise it will not enter this state), and blocks in state S_Inv may possibly not have data, since the non-inclusive cache design minimizes the number of inclusive blocks that it keeps in the data array. The safest way of handling the fetch, therefore, is to order it after the concurrent event, and retry the fetch event when the state transits back to a stable state. Such ordering will not cause deadlock, because the S_D and S_Inv can eventually complete without sending any event to the lower level and hence will not be blocked by the event that issued the Fetch (which forms a circular wait dependency).


Method handleInv() handles the Inv event, which will only be received by a non-owner. For I state blocks, the request is a no-op, and does not need to be replied. For S state blocks, the handler first checks whether there is any upper level sharers. If at least one exists, then the event is inserted into the front entry of the MSHR register. If the insertion is successful, the method will first try to promote and retry the existing write back request in the MSHR to avoid race conditions by calling applyPendingReplacement(). Note that the write back will be retried with the block state being S_Inv, under which context the write back will be treated as a response for an earlier invalidation. The retry of the write back event will also cause the block to transit back to S, after which the current Inv request is retried. On the other hand, if no existing write back is found, the handler will just issue invalidations to the upper level sharers by calling invalidateSharers(), with the command being Inv. In both cases, the state transits to S_Inv.

If no upper level sharer is present, the Inv can be immediately completed by calling sendResponseDown() to send the AckInv to the lower level, and then calling deallocate() on both directory and data arrays. The MSHR data, if any, is also cleared.

For I_B state blocks, the Inv event just orders before it, and causes both the directory and the data entry, if one exists, to be deallocated. For I state blocks, the Inv event is ignored, and no response will be sent.

For SA state blocks, the Inv event will first force the current front event (which must be a PutS) to complete by calling sendWritebackAck() and then calling cleanUpAfterRequest() with the PutS event object. The current Inv event is also completed immediately by calling sendResponseDown(). Note that since SA indicates that there is no more upper level sharers of the block (because otherwise the PutS will simply be ignored), no recursive invalidation will be sent to the upper levels.

For S_D state blocks, the Inv event will simply be inserted into the MSHR as the second entry, i.e., after the current front entry that caused the S_D state. The reason that it could not be ordered before the event is unclear to me (seems perfectly fine to order the Inv before the current event: When the FetchResp is received, the block changes state back to S, and Inv is retried, which invalidates all copies of the block. Then the current event is also retried, which sees I state, and will incur a cache miss).

For S_Inv and SM_Inv state blocks, the Inv event is inserted as the front entry of the MSHR register, such that when the invalidation completes, the state of the block will then transit back to the stable state, i.e., S and SM, respectively. The Inv event will be retried on the stable state, and is logically ordered before the ongoing event that caused the invalidation.

For SM state blocks, the event is first inserted into the MSHR. Then if there is any upper level sharer (in fact, there can be at most one sharer), the sharers will be invalidated by calling invalidateSharers() with the command being Inv, and transiting the state to SM_Inv. Otherwise, the event is completed immediately by calling sendResponseDown(), and the state transits to IM.

S_B state blocks are handled similarly to SM state blocks, except that the state will change to SB_Inv, if there are upper level sharers and invalidations are issued.


Method handleForceInv() operates similarly to handleInv(), except that it also works on transient and stable exclusive states. To avoid redundancy in the discussion, we only cover the handling of exclusive states in this section. Non-exclusive state handling is identical to those in handleInv().

For blocks in state E and M, the handler first inserts the event into the MSHR, if the block has upper level sharers or owner. If the insertion is successful, then the existence of sharers or the owner is checked. If any of these two exists, the method first attempts to promote and retry an existing write back event in the MSHR to avoid the race condition, by calling applyPendingReplacement(), and then starts the invalidation operation by calling invalidateSharers() or invalidateOwner(), for sharers and the owner, respectively, if no write back is retried. The state will also transit to the corresponding _Inv version.

If neither sharer nor owner exists, the event will complete immediately by calling sendResponseDown() and cleanUpAfterRequest().

State E_B and M_B blocks are handled in the same way as S_B blocks. Note that if extra invalidations are to be issued, then the state will always transit to SB_Inv, regardless of the original state.

State E_D, M_D, E_InvX, M_InvX are handled in the same way as S_D, i.e., the event is simply added as the second front entry of the MSHR register, which will be retried after the current event concludes.

State E_Inv and M_Inv are handled in the same way as S_Inv, i.e., the event is inserted as the front entry of the MSHR, and will be retried by the invalidation response, if the current front entry is not an eviction or a flush invalidation. In other words, the ForceInv is only ordered before regular data requests. Otherwise, the event will be inserted as the second front entry after the current one. I have no idea why in the case of ForceInv, the front entry is also checked against eviction and flush invalidation. This check is not present in Inv handling.

