ForgiveTM: Supporting Lazy Conflict Detection on Eager Hardware Transactional Memory

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Paper Title: ForgiveTM: Supporting Lazy Conflict Detection on Eager Hardware Transactional Memory
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Year: PACT 2019
Keyword: HTM; Conflict Detection


This paper proposes ForgiveTM, a bounded HTM design that features lower abort rate than commercial HTMs. ForgiveTM reduces conflict aborts by leveraging the observation that the order of reads and writes within a transaction is irrelevant to the order that they are issued to the shared cache, as long as these reads and writes are committed atomically and that the coherence protocol provides most up-to-date lines for each request. The paper also idientifies that currently available commercial HTMs are all eager due to the fact that Two-Phase Locking (2PL) style eager conflict detection maps perfectly to the coherence protocol. For example, a read-shared (GETS) request us equivalent to a read-only lock in 2PL, while a read-exclusive request is equivalent to writer lock. During the execution, the cache controller monitors speculatively accessed cache lines during the transaction, and sets the corresponding bit. When a conflicting request is received from another core, the current transaction must be aborted to avoid violating the isolation propeerty. Past designs also propose lazy conclift detection, which allows transactions to proceed after conflicts are detected, and only resolve these conflicts at the time of commit (or abort if the transaction risks accessing inconsistent data). The lazy approach to conflict detection, however, as pointed out by the paper, often requires modifications to the coherence protocol, which is hard to design and verify, or assumes certain hardware structures that are difficult to implement (e.g. ordered broadcasting network). Lazy conflict detection usually provides better performance and lower abort rates for three reasons. First, the “vulnerabilty window”, during which the transaction’s reads and writes are exposed to other transactions, is smaller with lazy detection schemes. In contrast, eager schemes expose reads and writes as coherence states once they are performed on the cache, and any coherence request will result in an abort. Second, under lazy scheme, transactions can determine the serialization order at a later time, e.g. when they are about to commit, rather than always serializing before the current owner transaction of the cache line by forcing the latter to abort. This adds extra flexibility to the protocol and allows more read/write interleavings to commit. The last reason is that lazy conflict detection avoids certain pathologies in which transactions abort each other without making any progress due to the fact that transactions started later always attempt to serialize before the transaction that started earlier on a conflict. On a balanced system in which transactions are of similar sizes, however, those started earlier should be given higher priorities to commit, since they are expected to have a larger working set, and aborting these transactions will waste more cycles.

ForgiveTM combines eager and lazy schemes by only exposing certain writes, while leaving the rest in a private per-transactional table until commit or the table overflows. ForgiveTM assumes a baseline system similar to Intel TSX, and only adds incremental changes to the architecture without modifying the coherence protocol at all. In the baseline system, each cache line is extended with a “T” bit, which indicates whether the cache line has been speculatively accessed by the processor. Loads and stores issued within the transaction will set the “T” bit in the cache after acquiring the cache line. To ensure that transactions can be rolled back, when a dirty, non-speculative cache line is accessed, the dirty content is first written back into lower level caches before that line can be updated. The “T” bit is cleared on both commits and aborts, and in the case of an abort, the valid bit is also cleared. Pre-transaction data can be fetched from lower level caches after such an abort. ForgiveTM does not attempt to extend the baseline system to support unbounded transactions. In the case of a speculative state overflow, the transaction is aborted.

ForgiveTM extends the cache controller hardware to recognize cache lines that should be exposed lazily, which is described as follows. First, cache lines are extended with an “L” bit, which indicates that stores to the line should be exposed lazily. If this bit is set, stores to this line will ignore the coherence state, and will directly update the line content (since it is assumed that proper permissions have been acquired). In addition, ForgiveTM adds a table which records the tags of lines with the “L” bit set. A new tag will be added to the table when the line is to be modified by a store instruction if the table still has an empty slot. We postpone the discussion of table overflow to later paragraphs. The last change made by ForgiveTM is a predictor which gives hints on whether a cache line should be exposed lazily or not based on the number of aborts incurred by that line. The predictor is used to reduce the amount of storage required to store all lazily acquired lines.

ForgiveTM works as follows. The bahavior of load instructions does not change compared with the baseline system. Coherence protocol and conflict detection rule is also unmodified, i.e. the transaction aborts if the core receives a request for conflicting permissions from another core. The behavior of writes, however, is changed depending on the predictor result. If the predictor indicates that the write is likely to incur aborts, then the write will be performed lazily. In this case, the processor only sends a GETS request instead of GETX for the write, and holds the cache line in shared state. The content of the line, however, is updated to reflect the store instruction. The T and L bits are also set to indicate that the cache line is transactional, and that the GETX request is delayed. An entry is also inserted into the lazy store table such that the processor can acquire proper permission of the line before commit. On transaction commit, the processor first attempts to acquire exclusive permissions to all cache lines in the table, before it executes the commit sequence in the baseline system. Note that this pre-commit process does not have to be atomic: The processor simply iterates over the table, and for each address tag in the table, it issues a GETX request to the cache hierarchy. In the meantime, conflicting requests might also be received from other cores. No special action needs to be taken; the processor simply aborts if this happens. Compared with delayed-write schemes such as TCC, ForgiveTM does not requires any centralized arbitration, due to the fact that transactions have not committed yet when they run the pre-commit sequence. After the pre-commit, if the transaction is still alive, it commits by clearing both the “T” bit and the “L” bit (if set) in its working set.

When inserting a new entry into the table, the processor may find out that the table is already full. In this case, an entry will be evicted from the table, the write permission of which will then be explicitly acquired. The processor determines which line will be evicted by assigning each line in the table a “score”, which is the output of the predictor. The table maintains two extra registers, one pointing to the minimum scored entry, and another maintains the maximum value. Both registers are updated when an entry is inserted and deleted from the table. When the table overflows, the minimum scored line is evicted, and the cache controller will immediately acquire the write permission of the line by issuing a GETX request.

The predictor is implemented as a table of counters. When a transaction aborts, the address tag of the cache line which caused the abort is used to probe the table. If the entry already exists, then the counter associated with the entry is incremented by one. If it does not exist, then the entry with the minimum counter score is evicted, and a new entry is created. When a line is to be added into the lazy write table, the predictor outputs the score of the address if it exists, or a predefined value if it does not (most likely zero). The higher the score is, the more likely the cache line will cause the transaction to abort if exposed early, and the more potential benefit we can get if the line is acquired lazily. The paper identifies that stores to addresses on the thread stack and thread-local variables do not need to be tracked. These stores benefit from this prediction scheme since they will not be tracked by the lazy write table. The predictor table, however, does not need to be kept complete. An entry can be evicted without any extra action, since the output of the table is only an indication of the relative level of contention on the cache line. An inaccurate prediction only degrades performance, but does not affect correctnss.