Speculative Memory Checkpointing

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Paper Title: Speculative Memory Checkpointing
Link: http://2015.middleware-conference.org/conference-program/
Year: Middleware 2015
Keyword: Checkpointing


This paper proposes Speculative Memory Checkpointing (SMC), which is an optimization to the classical incremental memory checkpointing technique using Operating System supported Copy-on-Write (COW). In the classical undo-based scheme, the checkpointing library relies on virtual memory protection and OS page table to detect whether a write operation is conducted on a certain page. Program execution is divided into consecutive epoches, which is the basic unit of recovery. During each epoch, the library tracks pages modified by the application, and copies the undo image to a logging area for recovery. Programmers use library primitives to denote epoch boundaries and restoration operations. On restoration, the library just walks the undo log in reverse chronilogical order, and applies undo images to corresponding page frames, until the target epoch to restore to has been reached. To track the list of modified pages during every epoch, at the beginning of the epoch, the library requests the OS to mark all pages in the current process as non-writable. Page faults will be triggered when the user application writes a page for the first time, during the handling of which the undo image is copied to the logging area. The page is marked as writable (if it is writable without checkpointing) after the page fault handler returns, such that following page writes within the same epoch do not trigger logging.

This paper identifies the problem with page fault driven checkpointing: efficiency. The paper shows by measurement that the cost of handling page faults can be significantly larger than simply copying a page or computing a page checksum. In fact, page copy only takes ~500 cycles, while COW takes more than 4000 cycles, an eight times overhead. Based on this observation, the paper proses a speculation scheme for estimating the set of pages that might be copied during the next epoch, called the Writable Working Set (WWS), at the beginning of every epoch. Instead of copy-on-demand as in COW, the checkpointing library copies these pages optimistically at the beginning of the epoch, and unsets the write protection bits for them. Any following write operations on these pages do not incur overhead of page faults, and hence can improve overall performance. Note that the estimation scheme does not need to be perfectly accurate. Slightly overestimating the working set may result in unnecessary copies, but as the measurement suggests, these redundant page copies actually do not pose a significant problem compared with using page fault handler for every page write. Correctness is also guaranteed, because in the case of overedtimation the undo image is identical to the memory image when the epoch ends.

The paper proposes three ways of estimating the WWS of an epoch at the beginning of the epoch. The first two algorithms are based on active lists, which are just lists of page IDs. Initially, all pages are marked as non-writable. The active list is built during the first few epoches by adding every page for which the page fault is triggered. All pages in the list are considered as hot pages, and will be copies at the beginning of an epoch. The two algorithms, Active-RND and Active-CKS, differ in how pages are removed from the list. In Active-RND, there is an upper bound on the number of pages in the list. If in some epoch a page is to be added, but the list is full, then the algorithm will randomly select a page from the list and then remove it. The paper claims that randomly selecting a page performs better than some other algorithms such as LRU, CLOCK or FIFO. In Active-CKS, no upper bound is put on the list size. Instead, a page is removed from the list if the checksum of the page has not changed in the last N epoches. The paper recommends using N = 5. Computing the checksum for a page is also inexpensive according to the measurement, which only takes a few hundred cycles.

The third algorithm is a type of genetic algorithm. A general genetic algorithm involves several instances of sub-optimal solutions competing with each other iteratively. At the end of an iteration, the best solutions are selected, and then new solutions for the next iteration are generated by “combing” the best solutions from the previous iteration. In the case of WWS esitmation, solutions are hot pages that are expected to be written frequently. The library keeps a list of pages that are known to be “hot” by sampling from a few early epoches. Solutions are repsented by bit fields, in which a set bit indicates that the corresponding page in the list is chosen as the hot page for the next epoch, and clear bit means the opposite. At the beginning, solutions are randomly generated when an epoch starts. We put an upper bound of the number of solutions we consider and call the upper bound the “population”, denoted as P. During the epoch, each individual in the population is evaluated by comparing its prediction with the actual memory footprint. If the individual predits a page to be hot, but the page is not written, we add a small penalty, because page copy is relatively inexpensive. On the other hand, if a page is predicted to be cold, but the page was actually written, a large penalty will be added, since we pay the cost of a heavyweight page fault. At the end of the epoch, the algorithm selects the individual with the lowest cost as one of the parents. The other parent for generating the next generation is selected over all individuals probablistically. The probablity of an individual being chosen as the other parent is inversely proportional to the cost function, i.e. the lower the cost is, the high chance the individual will be chosen as the parent. In total, P parents will be chosen. In the next step, the algorithm combines the first parent and P second parents to derive their offsprings. Bit i in the offspring is selected from either parent with equal probablity. To avoid falling into local minima, the algorithm will also randomly mutate the bits in the population after they are generated. The mutation process flips a bit in the population with very low probablity (e.g. 0.01). After that, the prediction is made for the next epoch, and the program continues to execute.