State EA and MA are handled in the same way as SA, i.e., the pending write back is dropped (data is not sent down, since ForceInv does not require data in the response event), and the event completed immediately.


Method handleFetchInv() handles event FetchInv, which invalidates all copies of an address in the current level and the above. This method is almost identical to handleForceInv(), with the only exception being that data also needs to be sent by calling sendResponseDown(), with the data pointer either from the data array, if a data entry exists, or from the MSHR.


Method handleFetchInv() handles event FetchInvX, which downgrades an exclusive block and also sends data in the response event. This event will only be sent to an exclusive owner.

Blocks in state I and IB will simply ignore this event. But for I state blocks, the event might be a retry, and therefore cleanUpAfterRequest() is called to remove the event from the MSHR and to retry the next one in the MSHR register.

Blocks in state E_B and M_B are handled by simply transiting the state to S_B. The event also completes immediately. Note that in these two cases, no response event is sent, since the flush event that was sent earlier to the lower level will be properly treated as the response to the downgrade request.

Blocks in state E and M are handled by first checking whether they have any upper level sharers or the owner. and if true, then the event is inserted to the MSHR. If the insertion is successful, and that the event has an upper level owner, then the owner is also downgrades by first attempting to promote and retry an existing write back in the MSHR with applyPendingReplacement(), and then recursively forwarding the downgrade to the owner with sendFetch() (with the command being FetchInvX). The state also transits to the _InvX version in both cases.

On the other hand, if there is no upper level owner, then no recursive downgrade is needed. But, if the current level cache does not have data, then the data still needs to be fetched from the upper level by calling sendFetch() with the command being Fetch. The state also transits to the _D version in this case.

If neither sharer nor owner exists, the event can be completed immediately by calling sendResponseDown(). In this case, it is guaranteed that the current level must have a copy of data, which is either in the data array, or in the MSHR.

Blocks in state EA and MA are handled by downgrading the write back event (which must be exclusive write back and contain data) in the MSHR directly. First, the write back event is obtained by calling getFrontEvent(). Then the response event is generated and sent to the lower level by calling sendResponseDown(), with data pointer from the write back event. The write back event is also updated such that the command becomes PutS by calling setCmd. At last, the requestor of the write back is re-added as a sharer, and removed as an owner. The state of the block also transits to SA to reflect the fact that the pending write back now becomes a clean write back with data (since the clean write back from the last sharer will trigger transition from S to SA).

Blocks in state _Inv, _InvX and _D will cause the event to be inserted as the second front entry of the MSHR register, being logically ordered after the current front event.



In addition to the point-to-point communication capabilities provided by simple memory links, SST also implements shared channel communication between any pairs of links connected to the channel, namely, a bus. The bus object models a shared communication channel, to which memory objects can connect and over which memory event objects can be sent by one memory component to another. The bus also implements a minimal routing table that enables single-hop routing, i.e., an incoming event from a source link will be delivered to the destination link based on the destination name in the memory event object. The routine table is configured automatically during the initialization stage by monitoring self-reported identities of the connected memory components.

Note that, contrary to the common notion of a physical bus, which typically also always performs broadcasting, the bus object in SST is not necessarily a broadcasting medium. In fact, the bus supports several different configurations. Users may configure the bus to perform point-to-point routing, to always broadcast from one side to the other side, or to always broadcast to all connected components.

The Bus Object

The bus object is implemented by class Bus, in file bus.h/cc. The class bus object is a derived class of class Component, meaning that the object must be explicitly initialized as a component in the Python configuration file. The object defines ports that other memory components can connect to, namely, low_network_%d and high_network_%d, in which %d is just an identifier that has no actual implication (but must start from zero and leave no gap). The low network components are considered as being further away from the CPU, while the high network components are closer to the CPU. In the run time, though, it hardly matters whether a component is connected to the high or the low network, for point-to-point routing or broadcasting, because events are routed based on the identity of the source and destination, instead of based on side of the bus a component is connected to.

Link objects that represent connected ports are stored in data member highNetPorts_ and lowNetPorts_, respectively, which correspond to the high ports and low ports in the configuration. Data member linkIdMap_ maps the globally unique link ID to the link object, which must be one of the high or low links. Data member nameMap_ maps component names at the other end of the link to the link ID (which can further be mapped to the link object using linkIdMap_). This table is also the routing table of the bus. When a request is received, the destination component’s name is looked up in the table, and if found, the link object is retrieved using the link ID, after which the event is forwarded to the link object.

