Hardware Extensions to Make Lazy Subscription Safe
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Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.6968?context=cs
Year: arXiv 2014
Keyword: Hybrid TM
Hardware Lock Elision (HLE) is a technique that allows processors with transactional memory support to execute critical sections in a speculative manner. The critical section appears to commit atomically at the end of the critical section. This way, multiple hardware transactions can execute in parallel, providing higher degrees of parallelism given that the transactions do not conflict with each other.
Due to certian restrictions of current commercial implementations of HTM, HLE mechanisms must provide a “fall-back” path that executes the critical section in pure software with minimum hardware support. This is usually caused by the fact that HTM capabilities heavily depend on the capacity of the cache and cache parameters. If the size of a transaction exceeds the maximum that the cache could support, then there is no way that the transaction can commit even in the absence of conflict. The fall back path must therefore be able to interoperate with hardware transactions in a transparent way. On Intel platform, the fall back path let the transaction acquire and release the lock as it would be without HLE. Hardware transactions must “subscribe” to the cache line that contains the lock by reading its content at the beginning of the transaction. Hardware transactions can only start if the lock is currently free. If a fall back transaction acquires the lock by writing into the lock, then all hardware transactions must be aborted. This is necessary to prevent them from reading inconsistent states created by the fall back transaction before they are actually aborted by data conflicts.
Lazy subscription, as its name suggests, is a scheme that allows hardware transactions to subscribe to the lock “lazily”. This means that the subscription needs not to happen at the beginning of the transaction, but right before the transaction is ready to commit. Lazy subscription is sometimes favored over standard HLE, because it allows higher degree of concurrency between hardware threads and the fall back thread. Standard HLE, as described in the previous paragraph, serializes the execution of hardware transactions and fall back transactions. At any given point in time, only one type of them can be actively running. This, however, is unnecessarily restrictive, because hardware transactions and fall back transactions can of course commit in parallel as long as they do not access conflicting data items. To exploit this extra opportunity, HLE with lazy subscription must have a two-way communication mechanism between fall back and hardware transactions, such that both can inform each other of their state changes. This signaling mechanism does not yet exist in standard HLE. We will see an example below that implements the feature.
One example of exploiting lazy subscription is Hybrid NORec, where both types of transactions use a commit counter to serialize write phases. In the normal operation mode, STM atomically increases the counter to perform write back, and then atomically increments the counter to indicate the completion. Hardware threads, on the other hand, subsribes to the counter at the beginning and spin loop until no STM is committing. At commit time, the hardware thread increments the commit counter by two to indicate an atomic commit. STM monitors the content of the counter on every read operation. If the counter has changed since last time it was sampled, then at least one transaction must have committed, potentially overwriting the current transaction’s read set. In this case, the current transaction performs a value-based validation, and aborts if the read set is indeed invalid. As a contrast, with lazy subscription, hardware transactions only subscribe to the commit counter at the end of the transaction, right before it is going to execute the commit instruction. The subscription of the commit counter synchronizes with the atomic increment operation performed by STM. The order of HTM and STM transactions are determined by the order that corresponding primitives are executed.
One problem with lazy subscription is that HTM transactions may read inconsistent values, because they can begin in the middle of a software transaction’s write back (the lock is not checked at the beginning), or because STM can begin and perform partial write back in the middle of the HTM transaction. Either of these may lead to incorrect execution where the snapshot that the hardware transaction depends on can never occur in a serialized execution. The inconsistent snapshot will finally be discovered by the HTM when STM write back completes, because it is a write-after-read conflict, and all current HTM implementations will abort. The problem, however, is that before this can ever happen, inconsistent data may be used to switch the control flow via indirect jump, or to decide the address of the lock to be subscribed, or to determine the value of the lock state. It is possible that the hardware transaction be tricked into executing wrong code, or reads the wrong lock, or even corrupt random memory addresses. Essentially, execution of the hardware transaction is undefined.
To counter such problem, hardware transaction must have an error discovery and self-abort mechanism when it detects that the execution may become undefined due to inconsistent reads. One obvious solution, used by Hybrid NORec, is to validate every hardware load instruction. The validation spins on the current commit counter lock bit using non-transactional load, and waits for the ongoing write back phase, if any, to complete. If the read becomes inconsistent due to reading partially committed data, waiting for the write back to complete will guarantee that the hardware can at least detect the conflict and then abort. Simple as it is, this solution has two undesired properties. The first is that hardware transactions need to be instrumented, extending every load operation with a validation. The second property is that spinning itself is an inefficient way of synchronization, which may cause frequent cache line invalidation.
The paper proposes another solution by adding two registers. One register, the lock address register (LAR), stores the lock address, and is loaded as the transaction begins. The purpose of this register is to maintain a reference to the lock before the execution becomes potentially undefined. Another register, the Subscription Code Address Register (SCAR), is loaded with the function pointer that subscribes to the lock in a similar way. Once these two registers are loaded at transaction begin, they cannot be altered until the transaction commits or aborts. During the execution of the transaction, any attempt to modify these two registers will cause the transaction to abort immediately, because this implies that undefined execution has occurred. If the transaction executes the commit instruction, either intending to commit or as a result of undefined execution, the SCAR function pointer is called with LAR to check the value of the lock and then subscribe from it. As long as LAR and SCAR are loaded with correct values, no matter whether or not the the execution is undefined, the transaction can always subscribe to the correct lock, or be aborted as a consequence of undefined execution.
There remains one issue with the above solution. We assume in the above discussion that the code section of the SCAR function pointer and the lock to be subscribed will be consistent. Nothing, however, could prevent the undefined execution from overwriting the lock pointed to by LAR, or code pointed to by SCAR. Fortunately, if the overwrite truly happens, then they must exist in the transaction’s write set. We use a lazy approach to discover whether this has occurred. It works as follows. After the transaction reaches the commit instruction, it enters a special mode, where any attempt to execute or read/write data items in the write set will cause an immediate abort. Since both the lock and the function to subscribe from the lock should not be touched by the transaction, if they are overwritten by the transaction, then it must be the case that undefined execution made them so.