Residual Cache: A Low-Energy Low-Area L2 Architecture via Compression andd Partial Hits

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Paper Title: Residual Cache: A Low-Energy Low-Area L2 Architecture via Compression andd Partial Hits
Year: MICRO 2011
Keyword: Cache; Compression; Residual Cache



  1. Provides a new perspective that 2:1 compressed lines can be treated as a norm such that the cache only provides storage to these lines, and that those above 2:1 are exceptions and relative rare such that they can be treated differently by having a small residue cache


  1. Writing quality and presentation of ideas are extremely low.

  2. The original paper seems to suggest that the first 32 bytes of a full line be stored in the conventional LLC. This, however, artificially biases against the higher 32 bytes, since accesses to these 32 bytes will always be misses. One of the solutions is to interleave words from the two halves based on the address of the block to “randomize” offset of words that are always present.

  3. The paper does not seem to give a correct description of the tagging scheme of the residual cache. If the location in the LLC is used, the tagging should consist of higher bits of the index plus the way number in the LLC set. The paper also mentions higher index bits.

  4. The paper mentions that critical words can be delivered first, but L1 will almost always request a full cache line rather than a certain word. I understand you can extend the MSHR with the word offset of the request, but eventually the full line must be sent to the L1. Do you do that in the background and deliver the line to L1 later (which involves complicated corner cases), or partial hits are simply uncachable?

This paper proposes residual cache, a LLC design that features lower area and power overhead compared with conventional set-associative caches. This paper points out that as the size of the LLC increases, the resulting higher power consumption and area overhead can be problematic for mobile platforms. Reducing the cache size, on the other hand, may allievate these issues, but they increase execution time due to a less effective cache hierarchy, which also negatively impacts power and performance.

This paper seeks a method to reduce the physical size of LLC without sacrificing performance. The observation made by the paper is that cache compression is effective in reducing the size of cache blocks, achieving a 2:1 or higher compression ratio in most cases. Based on this observation, the paper proposes that each physical line in the conventional LLC be only half of the logical size, cutting the size of data banks, and the resulting power and area overhead, by half. Cache lines that can be compressed to half of their original size are stored only within the conventional LLC, which is the majority of the case. In a rare case where the line is not easily compressible, an extra, smaller residual cache will buffer the rest of the cache line in its own data array, which is also organized into 32 byte blocks. In this extended architecture, access requests from the upper level may only partially hit the block stored in the conventional part of the LLC, which qualifies for cache hits as long as the requested bytes are in the conventional cache.

We next describe the design in details. The LLC data store is divided into two parts. The first part is the conventional part of the LLC, which still functions as a regular LLC, except that the data slot is only 32 byte per tag. Data stored in the conventional part of the LLC can be either a compressed line whose size is smaller than 32 bytes or 32 bytes from a full cache line. Note that in the latter cases, values are stored in an “interleaved” manner, instead of sequentially, to avoid artificially biasing against the last 32 bytes of a block. The interleaving pattern may also change based on the address to avoid biasing against odd and even numbered words. (Note: The paper does not explicitly have this, but I do think it is critical in the design). The second part is the residual cache, which stores the remaining 32 bytes of a partial cache line, if it cannot be compressed to less than 32 bytes. The residual cache is significantly smaller than the conventional cache to avoid the same power and area overhead. The residual cache is also organized as a set-associative cache. Instead of being accessed using the address of the requested block, the residual cache is addressed by the location of a block in the conventional LLC, which consists of a set number and way number. The paper suggests that the lower bits of the conventional LLC index be used as the index to the residual cache (since the size of the residual cache is smaller), and the rest be used as the tag. Both caches run independent eviction algorithms, but when the conventional LLC evicts a block, the residual block, if any, should also be evicted from the residual cache. Residual cache evictions do not require the conventional LLC to also evict the block, though.

A logical cache block can be stored in one of the two states: (1) Compressed and only stored in conventional LLC; (2) Uncompressed and stored in both caches. In the former case, the compression metadata is stored in an extra hardware structure called the encoding cache. Although the paper does not cover the details of the encoding cache, it can be inferred from the text that each 32 bit words require 2 bits of metadata for representing its compression status. The encoding cache is only accessed when compression and decompression is involved. The encoding cache has the same organization of the conventional LLC, such that entries in the LLC can be statically one-to-one mapped to the encoding cache. (Note: It would be more natural to just say that the LLC tags are extended with an extra 2-byte field.)

On a read request, the conventional cache and the encoding cache are accessed in parallel. If the conventional LLC signals a hit, and the metadata indicates that the line is compressed to less than 32 bytes, then the data array is accessed, after which the line content is decompressed. If metadata bits suggest that the line is uncompressed, then the residual cache is probed with the location of the slot that gets hit. If the residual cache also signals a hit, then the two halves of the uncompressed cache line are recovered by reading the data array of the residual cache and then weaving the interleaved words back the original order. A miss from the redicual cache in this case does not necessarily indicate an access miss. The cache hierarchy can still return the critical word to the pipeline if the word exists in the conventional LLC. Whether or not the full cache line is installed into the L1 is implementation dependent, though. If the conventional LLC signals a miss, then the full cache line is read from the DRAM. A compression will first be attempted once the DRAM access completes. If the compression is successful, i.e. the line can be compressed to less than 32 bytes, then it is installed to the conventional LLC after evicting an existing block. If compression fails, then the line will be stored uncompressed in both conventional LLC and the residual cache. An eviction is also made from the residual cache to make space for the new half.

On a write request from the upper level, the block is also compressed. This process is similar to the line fill as described above, except that it is possible that an older version of the line already exists. In this case, the size of the old version and the size of the new block after compression is compared. If both are uncompressed or smaller than 32 bytes, the new version can be directly installed. Otherwise, one block needs to be evicted from the residual cache or simply freed, to accommodate for the size change.

The paper also proposes a low latency compression and decompression circuit prototype. The prototype algorithm consists of three stages, which can be pipelined to further improve throughput. In the first stage, comparators check each of the 32 bit words in the cache line for high bit 1’s or 0’s. These patterns indicate small positive or negative values, which can be stored with less bits. The outcome of the comparison is carried to the next stage. In the next stage, the words are shifted by shifters in parallel to remove high bit 1’s or 0’s, if the comparator indicates so. Otherwise they will be unchanged. In the last stage, the compressed words are gathered, and the final size is measured. If the size is larger than 32 bytes, then compression fails, and the original block is output. If the final size is smaller than 32 bytes, compression succeeds, and the compressed line is stored in the conventional LLC’s data slot only. The encoding cache is also updated with the compression metadata of each individual word. Decompression works the same, except that the pipeline stages are reversed. The compressed words and encoding metadata are first read out, then the shift amount is generated, and finally shifted by shifter array. The paper suggests that the circuit that generates shift amount and the shift array can be shared between the encoder and decoder, since they function identically in both directions.

It should also be noted that the compression algorithm is made really simple to reduce compression and decompression latency, as only small integers are compressed to a shorter form. In addition, no further attempt will be made if the compression algorithm could reduce the size of a block by half, since there is no direct benefit of storing a smaller cache line while it is already less than 32 bytes. The algorithm also does not seek a compression ratio lower than 2:1, since it is simply a compression failure which does not contribute to runtime energy reduction.