As mentioned earlier, the bus object supports three different modes of operation, which is controlled by flag broadcast and fanout. If both are set to false (which is the default value), then the bus is just a simple point-to-point forwarding network with fixed latency. If broadcast is true, then the bus will broadcast a copy of the event it received from any of the ports to the rest. If fanout is set to true, though not actually implemented by the current class Bus, it is expected that the event received from the high network will be broadcasted to the low network, and vice versa.

The bus also has a latency value, stored in data member latency_, and configure with parameter bus_latency_cycles. This value is currently not used, and all events will be sent with zero latency.

Lastly, data member drain_, which is configured by parameter drain_bus, controls the message throughput of the bus. Right now, there are only two options: Either drain_ is set to true, meaning that the bus has infinite bandwidth, and will drain all events from the receiving queue on each cycle, or the value is set to false, meaning that only one event will be processed per cycle.

Bus Initialization

Initialization is an indispensable stage for the bus’s normal operation, during which the bus object learns the routing table from all its connected components. As with all other components, bus object’s initialization is performed in method init(), which has an argument stage to indicate the current number of of iteration.

In each iteration, the initialization method attempts to read initialization messages from each of the ports (both high network and low network) by calling recvInitData() until the port has been drained for the current cycle. For every event it reads from the port, the method checks whether the command is NULLCMD. If true, then the event is an initialization event, and it can be cast to class MemEventInit objects. For each initialization event received, the bus object registers the sender of the event to the routing table by calling mapNodeEntry(), which takes the source of the event as the first argument, and the ID of the link object as the second argument. Method mapNodeEntry() simply checks that the name does not already exist, and then inserts the mapping entry into nameMap_.

All events received from one side of the bus will be broadcasted to all ports on the other side of the bus. This way, all memory components can learn their immediate neighbors, including the identities, address ranges, etc., by receiving and parsing the initialization events.

Bus Construction

The constructor of class Bus performs parameter retrieval, which is implemented in configureParameters() and link configuration, which is implemented in configureLinks(). Method configureLinks() enumerates port names high_network_%d with %d starting from zero to the first index that is not connected. For each high network side port, The bus configures the link by calling configureLink(), with a fixed 50ps latency on the link. The call back function for receiving events is method processIncomingEvent(). The configured link will then be pushed into the list of links, highNetPorts_, and the mapping from link ID to link object will also be inserted into linkIdMap_. The same process is conducted for low network ports as well, with the exception that the link objects will be inserted into lowNetPorts_.

Bus Operations

The bus is called on each clock tick (unless the clock is turned off, which we do not cover), and the call back function for clock ticks is clockTick(). The method simply calls broadcastEvent() or sendSingleEvent() on every event object from the event queue, eventQueue_, depending on whether broadcast_ is set. If boolean flag drain_ is set to true, then only one event is processed, and the rest will still be in the queue, which will be processed in later events.

Method sendSingleEvent() extracts the destination name by calling getDst() on the event object, and uses the name to query the routing table nameMap_ by calling lookupNode(). The link ID from the routine table is then used to obtain the link object by querying linkIdMap_, after which the event is sent over the link object using the regular send() method of the link. Note that the event being sent to the destination is a cloned copy, while the original event will be destroyed.

Method broadcastEvent() obtains the source link object (note: not destination) using the same way as in sendSingleEvent(), after which the event is sent to all other links in highNetPorts_ and lowNetPorts_. Each send operation uses a cloned copy of the event, while the original event will be destroyed.

Method processIncomingEvent() handles received messages from any of the link objects. This function is extremely simple, as it just pushes the received event into eventQueue_. These events will be processed in the next clock tick.

Memory Controller

class MemoryController (in file memoryController.h/cc) implements the memory controller interface. The memory controller object sits between the last level cache and the memory backend (including the converter), and it serves as an entry point for accessing the main memory. The memory controller object is derived from class Component, meaning that it can be instanciated in the configuration file, and connected to the upper level components.

Subcomponent Slots

The controller object also serves as an upper level container to other memory related components. These related components are loaded into three subcomponent slots. The first slot, backend, stores a reference to the memory backend that implements the timing of the main memory. The slot can be explicitly loaded by calling setSubComponent() on the component object in the Python configuration file, with the name of the slot and the type name, or, if not explicitly loaded, be specified in the controller parameter using key backend or backendConvertor.backend (these two keys are equivalent). In the latter case, the subcomponent slot is loaded implicitly using the parameter value as the backend type.

