Redundant Memory Mappings for Fast Access to Large Memories

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Paper Title: Redundant Memory Mappings for Fast Access to Large Memories
Year: ISCA 2015
Keyword: Paging; Virtual Memory; Segmentation; RMM;


Classical virtual memory mapping relies on page tables to translate from virtual addresses to physical addresses. If a large chunk of memory is mapped, where the address range on both the virtual address space and physical address space are consecutive, the translation can actually be performed on a larger granularity. This paper proposes redundant memory mapping, or range mapping, where large chunks of mapping is represented by a segment notation: base, limit and offset. Permission bits are maintained on a segment basis where all pages in the segment must have the same permission settings. The segment is also 4KB page aligned, and the size is always a multiple of the page size (4KB). We describe the details of operation below.

Range mapping cooperates with the paging system by generating TLB entries on TLB misses. Even with range mapping enabled, the system still performs TLB lookup every time a virtual address is to be translated. This design distinguishes range mapping from other segmentation based mapping mechanisms, including x86’s native segmentation support. A range lookaside buffer is co-located with the last level TLB, and is activated when the last level TLB misses. Instead of conducting a page walk, the hardware TLB miss handler searches the range buffer using the miss address, and check whether the address is within any range table entry cached by the range lookaside buffer. If the address hits the range buffer, a TLB entry is generated and inserted into the TLB. The new TLB entry’s physical address is simply the sum of the base virtual address and the offset of the range. Permission bits in the page table entry is derived from the permission bits in the range lookaside buffer entry. If the range lookaside buffer also misses, the hardware page walker is activated to load the page table entry from main memory as in a normal TLB miss. In the meantime, a range table walker searches the in-memory range table, and loads the range into the range lookaside buffer if it exists. The latter is carried out in the background, and hence is not on the critical path of memory operations. If the hit range on the range lookaside buffer is high, then the majority of last level TLB misses can be satisfied by range mapping, rather than an expensive page table walk. Overall, the range lookaside buffer works as a fully associative search structure that maps a virtual addresses to range table entries. Two comparators and one adder is required to perform the search.

The operating system is responsible for preparing a data structure called the range table in the main memory, and sets the range table root control register, CR-RT (like CR3), to the physical address of the root of the table. The paper suggests that the range table be organized as a B-Tree, with the base virtual addresses and limit as key, offset and permission bits as value. The experiments in later sections, however, claims that using a linked list does not affect performance much. The hardware walker searches the range table, and loads the entry into the range lookaside buffer. The compact B-Tree representation can provide up to 128 range mappings in a 4KB page.

The mapping specified by the range table should remain consistent with the page table. The OS should also maintain the consistency of dirty and accessed bits between the page mapping and the range mapping. As hardware TLB coherence is lacking on x86 platform, whenever a TLB entry is invalidated as a result of TLB shootdown, the range mapping should also be changed accordingly.

Two optimizations can be applied to reduce energy comsumption and hardware complexity. The first optimization adds a most recented used range mapping buffer, which stores the most recent range mapping that was hit in the lookaside buffer. The hardware checks this MRU buffer first before performing a full search to the range lookaside buffer. Since ranges are usually big, and hence have strong locality, it is likely that most lookups will hit the MRU buffer. The second optimization removes the hardware range walker from the memory controller. A software trap is invoked when the range buffer misses, and the OS can schedule a background thread that walks the table in software and insert an entry into the buffer. The range table in this case can have arbitrary format defined by the OS.

Range mapping works the best when both the virtual and physical addresses assigned to a process are in consecutive pages. Unfortunately, this is not ture in the current OS allocator implementation. Modern OSes generally takes advantage of lazy allocation. Instead of allocating physical pages for a virtual address range, the page table entries for the virtual address range are marked as read-only. The first write operation to any of the pages will trigger a page fault, and the OS lazily allocates a physical page, causing memory fragmentation after many small allocations. In earlier days when physical memory is usually small, this helps to reduce swapping. On modern work stations, however, swapping is less common. As a conclusion, in order for range mapping to work well, the OS should eagerly allocate a consecutive range of physical memory when virtual addresses are reserved by the application program. Having the physical pages in a consecutive range increases the probablity that only a few ranges can cover 90% of the application’s working set. For the remaining 10%, or when memory fragmentation prohibits range mapping from serving its purposes, the OS could choose not to enable range mapping for the address space.