The second slot, backendConvertor, stores a reference to the backend convertor object that is responsible for translating between memory hierarchy’s event type and the backend’s event type. The convertor cannot be loaded explicitly, and the type of the converter is obtained from the memory backend object by calling getBackendConvertorType().

The last slot, cpulink, stores a reference to the memory link object (which can be either a direct link, or a network-on-chip endpoint) that the controller objects communicate with upper level components in the hierarchy. The exact type of the subcomponent in this slot depends on the port that is connected in the configuration file. If port direct_link is connected, then the slot is loaded with a point-to-point type class MemLink object. Otherwise, if port network is connected, then the slot is loaded with a more complicated NoC.

Other optional subcomponent slots also exist, and they can be loaded with subcomponents that enhances the functionality. For example, slot listener can be loaded with event listeners, and slot customCmdHandler can be loaded with an extra module for handling custom events. In our discussion, we ignore these optional components, because their implementation is relatively insignificant to understanding the memory controller.

Memory Controller Construction

The memory controller constructor first translates parameter keys backend to backendConvertor.backend, backendConvertor.backend to backendConvertor.request_width, and max_requests_per_cycle to backendConvertor.backend.max_requests_per_cycle, such that these parameters can be recognized by the convertor subcomponent (when the parameter is passed to the subcomponents for construction, the key prefix will be trimmed). Then the constructor registers method clock() as the clock tick handler, with the frequency specified in parameter key clock. The constructor next attempts to construct the backend object. It first tried to instanciate an explicitly loaded object in slot backend by calling loadUserSubComponent() (which corresponds to an explicitly set subcomponent in the configuration file). If this fails, then it tries to loads a subcomponent whose registered type name is specified by parameter key backendConvertor.backend, by calling loadAnonymousSubComponent(). If the key does not exist, then the default memory backend to be constructed is of type memHierarchy.simpleMem. The reference to the memory backend object is stored in local variable memory.

The memory converter is constructed by first obtaining the converter type as a string, via memory backend’s method function getBackendConvertorType(), and then loading the converter object by calling loadAnonymousSubComponent(). The memory backend object and the request width are passed to the converter constructor as arguments. The caller back handler of the converter object is set by calling setCallbackHandlers(), with the first argument being a functor object that essentially calls handleMemResponse(), meaning that whenever a request fully handled, the response message will be passed to the memory controller by calling method handleMemResponse() from the converter object. Note that here, instead of implementing a private class as the functor object, the code author just used std::bind and placeholders to generate a std::function object, and pass the object as a functor to the converter.

The constructor then proceeds to construct the link that connects the controller with the upper level component. The constructor first attempts to load a component from the explicitly set slot, cpulink, as the link object. If this fails, then it checks whether port direct_link is connected. If true, then a class MemLink object is constructed. Otherwise, if port network is connected, then some NoC class object is constructed (which we do not cover). The link object is then stored in local variable link_. The call back function of the link is handleEvent(), meaning that events from the cache hierarchy will be processed by this method function.

The constructor also attempts to constructor the backing storage, which holds the contents of the simulated physical address space. If backing is not needed, then parameter backing should be set to none, or do_not_back should be set to false (the latter is deprecated, though). Otherwise, the backing storage will be constructor either as malloc-based or mmap-based, depending on the value of the parameter backing.

Memory Controller Initialization

The init() method of the memory controller is pretty simple. It first calls init() on the link object, which will exchange the identity of the controller component with its upper level component. Two one-time initialization events are also sent at stage zero, namely, class MemEventInitCoherence, and class MemEventInitEndpoint. The first event negotiates the coherence protocol with the upper levels. Note notably, the controller presents itself as a memory component by setting the type to Memory, such that the upper level cache will identify itself as a last-level cache. Besides, the controller also indicates that it in inclusive, will not send write back ACKs, and that it does not track the presence of data elsewhere.

In the rest of the cycles, the controller just keeps receiving from the link, and for each event received, calls processInitEvent() on the event. Initialization events may be used to set up the initial memory image before simulatation starts. This is achieved by sending GetX type event objects to the memory controller, with the data member set to initialization data. The backing store will be updated when the GetX event is processed.

Memory Controller Operations

Request Path

Method handleEvent() handles incoming events from the cache hierarchy. This method first checks whether the event has a customized command, and if true, then it calls handleCustomEvent() to handle the event, and then exists. Otherwise, the controller converts the global address in the event, if any, to the local address of the main memory component. Events are actually handled in the following switch block. Get requests and PutM are handled by first adding them into the outstandingEvents_ map, which maps event ID to the event object, and then calling converter object’s handleMemEvent() to pass the event. For FlushLine and FlushLineInv, the method first generates a new event of type PutM on the same address with the same workload, and passes the event to handleMemEvent(). The original event is also processed in the same way, after the new event, with the command being changed to FlushLine, it it was FlushLineInv. Clean write backs, i.e., PutE and PutS, are just ignored.

Response Path

When an event handling completes, method handleMemResponse() is called within the converter object, with the arguments being the ID of the event, and the flag that the response event should carry. The method first finds the original event using the ID in the map outstandingEvents_, and then removes the mapping entry. If the original request has a custom command, then the event will be sent to the custom command’s handler object for post-completion processing, before it is sent via the link. Otherwise, the method first performs writes on the backing storage with data in the event, if any. If the event has flag F_NORESPONSE being set, then no response will be sent, and event handling concludes. If not, the response event is created by calling makeResponse() on the event object. For read request events, data is also read from the backing storage, and set to the event object. The flag of the response event is updated with flags in the argument as well. Finally, the response event is sent to the upper level by calling send() on the link object, while the original event is destroyed.

Memory Backend Converter

The memory backend converter object, defined as class MemBackendConvertor in file memBackendConverter.h/cc, is responsible for translating between memory hierarchy’s event object and the memory backend’s request object. Besides, this class also enforces the request bandwidth limit, as well as the ordering constraints between the flush instruction and other memory instructions on the same address. This class is a virtual abstract class, meaning that the class cannot be instanciated. The class should be inherited by child classes that override its abstract methods, in order to be eligible for instanciation.

BaseReq and MemReq

The converter class defines a few inner classes that represent main memory requests. The base class of all request types, class BaseReq, only maintains a tyoe field, m_type, and ID field, m_reqId. The type is of one of the three possible values: BASE, MEM, and CUSTOM, in which MEM means that the request object is of a derived type (class MemReq, as we will see later), and that there is an associated memory event object. We do not discuss custom requests, since they are insignificant to understanding the converter object. The ID is a 32-bit integer allocated from a counter in the converter object. Using 32-bit values may risk occasionally overflowing the counter, but since the ID field is only used as a key during the request’s lifetime to distinguish it from other requests, it is very unlikely that wrap-backs will become an issue.

class MemReq inherits from class BaseReq, and it contains a reference to a memory event object, m_event, a request offset field, m_offset, and a request count field, m_numReq. The reason that the latter two are added is that for requests whose data size is larger than the internal bus width, the request must be broken down into several smaller requests, each carrying part of the data. These smaller requests will be issued to the memory backend as different entities, and each of them will be responded to separately. After the requests have been processed by the memory backend, the request object will be matched against the responses, and the request can only complete when all of its smaller requests are completed. To this end, the field m_offset tracks the current sending offset of data contained in the request in the issue stage, while m_numReq tracks the number of smaller requests that the request has been broken into during issue, and the number of responses to expect before completion.

Converter Construction

Recall that the converter object is constructed by its containing memory controller class. The constructor arguments are the memory backend object and the width of the internal bus (i.e., the number of bytes to issue per request). The only additional step during converter construction is to register the method getRequestor() as the get requestor call back of the memory backend. This method, when called with the request ID, performs a lookup on the internal pending request table, and returns the string name of the requestor (i.e., the LLC) of the associated memory event.

The constructor also negotiates the issue width with the backend, by calling getRequestWidth() on the backend object. This value will be compared with the front end issue width (which is the constructor argument request_width), and the smaller of the two are used as the actual issue width. The issue width defines how many bytes can be sent in a single request to the backend. A frontend request that is too large to be sent as a whole may need to be issued as a few separate requests (most likely, large write operations).

Converter Operation

Request Path

Requests are sent by the memory controller to the converter by calling handleMemEvent(). This method sets the delivery time of the event to m_cycleCount, which is just the local clock value. Then the method calls setupMemReq() on the event to add the event into an internal event queue, after checking certain orderings. If the method setupMemReq() returns false, then the event can be responded to immediately by calling sendResponse(). Otherwise, the event has been inserted into the queue, and will be processed in a future cycle.

Method setupMemReq() is defined in the header file. This method first checks whether the request is a flush. If true, then a dependency check is performed against all earlier requests in the queue m_requestQueue. If an earlier request with the same address is found, then the dependency is tracked by adding the flush into m_dependentRequests, which is a map from the conflicting event that has the same address as the flush, to a set of dependent flushes. Besides, the flush event and all the events it depends on is also inserted into m_waitingFlushes, which uses the flush event as key, and the set of conflicting events as value. Note that if there are multiple of them, all of them will be recorded, and the flush can only complete if all the dependencies are resolved.

The reason that dependencies between flushes and conflicting events are tracked is that, since the memory backend may reorder requests, it is not always guaranteed that requests will be completed in the order they they are processed by the memory controller. Consequently, flush instructions may be reordered with conflicting requests that are originally before it, which might violate the ordering property of the flush, since it is expected by the upper level caches and the CPU that the flush takes place after all preceding memory instructions in the program order. If this is not observed, certain programs that depend on this ordering, such as NVM applications, might just stop working.

After potential dependencies are recorded, a new request ID allocated by calling genReqId() which simply increments the ID counter. Then a new class MemReq object is created and inserted into the queue m_requestQueue. The request is also added to the pending request map, m_pendingRequests, with the key being the ID, and the value being the request object.

Request issue is modeled at each clock tick, which is handled by method clock(). The method uses a while loop to extract requests from the m_requestQueue queue until the queue is empty, or until the maximum issuing bandwidth (obtained via getMaxReqPerCycle() on the backend) has been reached. If requests can still be issued at the current cycle, the method calls issue(), which is an abstract method that has no implementation, on the request. Child classes must override this method to implement concrete behavior for event issuing to the backend. If the method returns false, then the request is rejected by the memory backend, and request issue concludes for the current cycle. Otherwise, m_backendRequestWidth bytes is sent, and this value is aggregated to the request object by calling increment(), which just increments the m_offset field of the request object by the same amount. If the request size is smaller than the aggregated size that has been sent, which is checked by issueDone(), then the request is fully issued to the backend, and it can be removed from m_requestQueue. If there are still issuing bandwidth left, the next request can be extracted from the queue, and the same process repeats.

The method also calls clock() to drive the memory backend forward, if the memory backend has a clocked implementation.

Response Path

The full response path of request handling should be implemented in the child class, and class MemBackendConvertor only provides a common response path handling function, doResponse(), that the child class can use.

Method doResponse() is called with the ID of the request object, and the flag that the request memory event should carry. The method first looks up the pending request map, m_pendingRequests, to find the request object, and then decrements the number of expected responses on the request object by calling decrement(). If the value of m_numReq reaches zero, meaning that all smaller requests issued from the current request have been completed (checked by isDone()), then the request is removed from m_pendingRequests. The event object that accompanies the request is also obtained and stored in local variable event. The completion of the event is then notified to the memory controller object by calling sendResponse() with event’s ID and the flags.

After sending the response, the dependency between flushes and other memory operations are resolved. The method finds all dependent flush requests by looking up m_dependentRequests using the ID of the current memory event object. Then for all flush events that are in the value set, the current conflicting event is removed from the reverse map m_waitingFlushes. If for some flushes, all conflicting events have been completed, then the event itself can also complete by calling sendResponse() on the flush event as well.

Method sendResponse() simply calls m_notifyResponse() with the same arguments. Recall that m_notifyResponse is a functor object set by setCallbackHandlers(), which is called by the upper level memory controller with the controller’s handler function.

Simple Memory Backend Converter

class SimpleMemBackendConvertor inherits from class MemBackendConvertor, and it is a non-abstract class. The class defines the concrete interface for interacting with memory backend objects as follows. First, it overrides method issue(), and provides a concrete implementation, which, given a request object, will simply invoke issueRequest() on the memory backend object (cast to class SimpleMemBackend type). Second, the class also registers its own method, handleMemResponse(), as the response handler to the backend object by calling setResponseHandler(). Method handleMemResponse() will simply forward the call to the base class method doResponse().

class SimpleMemBackendConvertor only works with backend objects of type class SimpleMemBackend, or its derived classes. This is the reason why the simple converter always casts the backend object to type class SimpleMemBackend. Correspondingly, in class SimpleMemBackend, the converter type is specified as memHierarchy.simpleMemBackendConvertor, in the return value of method getBackendConvertorType(). During the construction of the containing memory controller object, the converter will be selected by first constructing the memory backend, and then calling getBackendConvertorType() to obtain the string name of the converter class. The converter is then instanciated by calling loadAnonymousSubComponent() with the name of the converter type.

Memory Backend

The memory backend implements the timing model of a main memory. All memory backend implementations must inherit from the base class, class MemBackend , in file memBackend.h. class MemBackend is an abstract class and hence cannot be directly instanciated. The class is also a child class of class SubComponent, and it must be loaded into the slot of the memory controller, as we have already seen earlier.

The class MemBackend’s method function isClocked() always returns true, meaning that the backend will receive the clock tick as the converter does. This method is called during converter object’s construction, and saved in its data member m_clockBackend. In converter object’s clock() function, this data member is checked, and if it is true, then the clock() of the backend is also called.

The memory backend base class constructor reads parameter keys max_requests_per_cycle, request_width, and mem_size, into data members m_maxReqPerCycle, m_memSize, and m_reqWidth, respectively. The class also has one functor data member, m_getRequestor, which, when invoked, returns the string identifier of the original requestor given an internally generated request ID. The functor is set in the backend converter construtor as we have seen earlier.

Simple Memory Backend (SimpleMemBackend)

class SimpleMemBackend is derived from class MemBackend, and it is still an abstract class that cannot be directly instanciated. This class defines a simple interface for communicating with the converter object. Method issueRequest(), which is an abstract function, and must be overridden by the child class, is the interface for issuing a request object to the backend. Method handleMemResponse() is the method that will be called when a request is completed. The method will forward the call to its data member, m_respFunc, which is a functor object registered via setResponseHandler().

Method getBackendConvertorType() selects the compatible converter object during the construction of the memory controller object. The method returns memHierarchy.simpleMemBackendConvertor, meaning that a class simpleMemBackendConvertor type converter object will be constructed.

Two more types of abstract backends are also defined in the same file. The first is class FlagMemBackend, which has a more expressive issueRequest() method, allowing an extra flag from the converter to be passed. The second is class ExtMemBackend, which defines an extra issueCustomRequest() that allows customized requests to be handled with a different method.

Simple Memory Backend (SimpleMemory)

class SimpleMemory inherits from class SimpleMemBackend (file simpleMemBackend.h/cc), and it implements a fixed latency simple memory timing model. The class takes one parameter, access_time, which is the constant delay of accesses regardless of type, address, status, etc. The class has only one data member, self_link, which is configured as a self-connected internal link, and hence does not need to be connected explicitly in the configuration. The class also provides a concrete implementation of method issueRequest(), such that it is no longer abstract, and can be directly instanciated. In order to use it, the parameter key backend or backendConvertor.backend, which are given to the memory controller object, should be set to value memHierarchy.simpleMem.

On construction, the object configures its self link by calling configureSelfLink(). This method registers the call back function as method handleSelfEvent(), with a link latency of the value read from the parameter key access_time. This way, the fixed access latency is, in fact, simulated as the link latency.

When issueRequest() is called from the converter object, the method just constructs a new class MemCtrlEvent object that carries the request ID, and sends it via the link by calling send(). Note that the first argument to send() is one, meaning that the operation has an extra unit of delay in the unit of the link’s time base.

When an event is received in a future cycle, method handleSelfEvent() will be called, which simply calls handleMemResponse(). The call chain will eventually reach the convertor object’s receive handler, doResponse(), causing the response event to be sent back to the upper level.

The controller request object, class MemCtrlEvent, is defined as an inner class of the backend class, and it merely carries the request ID from the converter. The class derines from class Event, and it can be sent over a link just like any other events.

Simple DRAM Backend

class SimpleDRAM implements a slightly more complicated DRAM timing model. The timing model assumes a banked DRAM, in which banks can be accessed in parallel. Banks consists of rows, which are the basic unit of internal access. Each bank has a row buffer, which stores the content of the last accessed row. If a later access hits the row buffer, then the access can be fulfilled by the row buffer directly. In order to access a row, the bank first needs to be activated, which has a latency of tRCD cycles, and then the row is fetched into the row buffer. If an earlier row already exists in the row buffer, the existing row also needs to be written back, with an extra latency of tRP on the critical path. The row buffer access itself also has a latency of tRCD, which is always paid regardless of whether the row buffer is hit or not.

Addresses are mapped to banks in an interleaved manner, the granularity of which is specified with parameter key bank_interleave_granularity, i.e., adjacent blocks of size bank_interleave_granularity on the address space with be mapped to adjacent banks. Besides, the row number of a given address in each bank is just the address modular the row size, which can be specified with parameter key row_size, and by default it is set to 8KB. The number of banks and the row buffer policy is specified using parameter keys banks and row_policy, respectively.

The class tracks per-bank status using two data members. Data member busy tracks whether a bank is busy in the current simulated cycle. Data member openRow stores an integer, which tracks the currently opened row of the bank. A -1 value indicates that no row is currently open. The link object self_link, just as in the simple memory bankend, is configured as a self link, with the receiving call back being handleSelfEvent().

Method issueRequest() handles requests from the converter. The method first computes the row number and the bank index, and stores them in local variables row and bank. Then the method checks whether the bank is busy in the current cycle, by comparing the value in data member busy. If the bank is busy, then the request is rejected by returning false. On rejection of a request, the converter object’s clock() method will simply stop processing requests for the current cycle, and return from the method. Otherwise, the access is simulated. There are three different cases. In the first case, the row buffer misses (i.e., the requested row differs from the one recorded in openRow), and the row buffer previously has the content of another row. In this case, the access latency is the longest, which equals tCAS + tRCD + tRP. In the second case, the row buffer misses, but the row buffer previously has no content. In this case, the write back delay is unnecessary, and the access latency equals tCAS + tRCD. In the third case, the row buffer hits, and the access latency is simply the latency of streaming data from the buffer, which equals tCAS. After simulating the access, the bank status busy is set to true, indicating that the bank will not accept another access until the current one completes in a future cycle. A new class MemCtrlEvent which carries the bank index and the request ID is also sent via the self link, with the delivery latency just computed above. Note that the class MemCtrlEvent object has data member close set to false to indicate that it is the conclusion of an access operation.

Note that the first case above will never occur if the simulated DRAM has a close row policy, since the row buffer is closed on every access. The row buffer will never contain the contents of another row when the access happens, and hence does not need any write back on the critical path. It is, however, necessary that a write back be scheduled asynchronously after the access. This is done properly in the simulation, as we will see shortly, by scheduling another row buffer close event on completion of the access, with a latency of tRP cycles.

When the request completes, the event will be delivered to handleSelfEvent(). The method first cast the event object to type class MemCtrlEvent, and then checks the value of close. If close is false, meaning that the event indicates the conclusion of an earlier request, then the method further checks the row buffer policy. If row policy is CLOSED (specified with paremeter key row_policy), then a row close event will be scheduled after tRP cycles. The row close event is also a class MemCtrlEvent type object, created with the bank index, and with data member close set to true. The row close event is sent on the self link, which will be received by the same handler function, and the event is handled by setting openRow to -1 and busy to false.

Otherwise, if the row buffer policy is OPEN, meaning that the contents of the row buffer is not written back after each access, then no row buffer close event is scheduled, and the row is always closed by setting busy to false.

In both cases, the response of the access is sent to the converter object by calling handleMemResponse().

DRAMSim Backend

class DRAMSimMemory is the backend type implemented as a wrapping layer around the third party DRAMSim. DRAMSim itself is implemented separately from SST, and must be installed. The DRAMSim backend includes the header file DRAMSim.h, which must be present when the module is compiled.

The DRAMSim backend requires two parameter keys, device_ini and system_ini, which specify paths to the configuration file needed for initializing a DRAMSim object. In the constructor, a DRAMSim memory object is initialized by calling getMemorySystemInstance(), the return value of which is stored in data member memSystem. The constructor also registers call back functions for reads and writes using DRAMSim’s interface function, RegisterCallbacks(). When a request handling completes, the call back function, dramSimDone(), will be called, with the argument being the ID of the request (DRAMSim’s internal ID, which is not used by the method), the requested address, and the clock cycle when the completion notification is sent.

Method issueRequest() first calls willAcceptTransaction() to check whether the request can be issued in the current cycle. If not, then the method will return false. Otherwise, it issues the request to DRAMSim by calling addTransaction() with the write flag and the address of the request. Meanwhile, the method also maintains a pending transaction map, dramReqs, which maps requested addresses to request IDs used by the converter object. Note that one requested address may have multiple request ID associated with it, either due to repeated requests on the same address, or due to a larger request being issued as several smaller ones. Additionally, since DRAMSim does not track the request ID generated by the converter object, these IDs must be kept by this class such that responses can be matched with requests.

Method clock() will be called on each clock tick of the controller object. It simply calls update() on the DRAMSim object to drive forward the progress.

Method dramSimDone() is called by the DRAMSim internal procedure when a request is completed. The first argument is an ID used internally by DRAMSim, and it is not used by the method. The second and third arguments are the requested address and the clock cycle of completion, respectively. Note that the clock cycle is also not needed, since SST uses tick-by-tick simulation, and the clock cycle is just the current simulated cycle. The methods finds the queue of the request IDs in data member dramReqs using the address as a key. The method assumes that DRAMSim will always handle requests on the same address in the same order as they are issued, and hence the request that is finished must be the front entry of the list. The response is hence sent to the converter object by calling handleMemResponse() with the request ID being the front request ID in the per-address list.